Masorti Olami News
December 2011 - Kislev 5752
Chag Hanukkah Same'ach from Masorti Olami & MERCAZ Olami

Happy Hanukkah
On this sixth night of Hanukkah, we'd like to extend our very best wishes on this festival to you and all of your family.

As always, we would love to receive pictures of your kehillah's Hanukkah celebrations which we will use in our next newsletter. Please send your photos along  with a short description to Marcus Frieze ( and we'll include the best in our Hanukkah global round-up to be published in Masorti Olami's January newsletter.
An Evening of Tribute 2011

Masorti Olami's annual Evening of Tribute took place two weeks ago in New York City. Almost 200 people attended the event to see Rabbi Vernon Kurtz, Hazzan Alisa Pomerantz-Boro and Dr Marilyn Wind receive their well deserved awards.
An Evening of Tribute 2011
We are happy to share with you the following links to photos and video from the event :
  • Click here to view a Facebook gallery of photos from the event 
  • Click here to watch the opening movie from the event - interviews with our honorees 
  • Click here to view the gallery of Tribute ads and messages given for our honorees
  • Click here to watch a video of Hazzan Alisa Pomerantz-Boro and the Shir Nefesh choir 
Annual Review 2011

We are happy to announce that our recently published Annual Review of 2011 is now available to read in full online. Click here to view or download it. Email Marcus Frieze ( with your feedback, or if you would like to request printed copies. 
Annual Review 2011
Mission to Ukraine - July 2011

Registration is now open for Masorti Olami & The Schechter Institute's Mission to Ukraine in July 2012. Choose either our 7 Day trip to Odessa & Kiev, from July 11th to 17th, or our 5 Day trip to Kiev, from July 13th to 17th. Click here for a detailed itinerary, click here to download a registration form and click here to download a flyer. Registration closes February 1, 2012. If you have any questions, please email Marcus Frieze (

Ukraine Mission 2012