Statement from MERCAZ Olami  condemning the brutal attack on Rabbi Alter in Berlin
August 31, 2012

MERCAZ Olami strongly condemns the attack on our friend and colleague, Rabbi Daniel Alter on Tuesday, August 29 in Berlin. Rabbi Alter is one of the German MERCAZ Olami delegates to the World Zionist Organization.

Not only did the assailants seriously injure Rabbi Alter, but also threatened to kill his six year old daughter who was a witness to the attack.

Hate crimes such as this cannot be tolerated in Germany, nor in any enlightened country in today's world. 

We applaud the government of Germany and particcularly in Berlin for their firm condemnation of this attack and of any racist or other hate crimes and we are happy to partner in all activities that foster understanding between the different religions and ethnic groups in Berlin and throughout Germany.
We wish Rabbi Alter a refuah shlemah, a full recovery, and send him, his family and our brethren in Germany, our heartfelt support and best wishes for a New Year filled with harmony and Shalom.

Dr. Steven Wolnek
President of MERCAZ Olami
Rabbi Tzvi Graetz
Executive Director of MERCAZ Olami
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg
President of the Rabbinical Assembly of Europe

Rabbi Gesa Ederberg
Rabbinic Advisor of Masorti Germany

Mario Marcus
President of Masorti Germany
Dr. Joanna Kubar    
President of Masorti Europe

Rabbi Chaim Weiner
Av Bet Din and Director of Masorti Europe
Alan Silberman
President of Masorti Olami

Read more about the attack here: