Masorti Olami News
In This Issue
Now sisters: Sinai Temple & Adath Shalom.
Va'ad HaPoel 2012
Kol Dichfin - your seat at a Seder
Celebrating recent Chagim around the world - TuBishvat & Purim

Now sisters: Sinai Temple & Adath Shalom

Sinai Temple
in Los Angeles, California &
Adath Shalom in Paris, France have officially become sister congregations in order to deepen each congregation's connection to the worldwide Masorti movement.

Founded originally in 1906, Sinai Temple was the very first Conservative congregation in California. Rabbi David Wolpe, the current Senior Rabbi of the synagogue is a great supporter of the worldwide Masorti movement and this partnership. Adath Shalom, established 25 years ago, is the largest Masorti kehillah in France, and amongst the largest in Europe.

One of the first projects for the connected congregations will be to arrange an exchange program of young people aged 15 to 17.

We wish both congregations Mazal Tov on this historic partnership.

Our Delegates at Va'ad HaPoel

The World Zionist Organization's annual Va'ad HaPoel meetings will take place in Jerusalem from Wednesday, June 20th to Friday, June 22nd, 2012.


Click here for the Va'ad HaPoel 2012 webpage.


The Masorti Olami and MERCAZ Olami delegation will meet for a Va'ad HaPoel Orientation evening on Tuesday, June 19th.  


Va'ad HaPoel delegates are also invited to attend the Jewish Agency Assembly in Jerusalem on Sunday, June 24th and Monday, June 25th.


If you have any questions, please email Marcus Frieze

World Zionist Organization
Masorti Olami projects are supported by
The World Zionist
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April 2012
NISSAN 5772  
4 ways of connecting your Seder to Israel 5772

Following the positive feedback and response we received last Pesach, Masorti Olami and MERCAZ Olami have once again produced our '4 ways of connecting your Seder to Israel' publication.

This publication once again includes interesting readings and discussion pieces to add to your Seder which will connect you with Israel and the Jewish people. This year's themes include: Celebrating Jewish Peoplehood, Four outstanding women in Jewish/Israel history, The truth about the survival of the Jewish people, and Rejoicing in the freedom of Gilad Shalit.

In a true statement of Global Jewish Peoplehood, our publication is available to view, download and print in English, Hebrew, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian and Polish at

I hope you enjoy our publication, and help us spread its message by sharing it with your family & friends. I also wish you, your family and the entire Jewish people a happy and kosher Pesach.

Kol tuv,
Rabbi Tzvi Graetz
Executive Director, Masorti Olami & MERCAZ Olami   Find us on Facebook
4 ways English
Kol Dichfin - your seat at a Seder, no matter where you are this Pesach
Once again, Masorti Olami is a partner for the Kol Dichfin project which helps find a seat at a Masorti/Conservative Seder for those not able to be with their families or friends this Pesach.
Go to for details of synagogues/kehillot in North America and 15 other countries around the world who will welcome you to a Seder.
Kol Dichfin Kol Dichin is operated by Project Reconnect, an outreach initiative of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism's Alumni Department.
Celebrating recent Chagim around the world

Here are pictures from some of the many recent wonderful activities that have taken place in Masorti kehillot around the world.
TuBishvat 5772 in pictures
Click on the picture above to view the complete album of TuBishvat photos on our Facebook page.

Purim 5772 in pictures Click on the picture above to view the complete album of Purim photos on our Facebook page.
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