For Manufacturers and Content Developers
March 2011 |
As another month comes to a close, we are excited to see more and more manufacturers, content developers, and decision makers become engaged in using the System! Our main focus over the coming months will be to continue our education outreach efforts.
Click on links under In This Issue (see left panel) for updates on the System, presentations at the recent DIA Medical Communications Workshop, information about fulfiling decision maker requests, Tips on Dossier Content Development (RTI) and eDossier Implementations (Xcenda), and FAQs, including the copyright counter tool and hyperlink feature of the System.
Thank you again for your feedback and support!
Kevin Alder (Deputy Executive Director, AMCP)
The AMCP eDossier System Team |
System Updates for Registered HCDMs
A couple recent updates that registered health care decision makers (HCDMs) will see this month include:
Updated Package Insert Directory
Please let us know if there are specific PIs that you would like us to add to the database.
Updated Resource Links
Updated Reference Library
DIA Conference Insights
The AMCP Format and AMCP eDossier System were both highlighted during the recent Drug Information Association (DIA) Medical Communications Workshop 2011: Navigating the Waves of Medical Communications in Carlsbad, CA (March 7-10, 2011). Here are a couple takeaways that may be of particular interest to manufacturers and content developers.
- Medina RD et al. Evaluating the Value of Clinical and Economic Evidence-Based Information from Dossier Submissions Using the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) Format
- Moore-Totten J, Tam I. Strategies for Complying with Version 3.0 of the AMCP Dossier Format
- Fairclough J et al. Incorporation of the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) eDossier System to Enhance the Dossier Request Process.
- Patrick Reilly (VP, Global Medical Information, Bristol-Myers Squibb), Rebecca Falcone (Senior Manager, Cardiovascular & Thrombosis, Medical Information Services, sanofi-aventis), Iris Tam (Director, Managed Care Medical Communications, Genentech), Jeff White (Director, Drug Evaluation and Clinical Analytics, WellPoint), and Richard Wagner (Director, Drug Use Management, Kaiser Permanente) also presented a breakout session on the Role of Medical Communications with Managed Care Customers, which included a direct discussion on the usefulness of the AMCP eDossier System for both manufacturers and decision makers.
Fulfilling Customer Requests
- Nearly 350 eRequests have been submitted by HCDMs seeking out information from participating manufacturers.
- We have seen great success during this transition to using the System's centralized, eRequest Tool! Please don't hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do to support you and your customers.
- You may also review a Quick Guide for Decision Makers that is used to assist those who are becoming familiar with the eRequest process.
- If you are not yet listed on the System's eRequest Tool (a free service), please contact us today for more details.
In a recent commentary, registered user and prominent decision maker, Douglas Burgoyne, PharmD, RPh, Vice President, VRx Pharmacy Services, LLC, said the following:
"The launch of the AMCP eDossier System marked the beginning of a streamlined process to review drugs and prepare for formulary decisions. It seems strange to think that binders with reams of paper are "old school", or that we passed through the years of CDs being the best electronic media almost as fast as we did cassette tapes, but we did. We have entered the electronic age of formulary review with the AMCP eDossier System..." |
Spotlight Commentary: Tips on Content
Shahnaz Khan, MPH
Senior Director, Regulatory and Health Outcomes Strategy
RTI Health Solutions
Since its introduction in 2000, the AMCP Format for Formulary Submissions has evolved quite a bit, and is now in its fourth iteration (version 3.0, introduced in 2010). Along with the changes to the Format and content of the dossiers, a major change has been the introduction of the AMCP eDossier System, also introduced in 2010. The eDossier System allows manufacturers to present the evidence in support of their product via an easy-to-use, centralized system, and allows Health Care Decision Makers (HCDMs) to request and review this evidence at their convenience. From my perspective, the AMCP eDossier platform offers several advantages over other methods for disseminating dossiers. With these recent advances in dossier development and dissemination, it is more critical than ever that the content of the dossier is accurate and on-target to meet the needs of the HCDMs who are using the dossiers for evidence-based decision making.
The following tips will help manufacturers develop content that allows their customers to have the best evidence available for decision making:
- Plan ahead! Developing and finalizing content for a typical dossier takes a good 6 months. If you are planning to use the eDossier platform, plan on an extra 3 weeks for the conversion process (after all the content is finalized).
- Involve all relevant internal colleagues who will have a stake in the dossier, so there are no surprises when you route the dossier content for final review.
- Section 1 (Executive Summary) is your primary opportunity to "put your best foot forward". This section is meant to be brief (2-3 pages). Do not summarize information in this section that is not otherwise presented in the dossier. The Executive Summary should be an easy to read format, using bullet points when possible.
- Section 2 (Product Information and Disease Information) is key for presenting a solid comparison of the prescribing information for the target product and its key comparator products. Consider carefully the products you will present as key comparators to your product. In most cases, the comparators you select should also be key comparators for your economic model.
- Section 3 (Supporting Clinical Evidence) should be presented carefully to make evidence review manageable. While all clinical evidence in support of the product should be presented here, this section can become quite large. Consider presenting text summaries of only your pivotal trials that were part of your FDA submission package and limiting presentation of other studies to evidence tables only. Links and graphics within detailed evidence tables sometimes require sophisticated editing and formatting, but can help present the information more clearly, which is critical given how extensively decision makers use these tables. When using the AMCP eDossier System platform, links to actual primary resources can point your customer to additional, more detailed information, which is very effective.
- Section 4 (Economic Value and Modeling Report) must be completely transparent if you want your customers to use the information in the decision making process.
- Section 5 (Other Supporting Evidence) offers the opportunity to highlight evidence from additional studies. Again, if you have a large amount of evidence to present for this section, consider using the evidence table only format.
For more information, contact skhan@rti.org or mjuniper@rti.org.
Spotlight Commentary: eDossier Implementation
James H. Jackson, PharmD, MPH
Vice President, Medical Services
Xcenda, AmerisourceBergen Consulting Services
From my experience after supporting manufacturers on several eDossier implementations, the role of the content developer can vary - depending on the needs and experience of each client. For some clients, we may simply need to provide the final dossier content and participate in the preview of the product eDossier before it is published to the live System. But for other clients, we can take on a more strategic role during the content development and eDossier implementation phases. This may include assessing if the content should be revised or updated based on recent label changes/new information before the eDossier conversion takes place, recommending the addition of various hyperlinks that can be integrated within the eDossier platform, suggesting key supporting documents, consulting on the inclusion of an economic model, etc.
A smooth implementation most critically depends on making sure we have finalized content that has been developed with the health care decision maker in mind. Some recommended tips on a successful eDossier implementation, from a content developers perspective include:
- Strong cooperation and coordination between the agency developing the dossier content, the Dymaxium team, and the manufacturer to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the dossier content, process, and timelines.
- Receipt of consolidated comments on content from the manufacturer during the content development process and a careful quality control (QC) process before implementation in the System. This helps minimize changes to the core content that can hold up implementation of the eDossier.
- Adequate time to develop sound content and do final QC edits, anticipating any label changes. This should include planning ahead and including some additional time in your "typical" dossier development timeframe, but it is well worth it!
- Careful tracking of changes between the version that was initially loaded to the System and any updates that are submitted for updating the product eDossier.
As uptake of the AMCP eDossier System continues, content developers can play a critical role in the implementation process. Thus, it will be important that content developers remain strategic with respect to dossier development for their pharmaceutical customers and tactical during implementation into the eDossier System.
For more information, contact jay.jackson@xcenda.com. |
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the AMCP eDossier System handle articles that are copyrighted?
If a manufacturer opts to provide direct access to copyright material (e.g. published articles without free access), the AMCP eDossier System offers a copyright counter feature to ensure that the manufacturer has the information they need to pay any required copyright fees that may be generated as users of their product eDossiers access such resources. If copyright material is made available to users of any particular product eDossier, each time the user accesses that material, a disclaimer also pops up on their screen in order to clearly explain the boundaries and responsibilities associated with the use of that information.
Is there a limit to the types or number of links that can be included in a product eDossier?
No, there is no limit to the number of links that can be included in an eDossier. Links can go to other sections or places within the eDossier, to external websites, or to PDFs that can be embedded within the eDossier. The AMCP eDossier System allows users to quickly and efficiently access resources that support the evidence presented in a product dossier. |
Quick Facts --The AMCP eDossier System:
- Is free for all qualified HCDMs
- Is supported through subscriptions paid by pharmaceutical manufacturers (Note: Listing on the System's eRequest Tool is free for all manufacturers)
- Requires an unsolicited request initiated by a HCDM using the eRequest Tool before eDossiers may be accessed
- Gives manufacturers 100% control over who has access to their product eDossiers