November 12, 2010



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In This Issue
Julian Gathering
ERD gift totals $3479.05
New Dean Installed
Gospel Study at St. Simon's, Pt. Washington
Art Fair at St. Luke's, Madison
Holiday Concert at St. John Chrysostom
Wheelchair Needed
OJN Offers 'Best Practices'

Welcome to the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee's weekly electronic newsletter!  Please help us expand readership by forwarding this e-mail to others who may enjoy it.  Parishes are asked to forward E-NEWS to their members.  
All to whom you forward E-NEWS may continue receiving it by clicking on the "Join Our Mailing List" icon .
 We invite readers to send news AND  photos of  interest to the wider diocese to E-NEW at
Please be sure to give us AT LEAST TWO WEEKS NOTICE for posting upcoming events!! Thank you!

Julian of NJulian Gathering

December 8th at St. Dunstan's, Madison

Julian of Norwich was a 15th Century English mystic and anchoress.  [What's an anchoress?  In the Middle Ages, certain women and men chose to live a life intensely devoted to prayer permanently enclosed in a small room, called an anchorhold, attached to a parish church.]  Little is known about Julian's life, but she wrote a book . . . Nearly forgotten for 600 years, Julian's insights and gentle wisdom are becoming ever more widely known and appreciated . . .


read more - register to attend 



           Thank you
Diocese of Milwaukee 
Bishop Miller extends his thanks to all who supported the collection for Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) at this year's Convention Eucharist on October 9th.  He is pleased to announce that thanks to the generosity of those in attendance, a total of $3,479.05 was sent to ERD, earmarked for victims of flooding in Wisconsin.


If you have not had an opportunity to contribute to ERD, it is easy to do so by going to their website:  


New Dean Installed at Cathedral on November 7th





This is not what one expects to hear following a Bach prelude and a stirring hymn!


Look at all these people!

Let's get this party started!

Having captured the attention of all 200 or so in nave and sanctuary, the Rev. Gary Manning  and the Rev. Debra Trakel conversed with each other, albeit thoroughly miced for a rest of us, about the "the immense history of this place." They challenged us, the present saints in the company of past saints around us, that "this living history begins again today," with the installation of the Rev. Kevin Charles Carroll as the nineteenth dean of All Saints' Cathedral.

read complete article  

Upcoming Events

NOVEMBER 13-14 (Saturday/Sunday)
Booksale at St. Boniface Episcopal Church
3906 W.Mequon Road, Mequon, WI 53092
Saturday 10am-5pm     Sunday 9:30am - 2pm
NOVEMBER 20-21 (Saturday/Sunday)
Holiday Bazarr at St. Paul's, Watertown
NOVEMBER 24 (Wednesday)
Community Thanksgiving Eve meal in Burlington

NOVEMBER 28 (Sunday)   6pm
Taize prayer service at St. Matthias Episcopal Church, Waukesha (111 East Main Street).  Musicians of St. Matthias and St. Joseph's will combine to lead service.  Rehearsal for interested choir members/musicians at 4:30pm. Taize is an international, ecumenical movement of prayer, comtemplative in nature and consisting of music, readings, and periods of silence.  All are welcome.  For more information call St. Matthias director of music at 414-0460-3253.

DECEMBER 4 (Saturday) 9am - 3pm
Advent Retreat at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church

6205 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53705

RSVP: 608-238-2781 or

Retreat leader: The Venerable Susan R. Mueller, Archdeacon. Lunch, snacks, coffee and tea provided. No charge for the day, but please contact St. Dunstan's (by Monday, November 29 --  if at all possible) so we know how many to provide for. For more information call Susan Fiore, AOJN, at 608-845-2413 or e-mail her at

DECEMBER 11 (Saturday) 10am - 2pm
Holiday Fair - St. Aidan's, Hartford (670 E. Monroe Ave.)
Handmade crafts and baked goods.  Proceeds benefit ECW outreach.

Gospel Study at St. Simon's,
Port Washingtoncandls 

Join us as we Learn to Feast on the Word,

Read Sunday's gospel,

Reflect and Relate the message to our lives.

Words can feed our soul.

We meet Saturday afternoons

 from 1-2 p.m.


             St. Simon the Fisherman

                                                         Episcopal Church

                                                      3448 N. Green Bay Rd.

                                                  Port Washington, WI 53074



Authentic Art Fair

St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 4011 Major Avenue, east side of Madison  will hold it's "Authentic Art" Fair on Saturday, November 20 from 9 am to 3 pm   Fourteen area artists will sell fabulous authentic art including jewelry, paintings, photography, mixed media, handmade soap, etc. including 5 Milwaukee Episcopal Diocese artists.  Breakfast treats and lunch will also be served,  Directions are available at  This is a wonderful Art Fair that you will not want to miss!  



Holiday Concert


December 5th

St. John Chrysostom Episcopal Church

1111 Genessee Street, Delafield


12:30 - 1:30 pm

Cookies & Hot Chocolate

with St. Nicholas


2:00 - 3:00 pm

Holiday Concert performed by

Main Street Song and Dance Troup


For tickets contact the parish at

(262) 646-2727

or Nina at (262) 569-2728


Wheelchair Needed -- can you help?


Do you have an oversize wheelchair you are able to donate to Christ Church, Delavan for a parishioner? It will not need the foot braces in the front. If so, please contact the parish at either 262-728-5292 or


OJN Offers 'Best Practices'  program for Spiritual Directors

 rocking chrs

 All Spiritual Directors, both lay and clergy, who are currently practicing in the Diocese of Milwaukee are invited to gather on Wednesday November 17, from 3:00-4:30 pm at the Order of Julian of Norwich in Waukesha.  You are welcome to stay for Evensong at 5:00 pm.  The primary topic will be best practices (using material from Spiritual Directors International) but you should come away better equipped to make referrals to others practicing this ministry in our Diocese.  Please RSVP to Mother Paula Harris at 608-222-6921 or


One more time . . . THANK YOU for forwarding this newsletter to parishioners and others who may be  interested and for sending YOUR news/events / photos to .

See you next week!

Barbara Klauber
Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee