Masorti Olami News

!שנה טובה ומתוקה 

Happy & Sweet New Year! 

Masorti Olami's annual
Evening of Tribute
will take place in on
Sunday, December 16, 2012 starting at 5pm

For further information, to reserve your ticket or to place a Tribute ad or message for our honorees, go to

for more information contact 

Masorti Olami projects are supported by The World Zionist Organization
Masorti Olami projects are supported by
The World Zionist
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September 2012
ELUL 5772 / TISHREI 5773 
MERCAZ OlamiShalom,

Recently a survey was released showing that there has been growth in the population of the World Jewish community. But anyone involved in Masorti Olami and MERCAZ Olami already knows that. The Jewish year 5772 has been filled with growth.   

We grew in Kiev with the installation of Rabbi Reuven Stamov witnessed by our Mission of Masorti Jews from around the world who traveled there especially for the occasion.  The young adults and teenagers who performed outstanding dances and songs are part of the Jewish renewal taking place there.

We grew in Israel, where we brought together not once but twice, groups of young Jewish adults from Latin America and Europe to explore Israel, build leadership and share their experiences at the Kiyum Seminars.

Also in Israel, we brought together young Masorti/Conservative youth who were spending a gap year for NOAM Olami seminars to strengthen their ties with each other and to help ensure the future of our movement.

We grew in the European region with the addition of new Masorti kehillah Shir Chadash in Brussels, and a new Masorti rabbi in Gothenburg, Sweden.  We made our voices heard in Germany through our statements against the ban on circumcision there and our condemnation of the attack on our friend and colleague, Rabbi Daniel Alter, in Berlin.

We grew in outreach to our kehillot by providing educational materials for Pesach and Simchat Torah. More than 1,000 people downloaded and used our '4 ways of connecting your Seder' readings, and more than 15,000 of our modern and Zionist Simchat Torah flags have already been shipped to Conservative/Masorti communities around the world. Our flags will be waved in more than 130 different communities this Simchat Torah - a real moment of global Judaism for our movement.

We grew because of your support and involvement.   

As 5773 approaches, we are already hard at work to continue the process of building, supporting, renewing and strengthening our kehillot, our movement and the State of Israel. We hope that in the coming year you will have the opportunity to visit one of these many kehillot and see just how important and effective our work is.

We wish you, your family and Am Yisrael, a year of health, happiness and Shalom.

Shana Tova,

Dr. Steve Wolnek  President, MERCAZ Olami

Alan H. Silberman 
President, Masorti Olami

Rabbi Tzvi Graetz 
Executive Director, Masorti Olami & MERCAZ Olami    

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Our Man of the Jewish World
Recently, Masorti Olami President, Alan Silberman was featured in the cover story of the Chicago Jewish News.  The story tells of Alan's work with kehillot around the world and his dedication to Masorti Olami.  Click here to read the full article.

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