Visiting rabbis for the High Holidays
Masorti Olami is once again sponsoring a number of rabbis and cantors to visit smaller Masorti communities throughout Europe for the High Holidays,. Pictured above is Rabbi Carlos Tapiero who will once again spend the High Holidays, together with his family, at Congregation Beth Shalom in Alicante, Spain. The communities who are receiving visiting Rabbis or Cantors for this year's High Holidays include: Alicante, Spain; Valencia, Spain; Aix en Provence, France; Almere, Netherlands; and Kiev, Ukraine. We are also pleased to announce that Masorti Olami and Schorsch Rabbinical Student David Touboul will lead his new community, Maayane Or, in Nice, France for the first time this Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We send a big thank you to all of our visiting Rabbis and Rabbinical students, and wish them all a Chag Same'ach.
Farewell Judy Gray; Welcome Marcus Frieze
After 8 wonderful years of service to Masorti Olami, Judy Gray retired last month from her position as Projects and Communications Manager. We wish Judy all the very best for the future and thank her with heart-felt sincerity for her tireless efforts. Marcus Frieze has joined the Masort Olami team, and will take on Judy's responsibilities with Masorti Olami and MERCAZ Olami. Please feel free to email him ( with questions, updates, reports and pictures from your activities and events. We wish Marcus the best of luck in his the job.
Summer @ NOAM UK

NOAM UK had its most successful summer ever, with around 700 young people participating in camps. One of the highlights of the Machanot (camps) in Wales and France was Israel day, where the entire campsites were transformed into a sea of blue and white, with Israeli food, education and fun. NOAM UK sent 130 of its 16 year olds to Israel for a month, where they toured the country, as well as visiting the Conservative Yeshiva, volunteering in Jerusalem, and climbing Massada at sunrise.
Rosh Hashana is approaching !
As we begin the month of Elul, our attentions are turned to the new Jewish year that will start in a month's time. We blow the shofar throughout Elul to remind ourselves to prepare both physically and spiritually for the new year ahead, and the High Holiday period. Masorti Olami has spent the past year working hard to maintain and develop our kehillot and programs throughout the world. We hope that the sounding of the shofar this year will signify the start of an even better year - a year of growth and development for all Masorti kehillot around the world, a year of peace for Israel, and a year of prosperity for all Conservative/Masorti Jews. May the coming year be full of happiness and joy for all of you. With best wishes for a sweet New Year from the entire team at Masorti Olami and MERCAZ Olami.
Mission to Central Europe
Registration is still open for the Masorti Olami Mission to Central Europe. From November 2nd to 8th, join us on a trip through Budapest, Prague and Berlin. See the famous Jewish sites in these 3 unique European capitals, and meet local Masorti community members. Amongst other places you will visit the Dohany synagogue in Budapest, Jewish Quarter in Prague and the Berlin Jewish Museum. The trip finishes with a special Shabbaton in Berlin along with members of the Masorti Europe Board. Go to for more information, including prices, and to download a registration form. The deadline for registration has now been extended, so don't delay and apply today.
Tribute Event 2009
Masorti Olami is pleased to announce that our Tribute Event for 2009 will take place on Thursday, December 10th at 6:00pm at Park Avenue Synagogue, Manhattan, NY. Please save the date ! This year, we will be honoring the following extraordinary Jewish leaders : * Rabbi Jules & Navah Harlow (top photo) * Cantor Nancy Abramson (bottom left photo) * Mr. Michael Abadi (bottom right photo) We hope you will participate and will encourage your friends and colleagues to join us in honoring these outstanding individuals. For more information, including full information about the honorees, to buy adverts in the Tribute Event CD, or to buy tickets for the event, please visit We hope to see you there.
Masorti Amlat (L atin America) along with Marom Amlat are proud to be the driving force behind a new cross-communal educational program for young people in Chile. The Nofim program began on August 11th at Kehillah Bnei Israel, Santiago, with attendance from the spectrum of youth movements. The program aims are to enrich knowledge, skills and leadership values for young leaders of the Jewish community. The Nofim activities will use Jewish sources, promote Jewish values of leadership, while at the same time focusing on practical leadership skills and on increasing the participants own Jewish vaues. The program is also supported by the Hagshama Dept of the WZO, Visit the Marom Amlat website for more info (Spanish).
Conversions in Ukraine
Earlier this month, Rabbi Chaim Weiner, Director of the Masorti Europe Bet Din, officiated at the conversion ceremony of seven new Ukranian Masorti Jews, which took place in Munktach, Ukraine. The ceremony took place at the site of the Masorti Camp Yahad-Ramah, run under the umbrella of the Midreshet Yerusahalayim program of the Schechter Institute. The conversion candidates (pictured left) have all been involved with Masorti programs in the Ukraine for many years. Most have a Jewish background, and some even have Jewish grandparents who were survivors of the Holocaust. The conversion ceremony took place after a two year study program supervised by Rabbi Weiner, Gila Katz from Midreshet Yerusahalayim, and Masorti Olami rabbinical studnet, Reuven (Roma) Stamov.
Mitzvah Day UK
On November 15h, Jews and non-Jews in the UK will make a real difference by giving their most valuable comodity - time. Born out of the belief that we can all make a positive difference to our world, Mitzvah Day started in 2007, last year reaching more than 250 projects with more than 12,000 volunteers who spent their day bringing cheer to seniors, collecting food donations for the hungry, sending clothes to the needy, and working in local environmental projects, amongst many other examples. For more information about Mitzvah Day 2009, go to
Our newsletter- we welcome your input & feedback
If you have a comment to make about our newsletter, would like us to mention your project or event, or have any feedback to make, please email Marcus Frieze ( If you would like to view our newsletter archive, please click here.