Masorti Olami Newsletter
Purim From Around the World
In This Issue
Purim in Nice
Message from FEDECC Director
Purim in The Netherlands
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Wishes From India

India Purim Sameach
Marseilles Purim Advertisement

Marseilles Ad for France
Purim in Mendoza, Argentina

Post-Megilla Reading Snack and Nosh

Children Dressed and Playing at the Synagogue
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Shalom Chaverim,

I hope everyone had a Freilich Purim! We had a great time celebrating Shushan Purim. Here are some pictures and some kehilla activities from around the Masorti World!

Tzvi Graetz
Purim in Nice, France, and NOAM Treasure Hunt at Maayane Or

NOAM France PurimAn entire evening was dedicated to masquerade, tzedakah, megillah reading and dining on Erev Purim at the Maayane Or synagogue in Nice, France. Families gathered for face painting, traditional tzedakah gift giving, Purim Tales, and a post-megillah reading performance by some synagogue families.

Participanting in Megillat Esther Reading

Our members of NOAM Masorti in Nice continued in the tradition of fun and games on Purim by taking part in a Treasure Hunt for Megillat Esther on the Wednesday following Purim.

Children Dressed Up for Purim

Two teams of children squared off finding clues in both French and Hebrew. Other groups helped also to prepare the banquet tables for the afternoon snacking, while others decorated crowns of Esther. It was a very successful day for the kids, following a very fun Purim in Nice.
From FEDECC Director,
Ariel Blufstein

Purim is considered Judaism's most fun filled holiday and that was our best reason to be happy in celebrating it this 5769 year. We congregated in the Lanus Synagogue, in the southern region of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Children and Family of the Lanus Synagogue Dressed Up for Purim

It was a perfect time for a special party and to eat Hamentashen. Obviously during the reading of the megilla itself we shouted "booo!" or made otherwise loud noises when the evil name "Haman" was heard, and we wildly cheer whenever the beloved name "Mordecai" was said.

Celebrating Together in Buenos Aires

We remembered the deliverance of the Jews in Persia from their evil royal advisor. We learned about the importance of maintaining the Jewish experience to understand that Mordecai saved our lives in those

times, but nowadays we must be responsible of our developing identity. We invite you to enter our website and to view our celebration on video!
Post-Purim Limmud
Almere, The Netherlands

Almeere Holland
On Sunday, March 15th, there was a Post-Purim Limmud at the Masorti Kehila in Almere, The Netherlands. Spirits were high and the party was marvelous.

The story of Purim was reread with the original version that is in Megillah but then retold for fun in a "modern" version. This version included additions such as Prada Costumes, Pop Music and Madonna, Jewelry made by famous designers Dior and Chanel, Mercedes Benz sports cars, and cell phone and e-mail communications. This story version was created by Noa Cohen who is 11 years old. Some of the adult members of the community performed the story, playing Esther, Haman, Mordechai and Ahashverus. Everyone in attendance enjoyed the perform.

The "Retelling" of Megillat Esther in Almere, The Netherlands

Following the readings, there was a lottery with nice prizes and food to eat. All together 40 people were in attendance. It was a pleasant celebration.

Costumed Participants
Masorti Olami

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