Special: Masorti World Website is now Live!
Masorti, MERCAZ, Marom & NOAM Olami

About Website
Instructions for Website Access
Top 10 Website Features
We Need Your Help
Quick Links
Thank You!

Masorti Olami would like to personally thank everyone who contributed to the launching of this new website. In particular we would like to thank Dev-Art for building our site and Haya Sheffer for her  designs.

We want to make a special note to thank Adam Titcher, a rabbinical student from the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, who spent this year in Israel working very hard on this project, developing the structure and putting on every detail of information. He spent months making this website unique to our organization and we thank him and wish him a safe journey back to Los Angeles as he enters the last two years of school and to become a rabbi.

We want to make another note and thank Judy Gray for her efforts and constant devotion to the website development. Without her time and expertise, the website would not be what it is today!

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Shalom Chaverim,

I have exciting news to share--We have gone live with our new website!! Please read the articles below for more information. We hope you can share this news with all of your family and friends too.

If at any time you experience difficulties maneuvering our website or problems with the features please do not hesitate to write us at or


Tzvi Graetz
Instructions to Access Website

Kotel Hamasorti

In order to access the website please click the following link or type into your web browser the following address: <>.
Top 10 Website Features:

1. Contact Information for 120 Masorti kehillot worldwide, as well as information about Conservative Judaism communities in North America with interactive google map features.

2. Contact Information for all branches of MERCAZ, Marom and NOAM Olami worldwide.

3. News updates and events for Masorti Olami, MERCAZ Olami, Marom Olami and NOAM Olami.

4. Masorti Olami newsletter archives.

5. Access to Conservative Jewish Education as well as Zionist Education resources, including podcasts from around the world and online virtual learning.

6. Video and Photo Galleries with pictures of Masorti Judaism from around the world.

7. NOAM and Marom Israel Program Information.

8. Links to Masorti websites from around the world.

9. Information about Masorti Olami and the United Nations Israel advocacy efforts.

10. Access to donate instantly online.
The Website Needs Your Help!

After spending many months updating our system and inputing information into the newly created website, it is still incomplete on certain levels. For example, we are missing photos from certain kehillot as well as general information about your community and synagogue. Please read over the details of your congregation and let us know what is missing so we can fix the issue immediately and make our website more accurate. Also we appreciate all updates as they happen. Please send an e-mail to our web developer at either <> or <>.
Masorti Olami
Kotel Hamasorti