WebClient i+ Framework for CA Plex
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News and Information, November 2010
November, 2010
WebClient i+ Newsletter for November 2010

Dear   ,

This is the November installment of the Websydian WebClient i+ platform newsletter. Please also visit us at webclientiplus.com

Highlights of this edition include:
  • CM First Technologies now providing sales, services, and support for WebClient i+
  • Roadmap for WebClient 2011 published
    • Includes MDI and mobile smartphone support
  • CA Events planned
    • January webcast, cloud and mobile applications
    • Free training on mobile and cloud development at 5th CA 2E/Plex Worldwide Developer Conference (June 1, 2010, Chicago).
CM First Technologies

CM First

CM First Technologies, the USA-based CM First company, has announced purchase of WebClient i+ from ADC Austin. Effective immediately, the new organization will sell and support the product from offices in Austin, USA and Zug, Switzerland. Product support procedures are unchanged. 

If you have any questions, please email John Rhodes, WebClient i+  product manager, at [email protected].

WebClient Roadmap

The next release of WebClient, scheduled for Spring 2011, will include support for mobile Smartphone apps, MDI window types, cloud deployment, and additional web components such as file upload.


For more information, please visit this link:

WebClient Presentation with Roadmap

Upcoming Events

January Webcast - WebClient does Smartphones

Don't miss the CA user community webcast in January, in order to see how to create iPhone or Android applications using the standard CA Plex action digram and panel design techniques that you already know. You will be able to access the demo application live from your device.


5th CA 2E/Plex Worldwide Developer Conference


Join us at this conference for free training on mobile smartphone application development and cloud deployment using WebClient i+ for CA Plex. If you are interested, please send us an email to get on our conference mailing list.

For more information on the conference, please visit http://plex2e.com.

Issue: 2010.11.1
To get technical updates from Twitter, click here.
Support Link
On the developer portal you can download the latest release, find information and communicate with the WebClient i+ Team.
The portal is located at http://webclientiplus.com. Here you will also find the support ticket system.

WebClient Tip of the Month
 Version Upgrade -
New User Manual for Version 2010 (1.6).


Visit this link  or click on the image above to access the new user manual, with information on how to upgrade to the latest version.
WebClient Previous Tip of the Month

How to look "busy" with WebClient.

Ajax Wait Cursor

This guide will walk you through the steps required to implement an Ajaxy 'busy' indicator for a CA Plex/WebClient application.

Newsletter Archive
If you have missed an issue of this newsletter, please visit this link to view them all
Join Our Mailing List

CM First
John Rhodes, WebClient i+ Product Manager