4 Ways Of Connecting Your Seder To Israel

Masorti Olami



wish you, and all your family a Happy Pesach

Masorti Olami



With only a week to go until Pesach, I wanted to take the opportunity to share with you our exciting new Pesach publication, entitled 4 Ways of Connecting Your Seder to Israel.  


We recommend that you print out this short and concise 2 page publication, and use it during your Seder. As you will see from the version shown below, we have given suggestions for when to add these readings to your Seder, but feel free to be creative.

Please take a moment to forward this email to your friends, family and community so that they too may add a connection to Israel in their Seder.


Next Monday/Tuesday nights, Conservative/Masorti Jews around the world will come together to remember the Exodus from Egypt as well as our common connection to the State of Israel.


 To print the publication, go to www.masortiworld.org/4ways and choose the format most suitable for you. We have English, English large fonts (4 pages), Spanish, Portuguese, French and of course Hebrew.


We hope you enjoy using our publication, and wish you all a Chag Pesach Same'ach.


Kol tuv,


Rabbi Tzvi Graetz

Executive Director, Masorti Olami & MERCAZ Olami 

4 Ways Of Connecting Your Seder To Israel

www.masortiworld.org/4ways to print this publication in 5 different languages

4 Ways Of Connecting Your Seder To Israel


www.masortiworld.org/4ways to print this publication in 5 different languages