Gallagher & Associates Law Firm, P.A. 
Client Matters
September 2010
Judge Slams Wells Fargo
A California federal judge has ordered Wells Fargo to refund $203 million in overdraft fees to customers affected by the bank's "unfair and deceptive" practice of clearing transactions from largest to smallest dollar amount.
U.S. District Court Judge William Alsup found that Wells Fargo acted wrongfully to trigger overdraft fees. Alsup said he is ordering restitution because Wells Fargo devised "a trap that would escalate a single overdraft into as many as 10 through the gimmick of processing in descending order. It then exploited that trap with a vengeance, racking up hundreds of millions off the backs of the working poor, students and others without the luxury of ample account balances."
At trial, internal bank documents were found which shows how Wells Fargo relied upon and encouraged overdraft fees.  Research has found that overdraft fees have become the single largest source of consumer fee income for banks.
At Wells Fargo, overdraft fees are the second-largest revenue source for its consumer deposits group, generating more than $1.4 billion in California from 2005 to 2007, according to court documents.
Banks, including Wells Fargo, have long maintained that they clear large before small transactions to give priority to important payments for mortgages and cars. But this also generated more fees because it empties the bank account more quickly. 
Foreclosure Mediation: A Second Look 

While the Florida Supreme Court's Foreclosure Mediation program and the programs instituted by each local circuit appeared to be wholly positive and a solution to the mass of foreclosure, the fine print has revealed some concern.

Under these programs borrowers are required to  furnish confidential sensitive financial information to lenders prior to mediation, yet the lenders furnish no information regarding their financial stability to the borrowers.  As a result, lenders are armed with extensive information before they begin negotiations, while borrowers are left in the dark. 
Florida law has long held that personal finances are among those private matters kept secret by most people.  Additionally, the Florida Constitution protects the financial information of individuals. Florida even has a right to privacy set forth in its own constitution which "expresses a policy that compelled disclosure through discovery be limited to that which is necessary for a court to determine contested issues."
At the time of mediation, the borrower's financial solvency and net worth are not being contested nor adjudicated. Moreover, the lenders assumed the risk of initiating a loan at the loan's underwriting stage. Thus, there is nothing in the note or mortgage that requires the disclosure of personal financial information after the loan's inception.
The disclosure of financial information by the borrowers is an invasion of privacy and may cause irreparable harm given that the lenders have an unequal bargaining position.
Condo Statute Modifications    
Recently Governor Crist signed into law Senate Bill 1196, a bill which was designed to correct inconsistencies in the existing condominium statute. 
In 2008, the Florida legislature had required that unit owners maintain their own insurance policy and name the condominium association as an additional insured.  The 2010 version of the law no longer requires such obligations.  
North Korea's Word Cup Fallout
Erika Mariz
The bizzare story of North Korea's World Cup team continues.  The North Korean soccer team had an unfortunate run at the World Cup tournament this past June losing all three matches played and consequently being eliminated in the first group phase. Since the players and coach's return to North Korea, they have been allegedly punished according to reports from Radio Free Asia and the South Korean media.

After their return, the North Korean players, except for Japanese born Jong Tae-Se and Ahn Yong-Hak, were called to an auditorium in Pyongyang where they were subjected to a six hour interrogation, according to Radio Free Asia. The players also suffered a public scolding in front of 400 people, which included students, journalists, and of course, government officials.
Additionally, players were asked to publicly criticize their coach Kim Jong-Hun, who has since been expelled from the Worker's Party. Coach Kim Jong-Hun was also supposedly sentenced to hard labor by working in construction for his betrayal of Young Gen. Kim Jong-Un, the son of "Dear Leader" Kim Jong-Il, because of the team's performance at the World Cup.
Despite these reports, North Korea's state-run news has been silent as to these stories.
FIFA, soccer's international governing body, is investigating these allegations. FIFA has strict rules about no government interference in member associations' affairs. Also, FIFA president Sepp Blatter told a press conference that FIFA made contact with the North Korean Football Association and will wait to hear from them before making an official statement.
Tech Corner
Kevin Baker, JDL Technology Services, Inc.  

World Cup

A recent study performed by the Radicati Group in 2009 reported that 247 billion email messages are sent every day.  That breaks down to 2.8 million emails are sent every second.  Corporate email communication make up for nearly 80% of all business communications.  Even as data servers increase in size, so does the rate of email communication, making it a perpetual storage race.
The latest answer to this struggle is offsite email archiving.  Whether you are a large law firm trying to meet government compliance regulations or a small marketing firm trying to manage years of email attachments, email archiving is a manageable solution that offers your business needed insurance. 
What if you could program your Exchange server or other email service to automatically archive your staff's emails over 30 days old?  Need to retrieve an archived email?  A user friendly web-based application allows you to not only find old email messages, but also launch a criteria-based ediscovery to find exactly what you need.
JDL has the resources to offer this solution to you. or more information please contact or email Kevin Baker or Jason Long:
Direct:        727-564-2735
Toll Free:    866-374-5873
Web:          www.ineedanitguy.NET 
At the Movies 
By: Alison Parker  
Every year, it seems Hollywood remakes more and ore classic, foreign, and just plain mediocre films. Today I wanted to shine some light on the originals of American versions that maybe you didn't even know were remakes.
Dinner for Schmucks - Before Steve Carell was yukking it up with Paul Rudd, its French counterpart, The Dinner Game, wowed French audiences. The 1998 comedy was so popular, it not only spawned the American version, but a delicious Bollywood version. While the French version certainly contains more Continental humor, it is a must-see for any comedy connoisseur.  
A Tale of Two Sisters - the American remake of this Asian horror film bares little resemblance to its darker, more twisted, less sanitized cousin. While the remake, entitled The Uninvited, was marketed for teen audiences, the original South Korean version is much more evocative of the prototypical Asian horror subgenre and is a cult classic amongst horror purists.
Let the Right One In (L�t den r�tte komma in) - This has recently been remade for an American audience, called Let Me In, and the trailer is already online. The original version of this adolescent vampire horror-drama thankfully does not feel remnisicent of the Twilight franchise, but instead occasionally reminded me of The Decalogue, a Polish series of short films.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - This movie is barely out of the theaters and yet this barely-promoted gem (except by non-mainstream lovelies like the Beach Theatre and Tampa Theater) is already being cast and developed for an American audience. I can't imagine anyone playing Lisbeth Salander in the trilogy, (based on the late Stieg Larsson's best-sellers) as well as Noomi Rapace. Plus, the Scandinavian landscape is the perfect backdrop for the novels' eerie tone, theme, and happenings. The second movie, The Girl Who Played with Fire, also enjoyed a run at both of the aforementioned theaters.

[REC] - If there was ever a pointless remake, this might take the cake. [REC] is one of those "shaky-cam" documentary style horror films we have seen so much of lately (e.g. Cloverfield, Paranormal Activity, Paranormal Entity, Diary of the Dead), but this is one of the best offerings. The claustrophobia this film creates is palpable from the five-minute mark. Its American counterpart, Quarantine, is not a bad film, but it really doesn't add anything by being in English. I promise you won't miss any action by reading the subtitles; it's mostly watching people run an apartment building and barricading themselves inside different rooms while avoiding the harrowing, bloodthirsty presence on the other side of the door. [REC] 2 was recently released, and although I rarely say this, it really is a worthy sequel.

G&A Fall Mixer & Happy Hour
We hope you can join us all for
a mixer and happy hour this fall. 
Party 1 
October 20, 2010
Party Deck and Tiki Bar @ G&A
5720 Central Avenue
St. Petersburg, FL
RSVP: 344-5297 or
In This Issue
Wells Fargo Ruling
Foreclosure Mediation
Condo Statute Changes
North Korea's World Cup
Tech Corner
At the Movies
G&A Fall Mixer
G&A News & Notes
Meyer for Judge
Brandes for House
Muscarella for Judge
BP Withholding Docs
Homeowner Confidence

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G&A News & Notes

*Charles Gallagher recently presented a discussion at a
National Business Institute seminar on the Ethical Considerations  of Pro Bono Legal Services in your Private Practice.
*Charles Gallagher was quoted in a St. Peterburg Times article on mortgage modification issues.  The story can be found here:
*G&A is a pround sponsor of the St. Petersburg Bar Association's Meet the Judges Lunch this month.
*Charles Gallagher was recently profiled by the St. Petersburg Times in its Rising Star feature.  The story is available here:
TBT Article 
*On September 15, Charles Gallagher will speak at the NBI seminar on Bad Faith Insurance Litigation in Florida.  
Congratulations to Keith on his victory in the primary election.  His race continues with the general election on November 2, 2010. 
We continue to support Keith in his bid to serve the citizens of Pinellas County as a judge.  We believe that Keith would make an excellent judge and would urge you to review his credentials. 
You may find out more about Keith on his website below.

Brandes Logo

G&A is supporting Jeff Brandes in his run for the Florida House of Representatives. 
We believe that Jeff would make an excellent representative and would urge you to review his credentials and consider voting for him. 
You may find out more about Jeff on his website below:
Congratulations to Trish on her victory in the primary election.  Her race continues with the general election on November 2, 2010. 
We continue to support Tish in her bid to serve the citizens of Pinellas County as a judge.  We believe that she would make an excellent judge and would urge you to review her credentials. 
You may find out more about Trish on her website below: Muscarella Site
BP Withholds Docs 
The company that owned the oil rig that exploded in the gulf has accused BP of withholding documents and evidence needed to investigate the cause of the oil spill. 
The complaint by Transocean comes after numerous requests and similar complaints by the government.
BP has refused to turn over documents which has hampered Transocean's investigation.  In spite of the current impasse, BP confirms that it will fully cooperate.

Homeowner Confidence

According to real estate website Zillow, homeowner confidence has plummeted in the South.


Zillow reports that 28 percent of homeowners in the south believe that home values will fall in the next six months. 


Additionally, they report that 37 percent of homeowners believe the worst is behind us.

G&A Email Directory
Charles R. Gallagher III
Erika Mariz   
Joseph F. Milligan
Alison A. Parker
Jason A. Cox
    Ginny Keeter-Bodkin
   Christine Heise

About Our Firm 

Gallagher & Associates Law Firm, P.A. accepts cases throughout the Tampa Bay area. 
Our main practice areas include: insurance litigation (including toxic mold, sinkholes, hurricane claims and denied insurance claims), real estate & business litigation (including foreclosure defense and lender mortgage fraud), accident & injury litigation, consumer law, and employment litigation. 

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. This  email is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.