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July 2009
Greetings from Aubin Pictures!
July  Issue
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Dear Friends of WOYP,

Our new website is up! Please visit and surf around and let us know what you like and what we could improve since we're still working on it. We also have news about the federal Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill as well as an update on the launch of the Angel Family CSA program.
Our Outreach Plan is Growing

"'What's On Your Plate?' is exactly the film we need right now." -Michael Pollan

Thank you to Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto and The Omnivore's Dilemma for these lovely words about WOYP. We are proud to have created an educational tool which has garnered such favorable attention from one of the leading good food experts.

Sadie and Safiyah

Now, we are scheduling community based screenings of "What's On Your Plate?" for the fall. If you are interested in organizing a community screening, please email us.

In September, we will begin planning educational rentals and sales in school-based settings.

We will keep you all updated on outreach and screening opportunities as we progress.

Our New Website is Fun and Interactive!
See It

"What's On Your Plate?" has a great new website with lots of features including extensive information on the film, outreach methods, and press.

We've added a new feature, Network of Friends. This is a list of organizations, referenced by state and city, which are working on the same issues raised in the film. We want you to be able to find each other and network amongst yourselves. Sign your organization up today! Encourage other groups you know to join too and then we can all find each other. That's what FRIENDS are for!


Also check back for two exciting new web games, a gallery of user-generated content and other fun features. All coming soon!

Support the Child Nutrition Reauthorization - Upcoming Legislation!

Help kids in schools, daycare centers, and whose families use foodstamps, have access to healthier local food!

Whole Grain Nutrition

The Child Nutrition Reauthorization is the perfect opportunity to enable more schools-and more children-to benefit from the healthy meals and educational opportunities that farm to school programs can provide. 

A Cow

If you believe that change can't wait, join up to participate in Slow Food's Labor Day "Eat-In" and tell our legislators that it's time for real food for lunch!

To find out more about this important piece of legislation and what you can do to ensure healthier school food here, please visit our partner Farm to School.

And if you're in the New York area, please show your support for the NYC Alliance for Child Nutrition Reauthorization!

CSA Success!

The first "Neighborhood School CSA" distribution was on June 23rd and it turned out great! Not only did lots of families sign up to get fresh vegetables straight from the Angel family farm, quite a few passers by stopped in and asked how they could get their hands on some of those delicious vegetables. It was a beautiful, hot, sunny day and the CSA had a bigger crowd going than the ice cream truck down the street!

Tenzin and Django  
Thanks to the Neighborhood School for letting the CSA set up on the front patio, and a huge thank you to the Angel family for working so hard to bring fresh vegetables into the city every week!

We are adding a fall joiners option this year only, so you can still join the CSA for September-November pick ups. Please contact us ASAP! The first fall shipment will be on September 8th.


Here's a big shout out to the wonderful
Nell Marantz, our tireless associate producer,
for her invaluable, patient, and good humored contributions to the film and outreach campaign. The little kids she's going to work with will be lucky to have her.
Thank you for everything!

We'd also like to introduce our new
Outreach Coordinator and Office Manager, Mary Jeys.
We're psyched about her energy and her commitment.
You'll all hear from her in the coming weeks,
if you haven't already. Welcome!

Wishing you sunny, happy days in August
(we're loving the delicious summer squashes and salads right now!)

Catherine, Tanya, Nell, Mary and Nate

dr. tiller

 Kate Adamick    Dan Barber    Chef Ann Cooper  
Judith Helfand    John S. Johnson    Van Jones   
Jonathan Kevles    Anna Lapp�    Katrina T. Monz�n   
 Raj Patel    Kim Perry    Michael Pollan    Robert Saken, M.D.
 Anna Deavere Smith    Bryant Terry    Alice Waters    Aaron Woolf