Vision For Success
JUNE 2010
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Every time I travel I get so juiced-up, I always come back with all the "RE's" in place.  Re-charged, re-juiced, re-juvenated, re-connected, re-laxed, re-creative, re-flective, re-joiced!.  This time was a little different.  It was all of that...and then some. 
I decided to visit the South of Spain again, more specifically Marbella, in mid May for a couple of weeks.  This time I did not want to wait until November (my birthday) and my intuition told me loud and clear, in no certain terms, this is the time to go, and early May, as I was typing on my Computer out of the clear blue, I stood up and said:  "I'm going to Marbella", and go I did.  Had no idea how, when, nor why, I simply "decided" to decide.  I felt a deep  calling for me to take action right there and then, and so I did.  Talk about an empowering experience!  Do you practice any of this in your daily life, like "deciding to decide"? It will blow your mind, and little by little it will change your life all for the better.  You'll be flexing your "decision-making" muscle.  For sure! 
I arrived in Marbella only to be greeted by friends I made last year, and it was party time from then on.  And yet something very interesting and magical happen, some of the friends had young friends looking for mentorship and guidance.  What an opportunity to practice my craft!!! and so I did.  The upper and middle management of the hotel I was staying also needed some direction and clarity for what they were doing, so I was happy to be of service.   It was an amazing experience, considering I was doing all this simultaneously in two languages, and there was a wonderful diversity of cultures and idiosyncracies.  Take a look at the photo albums uploaded on Facebook at , click photos, and look at the two short albums labeled "Marbella" - Enjoy the "trip".
All these experiences woke up my Muse big time and re-ignited my creative juices for new programs I'm designing especially for you.  I was profoundly moved by the fact that being open to possibilities certainly bring them in, and what an honor to once again, stand in the service of others and being of help when I was needed.
I trust you decide to take time off this Summer so that you can put some of your "RE's" in place and come back better than ever to that special place you call "home".  We all need the break, and now more than ever. 
Also, look for opportunities where your gift to the world can be shared while you globe-trot (even if in your own backyard) through the wonders of the World. 
Silence to the Fifth Power
When the noises around you are so loud you can't hear yourself think, what do you do?  You turn them off!  And if by magic, you can think again, and envision again, and create again, and dialogue again, and feel a sense of newly regained energy, "again".
That is Silence to the Fifth Power.  It restores your sense of wellness, and wholeness.  It's got magical healing and healthy properties. And it's so simple; all you have to do is "Turn-On the Silence" while blocking out all other noises and distractions that are unhealthy, unproductive and toxic.  Yes, they get to the point of toxicity.
Benefits of Silence:  When you practice Silence, you get quiet in your head, you connect to that Greater than yourself, and you can think with a tremendous amount of clarity, while feeling peace and joy within.  This gives balance to your intellect to connect to relaxation rather than stress, thus minimizing most things that affect your health causing stress-related illnesses.
Additional Benefits are found on how you conduct your personal life, family relations, dealing with children, neighbors, friends, and your community at large.  As for your professional life and for those who are business owners, Silence is a monumental key to success or failure of your enterprising empire.  Think of Silence as a true companion directly impacting your bottom-line success, whether you are self-employed or on your way up the corporate ladder.   For every moment of noise and distraction, you can't think of how else you can allow more money to come to you, better people to run your place, awesome strategies for a smooth-running operation, creating and maintaining the morale among your employees, clients incentive to grow your business, marketing strategies to acquire more clients, seeing to it that Management continues to co-create with owners and employees, and the list goes on.  So you see, creating those moments of Silence to the Fifth Power, are imperative to the well-being of your business and the well-being of you, the individual who wants to live and have an awesome life while experiencing joy and passion to its fullest.
While Social Media is one amazing tool to market and promote your business, your products, services, and even make connections with family and friends, it can be a noisy place at times; and it's up to you to take full advantage of it while focused on the purpose of its usage, or allow the noise to distract you, thus throwing you off the track of the very things you wish to attain.  When you speak in the Social Media spectrum, you want to be memorable, not just remembered and sometimes it is in vocalized "Silence" that your voice is heard loud and clear. 
It may be a good idea when it gets noisy out in the Social Media Sphere, to invite your friends and followers to join you for a moment of "Silence to the Fifth Power" so every one can be empowered by stopping the noise and enjoying the benefits of a well deserved "Silence".  Being in that moment allows you formidable distinction to what really"matters" and makes sense to you and those you want around you for a long, long time....and it's good for your health, your business, your personal life and bottom line success!
About  Ali Rodriguez - Business Coach, Strategist & Passionista Expert
If you would love to reprint this article, you have my permission as long as no changes are made to the text and you insert this entire bio box in the closing.
Ali helps professionals fuse passion with profits, monetize their expertise, and create a lifestyle to match. Ali's multi-lingual and multi-cultural background adds diversity to her coaching style and to her business and marketing programs. Her focus is on growth, personal development, success and amazing bottom-line success. 
Vision For Success
Cypress Point Court
Ormond Beach, Florida 33174-8771
 (386) 615-6282