Upcoming Screenings
Zoom Family Film Festival: Columbus Ohio December 5th, 12:00pm South Bronx Food & Film Expo: Bronx, NY December 5th 12:15pm Brooklyn Kitchen Kid's Day, Brooklyn NY December 5th, 11am
Did You Know?
Bullfrog Films is our educational community-based distributor, contact Stephanie Miller for info.
Discovery's Planet Green will broadcast What's On Your Plate? on February 6, 2010 at 10pm EST
Dear Friends of WOYP,
In this issue, we have: Angel Family Farm News, Updates from Wisconsin, Slow Food Take Action, Blog updates and YouTube video swaps!
Angel Family Farm News
We are so happy to announce that our first CSA season with the Angel Family was a smashing success! With the money they earned, the Angel Family has been able to buy a new cultivator which will save them a lot of time and cause less wear and tear on their knees! Also, they generously made a donation to The Neighborhood School PTA as a thank you. Thank YOU, Angel Family, from all of us!!! Read the Angel Family Thank You Letter.

We Love Madison, Wisconsin!
This month we screened What's On Your Plate? at the Tales from Planet Earth Festival in Madison Wisconsin and Sadie was happy to field questions afterwards. It was a great lineup and we were proud to be a part of it. We also had the pleasure of hearing kids from Troy Gardens sing a song titled, Dirt Made My Lunch. Please check it out on our website here!

Slow Food USA Time for Lunch News
Slow Food USA has entered phase two of their Time for Lunch campaign. Congress is now expected to update child nutrition programs in spring 2010. In order to show Congress concrete support for giving kids the school lunch they deserve, they have local letter-writing campaigns to get thousands of messages, especially from kids. For more information about how you can engage your kids and your community, click here.
New Posts on the Blog
Lately, we've been posting on our blog about the latest fresh food fights and issues. If you haven't already, please check it out, lending your comments and resources. If you have an idea for a post, please let us know and we'll work on it!

Thank you to our amazing interns, Nate, Cassie, Angelica, and Raquel, for their contributions to the blog!
Please Keep Sending Us Your Feedback!
 We now have a wonderful video swap invitation from Sadie and Safiyah, asking you to contribute reflections about your own neighborhoods. Please join the video conversation on our site!
Also, please continue checking back with our Network of Friends. We have more and more friends as the weeks progress. This network is both a resource for finding organizations with great missions AND a place to let others know about your own good work!
If you've been taking pictures of your gardens and farm trips like we have, please share them in our gallery. If you have any questions about how this works, please let us know. We're here to help out!
Enjoy your family and friends and eat fresh!
Wishing you Happy Holidays, Catherine, Tanya, Mary, Nate, and Cassie
ADVISORY COUNCIL: Kate Adamick Dan Barber Chef Ann Cooper Judith Helfand John S. Johnson Van Jones Jonathan Kevles Anna Lapp� Katrina T. Monz�n Raj Patel Kim Perry Michael Pollan Robert Saken, M.D. Anna Deavere Smith Bryant Terry Alice Waters Aaron Woolf |