Masorti Israel's New PR campaign
The Masorti Movement in Israel's new PR campaign (pictured above in the style of the Yellow Pages) shows great sages and Rabbis of Jewish history along with their chosen professions. In a statement which aims to criticize the non-working ultra-Orthodox, the headline reads " Torah that is not accompanied by a worldly trade will in the end amount to nothing." Click here to see the full ad.
Article about Masorti Jews in Uganda
A recent article (in Hebrew) on Yediot Ahronot's Ynet website, hi-lighted the Abayudaya community of Masorti Jews in Uganda. Moved by the feeling of Jewish peoplehood, Israeli Young Judea participant, Yael Norko, wrote about her journey to visit them. Click here for the article and pictures.
11th World Wide Wrap
Just a reminder that FJMC's 11th annual, World Wide Wrap will take place on Sunday, February 6th. You too could put on tefillin with hundreds of other Masorti Jews in this special event. For more information, go to
Keep up-to-date with Masorti Olami News
Shalom and welcome to our first e-newsletter of 2011!
The past year was one of great challenges, but also great successes. We rose to the challenge of helping our chaverim (friends) in Chile after the terrible earthquake in February. We also stood fast in our fight for religious pluralism in Israel and around the world. And of course we continued to support, inspire and stimulate the development and growth of Masorti kehillot and projects throughout the world. You can read more about these and many other interesting stories in our Review of 2010. Click here to flip through it online, or email me if you would like a printed copy.
Throughout 2011 we look forward to sharing with you news about exciting new developments around the Masorti world, and welcome your comments, interest and support for our sacred work.
Kol tuv,
Rabbi Tzvi Graetz Executive Director
NOAM Olami takes its next step 
In December, 13 representatives from Masorti youth organizations in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, France, Israel, UK and USA came together in London for the second NOAM Olami Leadership Seminar. This seminar followed the first-ever NOAM Olami activity, which took place in June in Jerusalem. The London seminar focused on sharing ideas and information about NOAM around the world, as well as developing the directions and aims for the NOAM Olami worldwide coalition of Masorti youth organizations. Watch this space for future NOAM Olami developments throughout 2011. To read a report about the seminar, click here. For a full gallery of photos click here, and to become a fan of NOAM Olami on Facebook, click here.
Channukah celebrations around the world 
Masorti kehillot and youth organizations around the world hosted a huge number of Channukah celebrations during late November and early December, attended by hundreds of adults and young people. This year we bring you news from some of the Channukah activities in our French kehillot - Adath Shalom in Paris and Maayane Or in Nice. Both kehillot celebrated Channukah with music, food, fun activities and of course, lighting the Channukah candles. Click here for a short gallery of pictures and details of the celebrations.
Repairs completed, Conc  epcion synagogue re-opens
After many months of fund-raising, planning and building work, repairs at Comunidad Israelita de Concepci�n, in Concepcion, Chile are now complete. The synagogue building was badly damaged following the massive earthquake whicn struck the region at the end of February, 2010. With the help of Masorti Olami's Rabbis and donors, our Chile Earthquake Relief Fund helped the community carry out essential repair and renovation work to the synagogue building. The synagogue re-opened in time to celebrate Channukah. Click here to read the full story, and click here for a gallery of pictures of the repaired synagogue.
Welcome to Melbourne: Rabb  i Adam Stein
Kehillat Nitzan in Melbourne, Australia announced recently that Rabbi Adam Stein will become their spiritual leader later this year. Rabbi Stein replaces Rabbi Ehud Bandel who returned to Israel a few months ago after serving the kehillah for more than 5 years (click here to read recent press articles about Rabbi Bandel's departure). President of the kehillah, Zvi Civins, told us, "The selection committee were unanimous in our belief that he would be an ideal rabbi to connect with all ages in our community and help Kehillat Nitzan grow". Rabbi Stein was ordained in 2009 at the Ziegler Rabbinic School of the American Jewish University in Los Angeles, CA. His previous experience includes working for Hillel, teaching at Camp Ramah, and running a variety of interfaith programs. He is currently the Assistant Rabbi of Congregation Beth Shalom in Kansas City, MI. We wish him, and his wife Tamar, Mazal Tov and Be'hatzlacha in Melbourne.
 MAROM Mondial - a worldwide Channukah event
On the fifth night of Channukah, MAROM Olami hosted a worldwide Channukah celebration. In order to really connect with each other, MAROM young adults from Jerusalem, Buenos Aires, London, Alicante, Paris, Sao Paulo, Budapest and Valencia took part in a Channukah limmud (learning) session and candle lighting. How was this possible ? Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, these 8 different locations were linked in a live web-conference, allowing everyone to see, hear and talk to each other. The picture above gives you an idea of how it looked. This pilot event was very successful, and more will come throughout 2011. To watch the whole w eb-conference, go to
A new Shlicha in town 
Masorti AmLat (Latin America) recently welcomed its new Shlicha, Rabbi Deby Grinberg. Deby, who is based in Sao Paulo, Brazil, is excited about her new position as Regional Shlicha. She will work with kehillot, NOAM youth and MAROM young adults around the region, and help deepen their knowledge and connection to Israel and the Masorti Movement. Deby has many years of experience working in the Masorti Movement, having just completed 5 years as the Rabbi of NOAM in Israel. Prior to making Aliyah, she coordinated MAROM and NOAM activities in Chile for 3 years, as well as having been very involved in Jewish youth education in her home country of Argentina. She received her Rabbinic ordination from the Seminario Rab�nico Latinoamericano in Buenos Aires, having also studied at the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem. Deby is joined in Sao Paulo by her husband Andre, who is the Community Shaliach for one of the Masorti kehillot, and their young son, Nitai.