The Relevant Youth
December 2011
In This Issue
Canned Food Drive
Crossroads Summer
Quick Links

December Events 


3- Grate Patrol 5am, RSVP! 

4-Tune-Up 9-10:30am

Crossroads 5-7pm

 11- Tune-Up 9-10:30am

THE GIFT 6:15-8:15pm
- Uproar-Cookie Extravaganza  Fellowship Hall, 7-9pm 

18-NO Tuneup/Crossroads  

25-NO Tuneup/Crossroads


4-CREW 9-10:30am

Confirmation Class 9-10:30am

Southgate 106      

Cornerstone 6:30-8:45pm

 11-CREW 9-10:30am  

Confirmation Class 9-10:15am

THE GIFT 6:15-8:15pm

17- Sweater Party 8-11pm

225 Midvale St, Falls Church


Tech-savvy Parents

Do you know what gigabytes, uploads, or MSMs are? You don't have to, you can learn how to help navigate the waters of technology with your child.
Click for a helpful guide for parents.

Crossroads Grate Patrol   

Interested in helping the homeless?  The December Grate Patrol outing is full for December 3rd.  We meet at the church at 5am, drive into the city, and distribute breakfast to people in need.  To sign up for January 21st, please email Eric Garner. Space is limited so sign up right away!  

HS Breakaway Feb 17-20!  

HS Breakaway Flier

 Registration is open! Grab a flyer or



MS Breakaway March 9-11!  

MS Breakaway Flier
Registration is open! Grab a flyer or


Youth Family Christmas Banquet, Dec 13 - would you like to help with something yummy for the leaders to enjoy? 

Still Needed: 

Pasta Salads, Bean Salads, Christmas Cookies, Veggie trays, Dip and chips, nuts, Fruit, or Other Cold Food treats of your choosing.

We are SO very grateful to all of you as you bless those who are blessing our children.

email Marti

7th Graders/Class of 2017!!

Seventh Grade Snow Day - Snow Tubing at Liberty Mountain, PA

Saturday, January 28th. Register yourself and your friends using forms found in the lower narthex. (Note: Liberty Mountain Waiver is also required.) We will meet at Southgate at 7:30 am ready to check-in and go (in our charter bus)! We return at 2 pm. Cost: $50 

Cornerstone Dinner Servers Sign Up! 

House Party Sept16
We need 3-4 parents each Sunday night to
help serve. Cornerstone dinner from 6-7:15pm. It entails setting up some tables, putting out drinks, collecting money, and passing out food.
If you are interested, click the calendar. Password is server. Or you can email.

Crossroads Dinner Servers Sign Up! 

Arrive at Southgate @ 4:45pm and leave by approx. 6pm. Help to set-up and deliver purchased food (like pizza or Chipotle) and bottled water to the students in their small group rooms. Collect $5 from each student who is eating. Work with approx 4-5 other adult volunteers. (You are sent an email during the week before with detailed instructions.) You are not involved in clean-up at the end. If you are interested click here to sign up on the calendar. Password is server. You can also email if you can help. 


Youth Family Dinner Needs You! 

Each Tuesday night our 75 volunteer leaders known as the Youth Family gather for dinner, fellowship, teaching, and training. If you would be interested in helping provide a main dish, salad/bread, or dessert. Click here to sign up on the calendar. ID is 84713 Password is cook. Or email.

Cornerstone Summer  

FITS Front 12

High School Trip to Ocean City for Fun In the Son! June 25-29




FUSION Leadership

July 16-20,23-27  






Our wish for you this Advent Season is that you would experience the Hope, Anticipation, and Joy of Christ. As you make your lists - think of the list that Joseph must have made, as you decorate your home - think of how God decorated the sky, as you shop - think of the wise men choosing their gifts, as you sit in traffic - think of sitting on a donkey, as you spend time with your family - think of how Jesus came, as a baby - for you. Be still and know that He is God.


Merry Christmas to you all.


The Youth Ministry Staff


Marti Alderfer


Wanna Join TFC?

Are you interested in becoming a member of The Falls Church? There will be a 10-session Youth Confirmation class beginning December 4, 2011, 9-10:15am in Southgate 106. This is a great opportunity to learn what it means to be a follower of Christ. The Confirmation service will take place March 4, 2012. The class will be taught by David Gustafson. Register at 1st class. 

 THE GIFT! December 11

The Gift is here! December 11, 6:15pm-8:15pm in the Main Sanctuary of The Falls Church. Come experience an evening of music, drama, and the real meaning of Christmas. This production by the students is for all middle and high school students. Remember bring canned goods for the food bank, and cookies to eat after!


Parent volunteers are needed to help put out cookies and enjoy the enthusiasm! It's a fun time!



to volunteer.

Canned Food Drive - Christmas Can Challenge 

- Our goal is to collect 2,000 canned goods & other food items by Dec 11 to donate to local food banks. Students may drop off (in lower narthex) donations when they come for Crossroads or Cornerstone on Dec 4 and/or bring to The Gift on Dec 11. Parents - we give you permission to remind your student!

UPROAR! Cookie Extravaganza

Do you love making, baking, decorating, and (most importantly) EATING Christmas cookies?!?  Come to the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, December 17th from 7:00-9:00pm to bake the fanciest, biggest, craziest, most Christmassy cookie you could dream of!  Bring your friends!!

Christmas Sweater Party 

Are you wondering when and where you are supposed to wear that horrendous sweater you got from Aunt Suzy? We have the perfect place, The Crazy Christmas Sweater Party, December 17th, 8-11pm. All Cornerstone and College students are invited to the craziest dressed Christmas party. Feel free to bring a friend to:

The King's House

225 Midvale St

Falls Church, Va 22046 

Crossroads Summer Dates!  

10 Days of Fusion!!!!

Fusing together fun and spiritual growth!

July 16th-20th, July 23th-27th

9:00AM-1:00 PM (except Wild Thursdays 8am-6pm)

Cost only $250 - Limited number of spots, so sign up right away!


Middle School Mission Trip

Serving the Lord and growing in Christ

June 25-30, Chattanooga, TN

College Visits 

Attention Parents of High School Juniors and Seniors!

College Visits are an opportunity for high school upperclassmen to connect with God and Christian fellowship on prospective college campuses. In the coming months Chad Barlow, the coordinator for college ministry at the Falls Church, will take groups of Cornerstone students to visit four major universities in the Commonwealth: James Madison, Christopher Newport, William & Mary, and the University of Virginia. Cornerstone juniors and seniors who attend these trips will stay overnight with Christian college students, meet campus ministry and local church leaders, attend university classes, and take campus tours.

  • January 28 - 30 :: UVA and JMU
  • March 2 - 4 :: CNU and WM
  • March 21 :: UVA
  • April 26 - 29 :: JMU and UVA

Cost $75/trip. For more information and to REGISTER click here.

Summer Staff

  Summer staff offers young men and women the opportunity to grow in Christ while demonstrating faithful living and servant leadership in front of and with the youth of our church. Summer staff is a full-time, paid internship with the youth ministry of The Falls Church that lasts approximately 12 weeks (June 8th-August 13th). The positions are open to all college-aged students who are already in a deep, personal relationship with Christ and are excited to serve youth and come alongside them in their walk with Christ. Click here for more information & application.