Kate Adamick
 Dan Barber
 Chef Ann Cooper
Judith Helfand
John S. Johnson
Van Jones
Jonathan Kevles
Anna Lapp�
Katrina T. Monz�n
 Raj Patel
 Michael Pollan
 Robert Saken, M.D.
Anna Deavere Smith
Bryant Terry
Aaron Woolf

Greetings from Aubin Pictures!
October ISSUE

Welcome to the October Update for

"What's On Your Plate"

 - a provocative documentary about kids and food politics

Welcome to our newest advisor, Raj Patel, author of Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System.

Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer (who appears in the film) is planning an event on Wednesday November 19th at Columbia University: The Politics of Food: A Conference on New York's Next Policy Challenge. It will bring together policy-makers, parents, organizers, educators, concerned folks, and many others to address food system issues.  Our film's director, Catherine Gund, is on the steering committee.

We received a grant from Annie's Homegrown as well as numerous wonderful individuals. We are so grateful for their generous support!

At the end of this month, the University of Wisconsin will host community screenings of rough scenes from the film. We will also be discussing the University's Tales From Planet Earth 2009 Festival, where we will be showing the finished film.

The Farmers Market at Tompkins Square Park was sunny, friendly and still bountiful last weekend. Don't forget to support our farmers... Stock up for winter!

So many in the community have been enthusiastic about the project and we are working away to finish the film for all to see. We'll keep you posted!

You can visit our website for more information and to watch the three minute trailer -

Happy Harvest Season!
Cat, Tanya, Nell, and Heather

PS: Join our Facebook group What's On Your Plate by following this link:
Filming at Angel Family Farm
Goshen, NY