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October 2009
Greetings from Aubin Pictures!
October Issue
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Watch the Trailer!
Upcoming Screenings

Korea Green Archive: October 28th, 7pm
Tales from Planet Earth
: November 7th, 4pm

Northampton Academy of Music:
November 11th, 5:30pm

dr. tiller
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Dear Friends of WOYP,

In this issue, we have: Bullfrog Films details, national broadcast news, updates on recent screenings, upcoming legislation and continuing ways to connect
Bullfrog Films is our Educational and Grassroots Distributor!

We are pleased to announce that we have a distributor for all of our educational and community-based interest! Our DVD is expected to be available on or about November 23rd, and can be purchased in combination with our wonderful standards-based curriculum book. The curriculum was collaboratively produced with our partner, Solar One!


If you are interested in hosting a screening of What's On Your Plate? at your school, afterschool program, or in your community, please contact Sieglinde Fretz at sieglinde@bullfrogfilms.com.

Discovery's Planet Green Broadcast this Winter!

We are also pleased to announce that Discovery's Planet Green will be airing What's On Your Plate? nationwide in the winter of 2010. We will have the official air date soon as well as ideas for how to organize your family and community to watch together.

Planet Green Logo

Urbanworld, UNAFF and Solar One Screenings Success!

The Urbanworld, UNAFF and Solar One screenings went swimmingly. Thank you to all who attended. If you haven't already, please visit our website to post your feedback and plans for action on "Your Voice" and join our "Network of Friends"!


Also - a special thank you to the girl band band, Saffire, for sharing their excellent tunes at Solar One!

Legislation Updates

We are happy to be working with the New York Alliance for Child Nutrition Reauthorization Bill. While the bill has been extended for a year, we are working together to motivate action on the reauthorization until the bill comes up for review in early 2010.

Also, last week, October 11-17, per an announcement by President Obama was National School Lunch Week! Thank you to the President for giving a national voice to such an important issue!

Please Keep Sending Us Your Feedback!

share your thoughts
For those of you who have not had a chance to tell us your thoughts on the film, we'd love to hear from you! Let us hear your ideas here.

Our Network of Friends is a handy way to find other organizations and people in your area who can work together for healthy food.
With a growing network of over thirty organizations, we're connecting folks in exciting ways. Keep up the great work!

Friends Networking

We're happy to see folks contributing to our Flickr groups. If you've been taking pictures of your gardens and farm trips like we have, please share them in our gallery. If you have any questions about how this works, please let us know. We're here to help out!

We hope you are enjoying the start of soup season with all the fresh veggies in your area!

Wishing you a happy Halloween,
Catherine, Tanya, Mary, and Nate

dr. tiller

 Kate Adamick    Dan Barber    Chef Ann Cooper  
Judith Helfand    John S. Johnson    Van Jones   
Jonathan Kevles    Anna Lapp�    Katrina T. Monz�n   
 Raj Patel    Kim Perry    Michael Pollan    Robert Saken, M.D.
 Anna Deavere Smith    Bryant Terry    Alice Waters    Aaron Woolf