Run in the Name of Love
Run in the Name of Love 2012
The Second Presentation

The organizers of Run in the Name of Love and I would like to wish you a memorable holiday season, filled with joy and meaningful moments with those you love.


We were grateful for your participation in our highly successful inaugural event this past summer.  We hope that you will joins us again on Father's Day, June 17, 2012, to once again honor or pay tribute to a very special person who is or was an important part of your life.


Registration for the 5K run or 2K walk will open on January 1, 2012 at 7:00 AM PST. For more information on the event and to register on January 1, click HERE.


Best wishes for a healthy, safe, and active New Year!


Susan Love

Race Director

Contact Information
phone: 831.625.6226        email:  