Masorti Olami News
Chanukah edition
In This Issue
First public celebration of Chanukah in Alicante
Evening of Tribute
Tribute Journal goes online
AMLAT conference and other news
"It's not the sanctuary - it's the kehillah"
Rabbi Jules & Navah Harlow visit Lisbon & Madrid
Masorti Europe London conference
Annual Review cover
For a comprehensive review of our work in the past year, read our recently published Annual Review of 2009. Available online for the first time, our Annual Review has interesting and concise stories from our Masorti kehillot around the world, as well as a review of events throughout the year, and news highlights from MERCAZ, MAROM and NOAM. Click here to read the full publication online.
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MenorahDear Friends,
Welcome to this final edition of Masorti Olami News for 2009 - we hope you enjoy reading our latest news stories from all over the Masorti world.
As we approach the end of the civil year, we would like to ask you to make a donation to Masorti Olami. Every donation counts and makes an impact on our work around the world. Please click on the donate button above for ways to make your donation.
Wishing you all a Chag Chanukah Same'ach,
Tzvi Graetz & Alan Silberman.

Masorti kehillah in Alicante leads fAlicante chanukahirst public Chanukah celebration
Members of the Masorti kehillah in Alicante (Spain) spear-headed the public celebration of Chanukah for the first time. A very large outdoor Chanukiah was put up in the city center, with a special Chanukah event being held on the second night of Chanukah. The event was covered by local media and you can read their report here.
Tribute Event 2009Evening of Tribute - a great success 
On Thursday December 10th, Rabbi Jules & Navah Harlow, Mr Michael Abadi and Cantor Nancy Abramson were honored at Masorti Olami's Annual Evening of Tribute. More than 150 people attended the celebratory dinner at Park Avenue Synagogue in New York City, and enjoyed musical entertainment from Magda Fishman and Cantor Randy Herman. Pictured right are the honorees with Janet Tobin (Tribute Event Chair) and Alan Silberman (Masorti Olami President). The evening was a great success, and vital funds were raised to support Masorti Olami's work with Masorti communities around the world. Click here to see a gallery of photos from the event.
Tribute JournTribute Event Online Virtual Journalal is online
This year, we invested in an online virtual journal to display all the ads which people so generously bought for our Tribute Event honorees. This online journal makes it possible for everyone to be a part of this special event, while staying true to our values of environmentalism by not printing copies. Please visit the virtual journal website at
Donations that we receive by the end of this month will be added to the journal, so please click here to make a donation now.
Peru conference
Third annual Masorti conference for Latin American region
Representatives from all over Latin America came together for the 3rd annual Masorti AMLAT conference in Lima, Peru. Participants discussed ways to strengthen and develop the vast number of Masorti kehillot around the region. Read the full story about this and other recent AMLAT news here.
Masorti European kehillot take part in Mitzvah DayMitzvah Day
During November, Masorti kehillot throughout Europe took part in Mitzvah Day, a special day of volunteering involving young and old. Mitzvah Day projects included packing food and clothes for the homeless, entertaining older people and collecting toys for sick children. Read the full Mitzvah Day round-up here.
"Its not the sanctuary - its theHammermans kehillah"
When Rabbi Richard Hammerman and his wife, Sharon, (pictured) visited the Masorti kehillah in Berlin, Germany recently, he was struck by just how much the synagogue is made up of the people, not the building. Read his thoughtful article here.
Harlows visit Lisbon & MadridHarlows
Rabbi Jules & Navah Harlow recently returned from another of their successful trips to Portugal and Spain where they work to support and teach the Masorti kehillot. Read the full report from their trip here.
London conference

We look forward to seeing you at the next Masorti Europe conference in London next March. For more information about this conference, or to register for accommodation, please email
2009 DonateWe need your support to continue our work around the world