Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee 

May 7, 2009

Join Our Mailing List

It will not rain

Internet safety class  for students

Ordination to diaconate

Camp Webb
 Safeguarding God's Children
Revolutionary Parenting

ECW Spring Gathering
UTO Gathering
Education for Ministry (EFM)
General Convention Hearings
Please forward this newsletter to your parishioners and others who may be interested!
If you have information you would like included in
 E-News please send to
Welcome to the Diocese of Milwaukee's weekly electronic newsletter! 
Please help us expand our readership by forwarding this e-mail to others who may enjoy receiving it.  Parishes are asked to forward it to their members.   All to whom you forward E-NEWS may elect to continue receiving it by clicking on the large "Join Our Mailing List" icon and entering their e-mail address. 
Please send news that may be of interest to the diocese to E-NEWS at info@diomil.orgThank you!
SUNIt Will Not Rain! 
Saturday, May 30, from 9:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the afternoon, unless, of course, everything is sold before that! 
At 1:00 commences the Bag Sale: whatever can be stuffed into a bag for five bucks.  As in previous years, it will take place in the garden, and will include a Bake Sale.
Donations for sale, edible and otherwise, will be immensely appreciated. Alas, the Cathedral has no storage space (it's full of books for the Hunger Book Sale in August) so items must be dropped off that morning, any time after 7:00.
Yummy goodies!  Fantastic bargains!  A beautiful day to be outside!
Y'all come!
Internet safety class for students
If you have kids that are on the internet, you need to attend this FREE class!  Thursday, May 28 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Michael's, Racine, The Ophelia Project of SE Wisconsin will offer a workshop on what students needs to know about protecting themselves from internet predators and bullies.  Read more / register on-line or call St. Michael's at 262-639-2507.
Ordinations to the Diaconate
At 4:00 p.m. on June 6, 2009 at All Saints Cathedral, Milwaukee, Bishop Miller will ordain the following candidates to the Sacred Order of Deacons:  Thomas Ferguson, Donald Fleischman, Elizabeth Papazoglakis, and Leigh Vicens.  A reception will follow the service. All are welcome to attend.  (Festal color:  red)
CWCamp Webb
a great formation experience 
Sending your kids to Camp Webb is a great way for them to have a
camping experience centered around God in God's creation.  Each day at camp will have a theme, worship, small groups, fun and games and I'm sure they will make great memories. 
Please know that we are committed to getting every child to camp who wants to come, so please don't let money stand in the way!  Scholarships are available.  It promises to be a great summer and we hope your child can join us! For more information contact The Rev. Shannon Kelly at kelly@diomil.org  or go to www.campwebb.org .
Still looking for counselors at Camp Webb!
Are you age 19 or older or do you know someone who is?  Do you like working with kids?  Do you like the outdoors?  Do you want to have an awesome experience over the summer that will impact your life and the lives of those around you?
Come work at Camp Webb!  You can find out more information by going to www.campwebb.org or by contacting The Rev. Shannon Kelly at kelly@diomil.org .
SGPSafeguarding God's Children Information
 We are planning on holding some Safeguarding God's Children Trainings this summer and Fall.  If you or someone in your parish needs to attend the training, please let The Rev. Shannon Kelly know.  We are also trying to find all the Safeguarding God's Children kits around the Diocese.  If you have a Diocesan kit, can you please send The Rev. Shannon Kelly an email (kelly@diomil.org) and let her know you have it?  Or if your church owns a kit, and would be willing to lend it out to another church, please let her know that as well. 
FYI, The Diocese of Milwaukee has rewritten it's Misconduct Prevention Policy.  Your parish should have received one, and if they did not, they can find it on our diocesan website. 
The Rev. Shannon Kelly
Bishop's Assistant for Christian Formation
The Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee
www.diomil.org  www.campwebb.org  
Revolutionary Parenting
National Satellite Broadcast from CCN on "Revolutionary Parenting:  Raising kids to know and honor God" will be offered May 30 (8:30 AM - 3:00 PM) at St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church in Pewaukee.   Cost $25/person includes lunch/refreshments.  Read more/register at St. Bartholomew's website!
ECW Spring Meeting 
 This year's ECW spring meeting with luncheon and UTO Ingathering takes place May 16th at the Church of the Resurrection in Mukwonago and features The Rev. Shannon Kelly speaking on Lifelong Formation.  The event begins at 8:30 a.m. and runs through lunchtime. Cost is $12/person. Registration forms are available on the diocesan website or by calling Church of the Resurrection at  (262) 363-9016.
ECW - UTO Spring gathering
This year's ECW spring meeting with luncheon and UTO Ingathering takes place May 16th at the Church of the Resurrection in Mukwonago and features The Rev. Shannon Kelly speaking on Lifelong Formation.  The event begins at 8:30 a.m. and runs through lunchtime. Cost is $12/person. Registration forms are available on the diocesan website or by calling Church of the  Resurrection at  (262) 363-9016.
General Convention Hearings
All members of the diocese are invited to attend one of the pre-General Convention hearings -- to learn about the business GC will deal with, to provide input, and to meet members of the diocese's delegation.  The hearing schedule is listed below.
May 12 (Tuesday)    7:30 p.m. at  St. Luke's, Madison
May 16 (Saturday)  10:30 a.m. at St. Mary's, Dousman
May 19 (Tuesday)    7:30 p.m. at Trinity, Wauwatosa
No RSVP is necessary -- all are welcome!
Education for Ministry (EFM) 
Education for Ministry (EFM) is a program of the School of Theology of the University of the South that provides theological education-at-a-distance for laity. Students sign up for one year at a time of this four-year program. It covers the basics of a theological education in the Old and New Testaments, church history, liturgy, and theology. Students meet regularly, usually once a week, in seminars under the guidance of trained mentors. The program grants a certificate at the completion of the four years and 18 Continuing Education Units for each year's work.
Members of an EFM group experience community, challenge themselves in study, and learn ways to become more intentional and articulate in the ministries to which they are called in their daily lives.The EFM group meeting at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church is looking for new members to begin in September 2009. (The specific day and time will be determined later with input from participants.)
There are two information sessions being offered at St. Dunstan's: Thursday, May 21, from 7-8 pm, and Sunday, June 14, from 1-2 pm. Please come to one of these sessions to learn more about the program. Time commitment, costs, financial aid, and student experiences will be discussed. If you have any questions please contact Gloria Alt at 608-370-6113, altmode@charter.net. St. Dunstan's is located at 6205 University Avenue, Madison.
Treasures & Treats . . .
Treasure & Treats Sale: Come to St. Dunstan's rummage and bake sale on Saturday, June 6, 9 am-1 pm. We'll be selling collectibles, clothing, knicknacks, holiday items, sporting goods, garden supplies, toys, puzzzles, books, tapes, CDs, DVDs, software, crafting supplies, camping gear, housewares, jewelry, baby items, furniture, electronics, appliances, tools, furniture, tools--something for everyone. And the price will be right! St. Dunstan's is located at 6205 University Avenue, Madison.
One more time . . . THANK YOU for forwarding this newsletter to parishioners and others who may be  interested and for sending YOUR news/events to info@diomil.org .
See you next week!

Barbaraa Klauber
Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee