WebSphere and WebClient
WebClient i+ applications run under WebSphere version 6.1 and above. For some guidance on how to do this, please visit this blog entry:
CA World 2009

As in years past, ADC Austin will be participating in CA World 2009. WebClient i+ will be on display.
At this year's CA event, CA Plex and CA 2E topics will be presented in a virtual environment. The virtual conference will be available the entire month of May 2010.
For more information, please visit the CA World website. The virtual event information will be posted in coming months. |
Getting Ready for WebClient 2.0
WebClient 2.0 is under development, and will contain compatibility with Plex 6.1 and Websydian 6.1 as well as some exciting new features like Ajax TreeView and FlexGrid.
If you are interested in becoming a beta tester for this product, please contact us at support@adcaustintech.com for information. |
The WebClient test drive is provided as a downloadable, self-contained VMWare image. This image has all the software you need, just supply your own CA Plex license. |