Vitamin D3 News
Breaking news from:                                                                  
September 2010
When is it best to take your Vitamin D?
 A study conducted at the Cleveland Clinic Bone Clinic has determined when it is best to take your Vitamin D. Many patients who take Vitamin D fail to achieve adequate levels despite taking high doses of Vitamin D. This study explored a group of patients who had failed to reach adequate levels of Vitamin D despite taking doses ranging from 1000-50000IU.
The study included patients taking a large range of doses and dosage forms of Vitamin D. Some were taking D2, while others were taking D3. Some were taking an oil preparation and others a solid preparation. But all were having difficulty achieving optimal levels.

* One group was taking approximately 1,400 IUs of Vitamin D3 (either oil or solid capsule) a day, with a baseline 25OHD averaging 28.9ngms/ml
* One group was taking 50,000 IUs of Vitamin D2 (oil preparation) per week with a baseline 25OHD averaging 31.3ngs/ml
* One small group of 3 was taking >50,000 (average dose of 183,333 IUs a week) IUs of Vitamin D2 (oil preparation) per week with a baseline 25OHD averaging 32.4mg/ml.
All the participants were told to keep taking their usual Vitamin D supplement, but to take it with their largest meal of the day, usually dinner. After two to three months the participants had their Vitamin D levels measured, and everyone ended up with an average increase of around 50% over baseline in their Vitamin D levels.

* patients taking 1,400 IUs of D3 went from 28.9 before to 45.4 ng/mL
* patients taking 50,000 IUs of D2 went from 31.3 before to 48.3 ng/mL
* patients taking >50,000 IUs of D2 went from 32.4 to 48.7 ng/mL
 So by the end of the study period, Vitamin D levels had risen to an average of 47.2 ng/ml (118 nmol/l) -an average increase in vitamin D levels of about 57%.

This study is not totally ideal in that it lacked a control group - a group of individuals who continued to take their Vitamin D as usual and not with the biggest meal of the day. However the study does show us that even patients who have difficulty rasing their Vitamin D levels can do so by taking their supplement with food. It also demonstrated that the formulation of Vitamin D, either oil-based or a solid tablet formulation, did not make a difference as some have suspected.
Ref: J Bone Miner Res. 2010 Apr;25(4):928-30.
Taking vitamin D with the largest meal improves absorption and results in higher serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Mulligan GB, Licata A.
Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA.
5000 IU Micro tabletsVitamin D3 Micro tablets at Discounted Prices!
Due to the popularity of our Vitamin D microtablet formulation, we are now able to offer all four strengths of the Vitamin D microtablet at substantially lower prices.
Please visit our sites at and and take advantage of these discounted prices while our stock lasts. 
Our microtablet is made from D3 produced from lanolin obtained by washing sheep's wool, which makes it suitable for vegetarians. The microtablets are produced and formulated by Atlas Operations in the USA. Atlas Operations has a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and is inspected FDA. 
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