Our Youth & Young Adults |

NOAM UK summer camps are full in all age groups. Over 400 participants will be attending camps in Wales and France. More than 130 participants will also be going on the Israel Tour, spending a month touring the length and breadth of the country, in a uniquely Masorti atmosphere. Reports to follow after the summer!
In Argentina, NOAM has struggled with the effects of Swine Flu, causing a number of activities to be cancelled. Instead, this year Winter Camp will be held online, thanks to a Jewish Agency project called Virtual Machaneh(camp). Meanwhile, Darkei NOAM, the School for Leadership Training in Argentina, established a Student Council to promote activism and tzedakah projects. Click here for a full NOAM Argentina update.
 As a part of the EU Grundtvig learning partnership, Masorti Germany is starting its own Marom program, based on the successful model developed in Budapest. The new Marom group in cooperation with the "Jung und Juedisch" (Young and Jewish) organization will be co-ordinated by Hana Gross. The first meeting took place on May 12th. |

June 18th to 25th, meetings of the Zionist General Council (ZGC) of the
World Zionist Organization (WZO), Keren Kayemet le'Yisrael (JNF), the
Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and its Board of Governors took place
in Jerusalem. Members of MERCAZ Olami and Masorti Olami gathered from
Israel, North and South America and Europe to attend. |
Issues on the agenda included governance of JAFI, the financial
independence of the WZO from JAFI, budget restrictions in all the
organizations, land issues in KKL, the filling of the position of
chairman of the executive of JAFI (Natan Sharansky) and new coalition
agreements taking into account the results of the recent elections for
the Knesset in Israel. Read a full report by Masorti Olami President, Alan H. Silberman here.
 Click here to make a contribution to Masorti Olami via Network for Good
Welcome to the July edition of Masorti Olami and Mercaz Olami News.
Our Masorti Kehillot and members have been very active in recent months and this newsletter gives you a brief look at some of their important work. At these weeks we start reading the book of Devarim (Deuteronomy) which gives us a summary of all that the Israelites have been through in the desert. Devarim means 'things' (things/actions that have happened in the desert...) but it also means 'words'. I think Moshe deliberately chose this double meaning word for the final book of the Torah. Just Dvarim-Words alone are not enough. It's true that in order to become the chosen people we must know and instill in us these words. However without Dvarim-actions the words are meaningless. This is also the main mission of Masorti Olami. How do we make sure that the words always have a translation into actions ? I think we should all be extremely proud of how the Masorti movement is prospering around the world in places we would never imagine possible. They are taking the words and turning it into action, into prospering and meaningful congregations where Jews can find one another and find a meaningful and full Jewish identity.
Masorti Olami supports these kehillot, and their great work. But, friends, we now need your support, more than ever, to ensure that this great work continues. We read in the Sh'ma: And these words (Ha'Dvarim Ha'eleh) you shall take to heart. So, if you have the time, join us in one of our fabulous missions. If you don't, try and read this newsletter and visit our amazing new website. I also urge you to support our organization, by making a contribution of $180 (or whatever other amount you can give) via Network for Good, our secure online donation system.
We really appreciate your commitment and support of Masorti Olami.
Rabbi Tzvi Graetz Executive Director of Masorti Olami and MERCAZ Olami
Save the Dates ! |
 Our annual Tribute Dinner will take place on Thursday, December 10th, 2009 at Park Avenue Synagogue New York. More details to follow.
 Masorti Europe are pleased to announce that the next Masorti Europe Conference will be in London from March 5th to 7th, 2010. New North London Synagogue will host the conference, whose theme will be "European Jewish Heritage". |
Join us on one of our upcoming Masorti Olami Missions
November 1 - 8, 2009 : Visit Central Europe Join the President, Executive Director of Masorti Olami, and its Board of Directors in a program reviewing Masorti Judaism in Central Europe, featuring Budapest, Prague and Berlin. For more information click here.
January 13-19, 2010 : Visit Panama "The Panama you always wanted to see" with Rabbi Charles E. Simon & Ing. Michael Abadi. For more information click here.
Don't miss these exciting opportunities ! |
We are pleased to announce that The Great Synagogue of Stockholm officially joined Masorti Europe in June. Rabbi Chaim Weiner, Director of Masorti Europe, traveled to Sweden over the past few months to meet with the leaders of the community. He also spent a weekend teaching the kehillah and getting to understand their needs. The kehillah looks forward to working together to strengthen their connection with the rest of the European Masorti community. |
Rabbi Yeshaya Dalsace of Kehilat Maayane Or in Nice, will be moving to Paris next month where he will join Dor Vador (formerly Adath Shalom Est), a new emerging community in the eastern part of the city. The eastern part of Paris, with a population of 100,000 Jews, has a large number of potential members for the new kehillah. Rabbi Dalsace will also spend one week each month with our Masorti kehillah in Marseille. Rabbi Dalsace has been a key factor in the development of Maayane Or and Masorti Judaism in Southern France. Read more here. |
Adath Shalom, Paris: Jews, Christians and Muslims at the same table On Friday, June 19th, Adath Shalom welcomed for the first time a delegation of Christians and Muslims to Shabbat services. Members of the parish St-Leon and the Javel Muslim room of prayers were interested in learning about the Jewish customs of their neighbors. 60 people participated together in a Shabbat meal, which had a friendly and brotherly atmosphere. Adath Shalom has maintained an inter-religious dialogue with both nearby communities for several years, working to improve communication and understanding. |
Cantor Jaclyn Chernett, Founder and Director of Studies for EAJL (European Academy for Jewish Liturgy), visited Masorti communities in both Madrid and Valencia, Spain, over a Shabbat at the end of June, with Cantor Norman Cohen Falah. The purpose of the visit was to lead and inspire these kehillot. Read more here. |
Latin America
On July 18, Masorti kehillot joined the Jewish Community of Argentina to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attack on AMIA (Asociaci�n Mutual Israelita Argentina) in which 85 people were killed and more than 300 were injured. No suspects have been convicted of the bombing. Although there have been many allegations made throughout the years, perpetuators have yet to be brought to justice.
On a recent visit to Chile, Masorti shaliach (emissary) Yoel Schvartz addressed the challenge of the community to train qualified young adults to be coordinators and directors in Jewish education and in Jewish community work. Yoel will begin working on the creation of a new project to develop educated young leaders for the community.
On Sunday, June 14, the Masorti Europe Board met at Maayane Or in Nice. The board officially welcomed its newest member, Alf Levy, from the Great Synagogue in Stockholm, to the board. Following a presentation by Rabbi Joel Meyers and Rabbi Chaim Weiner and discussion among the Board, it was agreed that a European Rabbinical Placement Commission would be established. The European Masorti Bet Din is also developing in several areas. In September 2009, the next session of the Bet Din will take place in Paris, which is made possible by the building of a new mikveh. A future session in Stockholm will also be planned.
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