Updates from our Israel programs:
MAROM-Chazit Hanoar's Shnat Hachshara
Pricila Cukierman summarizes her year with Shnat Hachshara, MAROM and Chazit Hanoar's gap year program in Israel...
Click here to find out more.
Pictured - The Shnat Hachshara participants at the Israel Museum.
Drachim - Noam UK's gap year in Israel

The group took a trip to Sderot and saw a different city than the one they had imagined... Click here to find out more.
Pictured - Drachim participants and staff on their trip to the Negev.
New MAROM Olami Israel program

The Lech Lecha program brings together young adults from AMLAT to an Israel program that has it all according to the individual's needs! Click here to find out more.
Pictured - Lech Lecha participants from last year's South American group at the Tel Aviv boardwalk.
Updates from around the world:

Nicol�s Formager writes about the MAROM AMLAT (Latin America) intense 3-day seminar in Chil�, that worked on bringing Jewish content to young adults across AMLAT...
Click here to find out more.
Pictured - The participants of last month's MAROM AMLAT seminar in Chil�.
Australia |
GOOD LUCK to our new Shlichim to Melbourne! Leetal Vaknin, Neva Karni and Ori Yavor. A huge THANK YOU goes to our returning Shlichim - Reut Aisenberg, Nir Issachar and Naomi Rowen, after a year of great work. Watch some of the 2009 Shlichim's activities at Bialik College here.
Pictured -
Reut, Nir and Naomi - Masorti-MAROM's 2009 Shlichim to Bialik College.
France |

MAROM Europe representatives met in Paris, joined efforts and created new ties...
Click here to find out more.
Pictured -
Some of the participants in MAROM Europe's meeting in Paris.
MAROM Budapest's Channukah festival, "Quarter6Quarter7", moved to the streets of the Jewish quarter, with activities taking place in 30 different venues...
Click here to find out more.
This event was featured in the New York Times! Read the full article here. Pictured -
Siraly, MAROM Budapest's center, is one of the festival's venues.
Contact MAROM Olami: Address 18 HaOman Street, Jerusalem, 93420, Israel
Phone +972-2-6247106 Fax +972-2-6247677 E-mail marom@masortiolami.org We're on the web! www.maromolami.org