Masorti Olami News
In This Issue
First Kiyum Leadership seminar
Chanukah celebrations around the world
Two new Presidents in Europe
Mission to Ukraine
Ukraine Mission July 11th to 17th 2012
Join Masorti Olami and The Schechter Institute for a 7 Day mission to Odessa and Kiev in Ukraine.

Join us to learn about the Jewish history of Ukraine, meet Masorti families from around the country and celebrate the installation of Ukraine's first Masorti Rabbi.

Prices start from $690 per person.

Click here for a detailed itinerary and to download a registration form.
World Wide Wrap 2012

  The World Wide Wrap brings the global Jewish community together to learn and practice the mitzvah of tefillin.  


Why not see if your Masorti / Conservative congregation is already taking part, or sign-up to participate for the first time on Sunday, February 5th.


Details, materials and videos at 

Our Delegates at Va'ad HaPoel

The World Zionist Organization's annual Va'ad HaPoel meetings will take place in Jerusalem from Wednesday, June 20th to Friday, June 22nd, 2012.


The Masorti Olami and MERCAZ Olami delegation will meet for a Va'ad HaPoel Orientation evening on Tuesday, June 19th. Time and location will be announced soon.


Va'ad HaPoel delegates are also invited to attend the Jewish Agency Assembly in Jerusalem on Sunday, June 24th and Monday, June 25th.


If you have any questions, please email Marcus Frieze

World Zionist Organization
Masorti Olami projects are supported by
The World Zionist
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January 2012
TEVET 5772  
January 2012 Tevet 5772


In this, our first Masorti Olami Newsletter of 2012, we review Chanukah activities around the world. Just as the Maccabees did more than 2,000 years ago, this Chanukah, Masorti communities around the world signified the importance of being Jewish by lighting candles and celebrating the miracle of this festival. Have a look at our pictures from these celebrations below.

Also this Chanukah, Masorti Olami began our new Kiyum Leadership Institute, a series of seminars for young leaders from around the world, aimed at developing their Masorti Jewish and Zionist knowledge, strengthen their identity and deepen their connection to Israel. Below you can read about the European young leaders who participated in the first seminar, and click on the youtube link to hear thoughts and impressions from a few of them.

I hope you enjoy reading this and all of our publications throughout 2012.

Kol tuv,
Rabbi Tzvi Graetz
Executive Director, Masorti Olami & MERCAZ Olami    
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Kiyum Seminar - youtube video
Kiyum Leadership Institute - First Seminar
While the Jewish world was focusing on the divisions between Haredim and secular Jews in Israel, our worldwide Masorti/Conservative movement made its own history last week with the first seminar of the groundbreaking Kiyum Leadership Institute. 11 dynamic young leaders from the European Masorti movement came together in Israel for this unique week-long seminar to develop their Jewish knowledge, practice and understanding of Masorti Judaism as well as their understanding of and connection to Israel. Participants came from UK, France, Spain, Hungary and Israel.
The participants' enthusiasm about Kiyum, which celebrated their shared values and their diversity, was moving: "The most positive aspect was to get to meet people from all around Europe with different approaches towards Judaism". "It was interesting to discover new ways of leading services." "[The seminar] strengthened my connection to my Jewish identity and Israel through sharing emotions and views with an amazing group of people". "Having the feeling of being in a community, doing together what Tradition says, strengthened my Jewish identity as nothing has before."
Kiyum InstituteClick here to watch a short movie about Kiyum, and hear just how the participants felt about their experience. Click here for a gallery of photos from the seminar.
We look forward to continuing our relationship with these vibrant young Masorti leaders of the future, and to welcoming participants from Latin America next week as they participate in the second Kiyum seminar. As always, thanks must go to the World Zionist Organization for their support of this project.
Chanukah around the world
Chanukah around the world
Here are pictures from some of the many Chanukah activities that took place in Masorti kehillot around the world.
At Adath Shalom in Paris, France more than 200 people joined the celebrations and heard the choir perform. At New North London Synagogue in London, UK, the children in the kindergarten painted an huge chanukiah, and members attended a Chanukah party including music from Tabouli, the acappella choir, conducted by Chazzan Jeremy Burko. At Kehila do Parana in Curitiba, Brazil, more than 100 people lit the third candle and heard the Kanthus Vocal group perform.  At Bet El in Madrid, Spain the community came together to build their own large chanukiah out of wood. In Berlin, Germany, children at the Masorti kindergarten made their own doughnuts, and youth at the Oranienburger Strasse synagogue celebrated with games and food on the sixth night. At the Dor Vador Talmud Torah in Paris, France, students learned the story of Chanukah and then made their own chanukiot. Comunidad Judia in Alicante, Spain once again displayed an enormous chanukiah in the town center, and as well as having a celebration inside the synagogue. Rabbi Floriane Chinksy led Chanukah celebrations at Chir Hadach in Brussels, Belgium on the first night, whereas kehillot Ma'ayane Or in Nice, France and Judaica Marseille in Marseille, France celebrated on the 3rd and 5th nights respectively. In Bournemouth, UK Chanukah celebrations were held at the home of Burl & Leila Solomons - pictured are the communities three Bnei Mitzvah for this year. In Edgeware UK, EMS had a family Chanukah party on the last night, including game-show and treasure hunt activities. At Buckhurst Hill near London, UK, the kehillah's Chanukah party also celebrated the completion of the repair of a Sefer Torah. At Masorti Almere-Weesp, Netherlands, the community celebrated Chanukah with the Liberal Jewish Group and Jewish Society of Workers, and activities included a raffle and music. At Neve Shalom near Paris, France - one of our newest Masorti kehillot - Chanukah was celebrated in style with a family magic show. At NCI in Montevideo, Uruguay, the kehillah organized its third, annual, Night of Voices and Lights - a choir concert and competition.

Check out our Facebook gallery of Chanukah pictures here.
Two new Presidents for Europe
Two New Presidents in Europe
Mazal Tov and Behatzlacha to Dr Joanna Kubar (left picture) from Nice, France who began her term as President of Masorti Europe in November. Joanna succeeds Gillian Caplin from London.
Mazal Tov and Behatzlacha also to Aline Schapira (right picture) of Paris, France who was elected the new President of Massorti France last week. Aline succeeds Sergio Wax of Nice, France.
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