WebClient i+ Framework for CA Plex
News and Information, August 2009
brought to you by ADC Austin Tech and Websydian 
August, 2009
WebClient Newsletter for August 2009

Dear   ,

This is the August installment of the Websydian WebClient i+ platform newsletter. Please also visit us at webclientiplus.com

Highlights of this edition include:
  • Promotions around Plex/2E Conference
  • Version 1.4.12 released, including new features
  • Using CSS and Templates to change look and feel through Plex inheritance
  • Incorporating Business Intelligence (BI) into WebClient applications.
  • New twitter link for technical updates http://twitter.com/webclientiplus

- The WebClient i+ Team

Special Promotions around 4th Annual Plex and 2E Developer's Event - September 23-25, 2009 
To add to the excitement around this event, there will be two special software promotions available to customers who attend the conference:
  • Offer 1: Purchase a seat of WebClient i+ and get an expense-paid trip to Ft. Lauderdale or an equivalent discount.  
  • Offer 2: Attend one of the WebClient i+ free training classes offered at the conference, and receive a free non-commercial version of WebClient i+.  

Restrictions Apply. Please contact us or your local distributor for more information.

Recently Added Features  

The latest patch release of WebClient, Release 1.4.12, includes some popularly requested new features:

  • Edit masks now supported (except date/time edit mask)
  • Right-alignment property in textbox supported
  • Includes border in textbox when it is in read-only mode (WebTextbox.ctrl)
  • Support additional grid operations - gridendon and gridendoff
  • Enable simple grid sorting
  • Compatibility with Apache Axis web services
WebClient and Business Intelligence 
Many WebClient developers are planning to incorporate business intelligence (BI) into their web applications. Adding business charts, graphs, and dashboards to Plex application is actually very straight forward. There are two techniques that can be used.
  • The web component framework, Dojo, contains extensive charting capability as part of Dojox. These chart components are free, and all types of business charts are supported, but some programming is required. Stay tuned for a blog post on using this technique.
  • WebClient also integrates well with more extensive BI frameworks such as IBM's popular DB2 Web Query and other products that have a web interface (most of the popular open source or commercial packages). The BI package can then be controlled from WebClient applications (some details here).
Issue: 2009.7.1
To get technical updates from Twitter, click here.
WebClient Tip of the Month
Using CSS and Dojo templates to customize under Plex inheritance
WebClient makes use of CSS and component templates to customize the look and feel of a Plex applications. Once the look and feel is set up, it can be controlled through standard Plex function inheritance techniques. There is no need to modify the generated html pages. 
Please see this blog entry for an example of how to do this. The example only takes a few minutes to complete, but offers good insight into how WebClient works. 
WebClient 1.4.12 Patch Released
Log on the the webclientiplus portal to download the newest patch release under "Developer Info"
Support Link
On the developer portal you can download the latest release, find information and communicate with the WebClient i+ Team.
The portal is located at http://webclientiplus.com. Here you will also find the support ticket system.
Newsletter Archive
If you have missed an issue of this newsletter, please visit this link to view them all
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John Rhodes
WebClient i+ Product Manager, ADC Austin Tech