Miracle Graphics & Marketing, LLC ~ Helping your business look good everyday. Jan 28, 2009
Let it snow... come warm up with new and old friends this Thursday.

>>Lunch Meeting Reminder! Buffet this time to speed things up if you need to get back to your office. Tomorrow Thurs, 1.29.09 at 11:45 am....Networks Anonymous...The Luncheon Networking Event..with no rules for positive people that want to have a great time, a great lunch, and meet new contacts. New Sorrento Restaurant, 32 Newtown Rd, Danbury. Directions at www.newsorrento.com & event details are below.
>>Quieter snow days are a great time to go over your marketing plans for 2009 & to check inventory on all your forms, envelopes, checks, business cards and all that great stuff we need every day.  Call us if you are running low on anything or you need something new & exciting to run and/or grow your business.
Be safe in the snow!  ~ Sarah Becker
It's a Miracle!
Networkers Anonymous
More Events
.04 Sale!
Miracle Graphics & Marketing, LLC
January's Happy Birthday Wishes go to: 
"Miracle" Julie Garcia turned 20! We had a party here in the shop this week.
Older & Better:
Ken Schiess!
Gail Meehan!
Stephen Maloney!
Randy Kovacs!
Michael Gallo!
A message from President Kevin - Networks Anonymous
Thanks to all 47 of you who attended our 7th meeting on the 8th and made it a great success. 
In speaking with VP Sarah and others who gave me some great feedback I have made some changes that will fine tune our event and make it an even better experience... we feel we did not get enough time to spend in conversation with others at our tables and that our speaker went to long, and that we could have had better service......... future speakers will be 25-30 minutes max... we will also do this one as a buffet style luncheon...... I have visited several area restaurants ... and chosen New Sorrento for this week.    www.newsorrento.com
11:45-12:15......................open networking
12:15-we are seated..........Introduction.............
12:20 Buffet.....................Menu...Chicken Marsalis Wallace, Eggplant Rolatini, Penne a la Vodka, Tossed Salad, Bread, soft drinks, coffee....... $17.50  - tax and gratuity are all included! Simple.
12:40-1:00 ......................30 second "elevator speeches" by all
1:00-1:30 ........................Guest Speaker Carolyn Finch......
Bring a friend, bring 3!
Please rsvp by email to kevin4mortgage@yahoo.com or Sarah@miracletime.com if you plan on attending so we have a basic idea of how many we will have so we can let Jeff, (the new manager of the New Sorrento) know what to expect. 
Where & When
New Sorrento Restaurant,  32 Newtown Rd, Danbury, CT 06810
Thursday Jan 29th, 2009,
11:45 - 1:30 PM
Meet Our Speaker This Week: 
Carolyn Finch M.S. SLP www.carolynfinch.com
Internationally recognized Body Language Expert
Author � Motivational/ Keynote Speaker and Media Personality
Motivational/Keynote Speaking:
Carolyn brings a dynamic and fun approach to each of her interactive customized presentations. You will be informed, entertained and energized in a flash with Carolyn's creative storytelling, her style and many talents. Her expertise in Body Language, Health, Education and Business will inspire and motive you. She will provide you with a wealth of information and practical activities for self empowerment: to speak up, speak out, and take action to improve your health, performance and success. Carolyn's Presentations include Body Language, Communication, Health, Performance and Success.
Media Personality:
From princesses to presidents and the infamous to the everyday, Carolyn brings both professional and entertaining Body Language insight into the media's hot topics. Her experiences from TV include: The Ellen DeGeneres Show, VH1 Red Carpet special and CNBC News. Radio includes the Rolanda Watts Show and the BBC Radio International. Most recently she was seen on Good Morning Namibia in Africa. Carolyn is interviewed weekly for magazine and newspaper articles. She was most recently quoted in TV Guide and Cosmopolitan magazine. She is the author of Universal HandTalk - a Survival Sign System  used by first responders and foreign speakers for better communication. She has co-authored The Wellness Path and Dynamic Health, featured with Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. Earl Mindell and Dr. Norman Rosenthal. 
More Events
Tommorow 1.29.09 at 5:30pm...Brookfield Chamber of Commerce Networking Event at Bernie's Appliance new location on Federal Road in Brookfield.
Feburary 19th at 5:30...New Milford Chamber of Commerce Networking Event at Joey's Seafood Restaurant Rt 7 New Milford
Sarah If all our copiers are running, it's much warmer in our shop, so to help us stay toasty warm here at Miracle, we are offering 4 cent black/white letter-size photocopies from now until the end of February '09 if you mention "warm up sale" when you order.
Yes, that's only $0.04 per miracle, per side, so come copy all your tax forms or whatever you like.  Bring your USB thumb drive full of all those huge PDF files you've been meaning to print out or just email your stuff to mgmllc@gmail.com .
Hey, if it's cold enough outside we'll cut you an even better deal than usual on color copies as well!  Call 203-744-4212 today.
*** Don't forget! We offer GBC plastic comb binding, spiral binding, saddle stich stapling, wire binding, and much more! 
Sarah Says Stop by!
 Where & When

1 Garella Rd Office
Bethel, Connecticut 06801
JAN & FEB 2009,  8:30AM-5:30PM 
Thanks to all of you for your referrals (thanks Ron U.!) & good wishes!  Keep sending 'em our way!
Special thanks to Miracle clients Serve-Pro of Danbury, R.A. DeGrazia Well Co., State Farm Insurance & New Milford Septic for their help with the frozen pipes/flood in our New Milford building.  Everything is almost back to normal up there.  Great work guys! :-)

Sarah Becker
Miracle Graphics & Marketing, LLC