Keeping in Touch
Getting the Most from Your Sage MAS 90 / 200 Investment 
March 2012, Issue 50
Newsletter Contents
Quote to Ponder
Training Week - March 19 to 22
Contacting Munjal White for MAS Support
FREE Webinar
Support Tip
Join Our Mailing List!
Quick Links




Dear ,

It's hard to believe that this is the 50th issue of Keeping in Touch -- that means, that for more than 4 years, you've been receiving regular (and we hope, not intrusive) updates about what's happening with your Sage MAS 90 / 200 product and Munjal White.
Today marks a significant change with how we deliver support services to our Sage MAS 90 / 200 customers.  Please read below to find out more about your support options.
Quote to Ponder

Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.

     James Cash Penny


Congratulations to Tracy, Alex, and Ed for answering last month's hidden question.  The answer was Betty One-One.  Enjoy a Tim's coffee and donut on us!


Training Week - March 19 to 22

  Back To School Pencils


Once or twice a year, we set aside a week and offer classroom-style training on topics of interest to you.  We hope you'll join us for one or more of our classes that we have scheduled for the week of March 19.

Click on the class title above to access the information/registration page.


We have minimum attendance levels that we need to meet, so if you're interested in attending, please register as soon as you can.


If you have any questions, click here to let us know. 


Contacting Munjal White for MAS Support


Starting today, March 1, 2012, we have set up a new process for you to follow when requesting support/help from Munjal White with your Sage MAS 90 / 200 product.  Each of our customers have chosen (or will soon choose) a support Level (1, 2, or 3) (please check with the primary MAS contact at your office to find out which level applies to you).  Each of these support levels includes a set number of cases/issues.


All support levels also include the following benefits

  • Ability to request support by telephone, by email or through our website
  • Ability to participate in our online or classroom training as offered
  • Access to FREE quarterly webinars on new features or topics of interest in MAS (see below for more information on the first FREE webinar!)
  • Access to our monthly newsletters telling you about new features, support tips, success stories, and ideas on how you can get more out of your Sage MAS 90 / 200 system
  • Support issues will be responded to within 3 hours
  • All support requests will be responded to within 3 hours


If you have questions on these support guidelines, please let us know-- we look forward to your feedback.




FREE Webinar


As part of the new support Levels, our customers are invited to attend a free webinar each quarter on topics of general interest.  If you have any ideas on topics you'd like to see included in future webinars, please let us know -- we want to help you get the most out of your Sage MAS 90 / 200 Investment.


Tuesday, April 17 - 10:00 am (45-60 minutes)


Topic - Importing into MAS 90  (eg price/cost updates into Inventory)


When you get an updated price list from your supplier, how do you enter that information into MAS?  Our smart customers use Visual Integrator!  Visual Integrator allows you to take information from a file (eg Excel spreadsheet) and import that into MAS -- this saves you hours of time each time you have to update prices.


Attend this FREE webinar, follow along and watch how we import a price update into MAS!


Visual Integrator ("VI") is a MAS module.  If your company owns it, you should see it listed on the menu below other modules (GL, AR, etc).  Even if you don't currently own VI, you are welcome to join the webinar to see what VI can do.


Click on this link to go to the Webinar registration page.





Support Tip


Do you use the Delete and Change utility in Accounts Receivable to merge or renumber customers?  Recently we learned that this utility does not update the Sales Order History tables (Sales Order / Quote History Inquiry screen) as we would expect.  Depending on what version of MAS you are using, active/open orders may be updated.  However, based on the testing that we've done so far, completed orders are not updated.  We are working with Sage Support/Engineering to review this functionality.  In the meantime, if  you use this utility, beware!



We look forward to your feedback and your ideas for future issues of our newsletter.  If you would like to contribute an article or suggest an article or support tip to a future newsletter, we'd love to have your contribution.  Please let us know how we can help you Get the Most from Your Sage MAS 90 / 200 Investment.




    Shabnam and Robert