September 2011 Newsletter
Monthly Highlights and Special Announcements
Sun, Sep 11 11am-7:30pm
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Orinda Idol 2011 Finals
It's September in Orinda and Once Again Singing Fills the Air...
Come Cheer on this Year's 45 Solo and Group Finalists! At the Orinda Theatre. For a detailed schedule, Click Here. For a full list of finalists chosen from among nearly 200 Lamorinda students K-12 who auditioned in May, Click Here. Additional Performances for Orinda Finalists: ~ 9/18, Orinda Jazz Festival ~ 9/24, Orinda Car Show ~ 9/27, Orinda Restaurant Tour
For more info, Click Here.
Sun, Sep 18 6:30-9pm
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Jazz Festival Comes to Orinda!
Orinda Theatre Presents the First Annual Orinda Jazz FestivalAt the Orinda Theatre Orinda Idol Winners will also be performing! Benefit for the Orinda Arts Council and for the upgrade of the Orinda Theatre's sound and digital system. Reception with the Performers will take place at 6:30pm. Light refreshments will be served. Concert is from 7:15-9:00pm. Ticket Price: $20 for General Adm, $15 for Students Confirmed Jazz artists/musicians: Mads Tolling (a two-time grammy award winning violinist and member of Turtle Island Quartet), Mary Jensen, Viviana Guzman, Carol Alban and more!
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Help the OAC Every Time You Search!This is going to be the easiest thing we've ever asked you to do! We just signed up with GoodSearch.com and now every time you shop online or search the internet, a donation will be made to The Orinda Arts Council! Here's how: GoodShop.com works with more than 2,500 stores (including Target, Apple, Petsmart etc.) and every time you purchase something, a percentage will be donated to us! And, even more exciting, GoodShop also offers over 100,000 of the most up-to-date coupons and free shipping offers so you can save money at the same time. It's a win-win. GoodSearch.com is a Yahoo-powered search engine which makes a donation to us each time you do a search. Just Click Here and register under "Orinda Arts Council"!

Upcoming Meetings
Wed, Sep 14 1:30-3:00pm
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Board Meeting
At Orinda Community Center, May Rm (downstairs across from elevator). School Liaisons & all Members welcome!
Contact: Susan Garell, OAC President.
OAC-Sponsored Events
Sep 1-30
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Orinda Library Art Gallery
Featured this month:
~ Linda Sutten, water colors
~ Chien Lee, rainforest photographs
~ Orinda Ceramicists (this group of ceramicists lives in Orinda and members take classes at Civic Arts in Walnut Creek and belong to the Clay Arts Guild. They include Pam Bivins, Maggie Boscoe, Thalia Chan, Susie Dubnoff, Karen Horn, Clarice Judah and Susan Sohrakoff.)
Artists Reception on Sat., Sept 10, 3:30-5pm. Public welcome!
School Events
Fri, Sep 23 7pm
Dancing with the Cars Dinner & Auction
Benefits The Educational Foundation of Orinda (EFO)!Yes, it's true, classic cars play a part in Orinda's great schools! Last year, EFO raised $16,500 through these events. So come support EFO, classic car enthusiasts, and the Orinda Idol Winners (see performance details below) to better our schools! For More Info, Click Here: EFO is a partner, supporter, and donor of the OAC.
Sat, Sep 24 10am-2pm
7th Annual Orinda Classic Car Show
Featuring the 2011 Orinda Idol Winners! Free to the public. Show exhibits at Orinda Motors and Orinda Country Club (16th Fairway). For More Info, Click Here:
Tue, Sep 27 5:30-9:00pm
4th Annual Orinda Restaurant Tour
Featuring the 2011 Orinda Idol Singers! Only 250 tickets available for this popular event. Act now! To purchase tickets, go to www.orindachamber.org. Proceeds benefit the EFO.
The Orinda Chamber of Commerce is a donor of the OAC. EFO is a partner, supporter, and donor of the OAC.
Community Events
Sept 1
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Orinda Theatre Square Summer Music Series5:30-8:30pm 747 Express Featuring Ed McClary & Michael Hatfield For more info, Click Here. Orinda Theatre Square is a Financial Donor and Supporter of Orinda Idol.
Fri, Sep 16 10pm
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California Independent Film Festival Association (CAIFFA)
NIGHT OF FRIGHT at the New Rheem Theatre
"Rocky Horror Picture Show" Hosted By Vanessa, The Rheem Queen of Scream
For More Info, Click Here.
Sun, Sep 18 5pm
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Benefit Concert for Kids Jazz Programs
100% of ticket sales will benefit "Generations in Jazz", a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to Music Education & Kids Music Programs. The Performance will be outdoors overlooking beautiful Mt. Diablo, at a private home in Orinda. Beer and Wine Bar open from 3:30pm, performances begin 5pm. Tickets $85 per person. Email Terry Miller for more info.
Sep 16-22
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Lamorinda Film & Entertainment Foundation (LFEF) International Film Showcase Series September Film: "Autumn Spring"
At the Orinda Theatre
A Czech Republic winner of four international awards, "Autumn Spring" is about two retired pranksters, "a bittersweet charmer about rogues, relationships and growing old" as reviewed by Louise Miller. It screens from September 16-22. Showtimes are: Fri./Sat 1,3,5,7,9 and Sun.-Thur. 1,3,5,7.
For More Info, Click Here.
LFEF is partner, supporter, and donor of Orinda Idol and the OAC.
Thru Sep 29
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Don't Miss the Orinda Starlight Village Players Season Finale!
"The Imaginary Invalid" By Moli�re
At the Orinda Community Park Ampitheatre.
Thru Sept 29th (Except on Sept 2nd & 3rd)
~ Fridays and Saturdays, 8:30 p.m.
~ Sunday Sept 11th & 18th, 4 p.m.
~ Thursday Sept 29th, 8p.m For More Info, Click Here: The Orinda Starlight Village Players is a supporter and donor of the OAC.
OAC Special Notices
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WANTED: Webmaster and Other Volunteers
Looking for an opportunity to get more involved with The Orinda Arts Council? The OAC is seeking someone with website expertise and/or related technical skills as part of our Communications team to regularly update our current website. If you have any other special skills or interests, we'd also love to hear from you! Our dedicated volunteers are passionate about the arts and welcome any interest. For more info, please email info@OrindaArtsCouncil.org.
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REMINDER: Our Membership Drive Continues We need you to help us ensure that The Orinda Arts Council can continue to provide important arts programs to the schools and the community, including the High School Visual Arts Competition, Orinda Idol, OUSD Art Ambassadors, sponsorship of the OIS Bulldog Theater Co., as well as the Miramonte and OUSD school spring musicals, and funding for 1st & 2nd Grade Art Books and 3rd Grade Sketchbooks for every OUSD student. Named The Orinda Association's 2010 Volunteer of the Year for making a difference in our community, the hardworking, dedicated volunteers of the OAC couldn't have earned that distinction without your support!
Not yet a member? Join or donate to OAC by emailing join@orindaartscouncil.org or visiting www.OrindaArtsCouncil.org. The Orinda Arts Council is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and advocating the visual and performing arts in our schools and community. We rely on the generous donations and volunteerism of our community to fulfill our mission and are deeply indebted to our many dedicated volunteers, contributors and donors.
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