The Grey Town Gazette |
News from the urban sprawl
February 2009
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Forty Shades of Grey....and Brown

Welcome to our February edition of The Grey Town Gazette - The source for local and international news!
As we write Grey Town really does look stunning, its usual forty shades of grey embellished with lovely hues of salty pink and brown, and its towers shrouded in a romantic mist. Truly magical!
And we've got some topical stories for you:
For the ladies we've got the heart warming story of the miraculous crash landing at Wandle Valley Airport, and a heart wrenching report of tragedy unfolding in Waddon, but fear not ladies - it features a touching mention of Rover the collie too!
For the men we've got a couple of in-depth articles about some important things happening in the worlds of international finance and politics.
So there you go, something for everyone: enjoy!
In our next addition:
Special Feature - French Aircraft Carrier Clemenceau to be shipped to Grey Town for break-up. In a tale reminiscent of the post-war guns-to-plowshares program we will be reporting on how this toxic 50,000 ton ship is to be transported overland to a secret location near Purley where a special inland dry dock is being built to allow it to be safely dismantling and recycled into garden furniture.
Are you affected by this? Did you serve on Clemenceau? Are you unemployed and hoping to get a job at the yard? Or are you just interested in cheap garden furniture? If so we want to hear from you, and include your story in our report.
Miracle on the Wandle
Wandle Valley Airport, Tues 3rd Feb:
Stunned survivors last night praised the skill of the pilot who managed to land his snow caked plane in the short-term car park at Wandle Valley International Airport.
Former NASA pilot Clancy "Wally" Wallenburger II displayed steel resolve as he fearlessly landed his stricken Waddon Air Avro Piglet without a single injury or loss of life. This was the first recorded air crash where not only were no passengers lost, but where more were added, as one passenger gave birth to twins as the plane landed!
According to Denby "Den" Withington, co-pilot, the flight had initially been a routine night run from Brussels: "The passengers were docile, and we (the crew) had finished dinner and downed a couple of crates of beer before settling down to our usual nap on autopilot. When we awoke it was like nothing we'd seen before - in fact we couldn't see anything because the screen was caked with ice, snow and dead geese! Wally was fantastic. without even spilling his drink he took us into a controlled 10,000 foot spin to the airport. There was a 747 (bus) manoeuvring on the runway so we couldn't land there, but cool as a cucumber Wally got me to check with ATC if there was any space in the car park, and luckily there was. Wally made a perfect landing! He's a real hero!
As if that wasn't enough, Wallenburger twice went through the passenger compartment checking for remaining passengers before finally being the last man to leave the plane for the safety of the car park. Carrying only his signature leather holdall in one hand and a beer in the other he was the epitome of cool professionalism.
Wallenburger was characteristically reserved and down-played his role in the drama: "it was my training, I only did my job. I was just thankful that it was a drive-in space, because these crates are pigs to reverse"
Passengers were full of praise: Londoner Chaz Smith summed up for the rest when he said "we just love that geezer, he's a true diamond! The landing was so smooth we didn't even wake up 'til we 'erd the sound of the dead geese falling on the cars!".
The mother of the twins, local girl Tracy Easybike, added: "yea...he's like, like real ok...yea...I'd like to show him my real special thanks..you know, ha....yea. I'd 'ave bin gutted if any 'arm had come to my little uns." Twins Barack and Paris are said to be doing fine.
At a hastily arranged press conference, local dignitary, Lord "Tony" Bungmeone (Lab., Grey Town West), awarded Wallenburger Freedom of Grey Town: "Wally is a true hero, a hero's hero of heroic proportions. He's the Barack Obama of Public Air Transportation. In this time of Economic Crisis and Bad Weather Events we need people like Wally to help us pull through".
The only negative note of the day came to light later when a number of passengers complained of missing personal effects, apparently taken from their hand luggage. Airport police would not be drawn on their possible lines of enquiry.
Official Report: Serious Weather Event caused by The Credit Freeze
Green Party calls for The Weather to be Nationalised
Bankers and Weather Forecasters sent to Gulag - controversial use of Anti-Terror Laws
Westminster, Wed 4th Feb:
In a damming report the powerful cross-party Parliamentary Gardening Committee has laid blame for the recent extreme weather squarely at the feet of the City of London. The report cites research by the Coulsdon Institute of Economic and Environmental Affairs (a faculty of the renowned Merstham Hairdressing Academy) showing a causal link between the down-turn in the economy and recent plunging temperatures.
"The figures speak for themselves, the numbers cannot lie" said Chair, Sedgwin Meddlemuch (Lib. Dorking Central) "...the country demands that we curb the excesses of the the City Bankers and return niceness to the economy and to Britain's weather".
Green Party members went further and demanded that The Weather must be Nationalised: "we can't entrust the running of something as important as Britain's weather to random chance. It needs to be managed. We also demand the prosecution of those responsible for the Bad Weather Event".
Abuse of Terror Laws?
Meanwhile there is a growing backlash against the use of anti-terror legislation to round-up those accused of causing the recent crises. Several thousand bankers, insurance salesmen and weather forecasters have already been transported by open wagon to the East Anglian Gulag at Skipdock on Sea, Suffolk.
Suria Glupta, spokesperson of the People's Freedom Alliance (Surrey Branch), protested: "so far these laws have been used to bankrupt Iceland, arrest bankers, and enforce payment of Television Licenses, but they are yet to be used successfully against terrorists". The Government declined to comment.
Footnote: Crispin Le Grand Boner (Cons. Wandle South) Vice Chair of the committee was unavailable for comment, having been unseen since Monday.
EU announces Bail Out Fund for Global Warming Industry
Global Warming Denial now a Capital Offence

Brussels, Wed. 4th Feb.
The EU Directorate of Climate Theology (EUCLIT) has issued an urgent demand for National Governments to contribute to an EU-wide Bail-out Fund for The Global Warming "Industry":
Issuing an Executive Decree, Directorate Fuhrer Fritz Von Stompinghammer added: "This is a serious crisis, even in the unimportant parts of Europe. Everywhere temperatures are falling. Faith is weakening. Windmill sales are collapsing. Global Warming and all it stands for is under threat. We have to act now to protect our investment in this key Industry".
The EU Council of Ministers has simultaneously ratified a statute making it a capital offense to deny Global Warming.
The EU (France, Germany and their European colonies) are World leaders in exporting Global Warming Theology and related technologies, which together accounted for 78% of the region's exports in 2008. The industry supports thousands of unskilled jobs in central and local government, city academies, NGOs and windmill manufacturers.
Local Dogging Community in Mourning
Grey Town Bypass, Tues. Feb 3rd:
A community is in mourning after the discovery of five people tragically frozen to death during The Weather Event. Rescue services discovered their partially eaten bodies early Tuesday after an all night search and rescue operation involving regional emergency services and the Terrence Higgins Trust. The snow-bound cars were finally found when rescuers heard barking by Rover, a border collie belonging to one of the victims.
"Kevin", official spokesman for the National Dogging and Swinging Club (Waddon Chapter) spoke of his personal sense of loss, and asked for the press and public to to respect the privacy of the bereaved and fellow club members: "...these were two and a bit couples enjoying a perfectly normal Monday evening's activity who tragically got caught out by plunging temperatures and premature precipitation. Our condolences go out their families and fellow enthusiasts".
Police issued a statement warning that the extreme weather made outdoor pursuits extremely dangerous without proper training and equipment.
The victims have not been named, but are thought to include an ex Premier League footballer, a local MP and his Police Sergeant partner, and Heidi from the chip shop.
Footnote: Apart from acquiring a taste for frozen meat, Rover appears unharmed by his ordeal but is undergoing counseling as a precautionary measure. Cards and gifts can be sent c/o The Editor.
Cheap Geese! unexpected fresh stocks of locally produced birds. Frozen and partially plucked. Ideal family sized Sunday roasting birds. Makes a wonderful seasonal alternative to chicken. Go on - give it a try! Only £3 each. Two for £5! (note: these are organically raised birds, and my contain some blemishes and bruising. This is perfectly normal). Call Den c/o Waddon Air.
Wanted: chip shop assistant. Busy local outlet. Regular customers, some with special needs. You need to be fit and healthy with outgoing personality, and have a love of outdoor pursuits. Are you also female, under 25, blond, bubbly and willing? Then apply today! Applications to Kev c/o The Battered Pikey, Grey Town South. We are an equal opportunities employer.
Celebrate St Valantine's in style! Do something special for your loved one - come along to our special St Valentine's evening. Enjoy the Special Menu (Goose Vindaloo) and Karaoke. Free bottle of wine for all couples (or lager if you are pregnant or driving). Come and join us! Back Passage To India, High St, Grey Town South.
Sunseeker Motor Yacht: 1 year old. Bargain £50,000 cash. Tenth of price new. Must sell. Owner having to leave country for personal reasons. Also Ferrari 346, 5k miles only, £10,000 cash. Contact: Toby, Penthouse 2, Canada Reach Apartments, Canary Wharf.
Need a job? Got no papers? no problem! do you know how to use a sledgehammer and wield a pipe cutter? Are you blase about working with hazardous waste? Are you prepared to bend health and safety rules? If so, you could make a new career in Garden Furniture Manufacturing. Good hours. High pay. Early retirement plan. Apply to Don's Scrap Yard, Purley.
Antique Jewelry: Pearl necklace, Gold bracelet, Mont Blanc pen, Rolex watch. Excellent condition. Possessions of my dearest departed Aunt Fanny. £100 pounds the lot. Contact Wally, PO Box 63, Waddon North. | |
Small print:
Copyright February 2009 The Ministry of Light.
All Rights Reserved etc.
The Grey Town Gazette is published by The Ministry of Light, a wholly owed subsidiary of a labyrinthine chain of holding companies and proxies far to complex to list here.
The Grey Town Gazette is published in good faith. The accuracy of the stories is questionable and is certainly not guaranteed. Any reference to persons living or dead is unintentional and purely coincidental. |