Community College

Alumni Newsletter

November 2011    Volume 4, Issue 3

Celebrating 90 years as the community's college 

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Upcoming events


Turkey Trot
Nov. 22, noon

Open to the public
Free event

The first female and male finishers
receive a 4-month membership at the
DCC Fitness Center.  Two raffle drawings
to win $25 gift cards from
Louisiana Running Store.

To register
and for more info, contact Mike Ricca
or email at



Alumni Association



Robert T. Walker '75
Lifetime member    


Wilfred W. Times '77  


Shercole King '09



Delgado Basketball Season Opens


Check out the 2011-2012 team at   

Complementary tickets available for
Alumni Association members.
Connie DeBlieux



Quick Links

Delgado website

Alumni website  


Donate online   


Robert Barker Memorial Scholarship 




Alumni Coordinator

Office of  

Institutional Advancement

615 City Park Ave.

New Orleans, LA  




Fax: 504-483-4118

Email -   



Nita R. Hutter

Executive Director


Lee Gaffney




Sign up for  

online classes  

  at Delgado!    









What year did you graduate  




Respond to  

Alumni Coordinator
Connie Deblieux  






From left to right:Interim Chancellor Deborah Lea, Honorees Albert Hamauei, Shercole King, Royd Anderson,
 Melissa Norris, Todd Trosclair, Sr., Chet Pourciau and
Alumni Coordinator Connie DeBlieux.

Recently,the Alumni Association held its fifth annual Circles of Excellence Outstanding Alumni dinner. Michael Hecht, President of Greater New Orleans Inc., noted the contributions of Delgado Alumni to the region and how these outstanding honorees are an example of the community leaders Delgado produces.   


Each honoree shared their personal story commenting on how Delgado impacted their life.  The awards were presented by Interim Chancellor Deborah Lea and Alumni Vice-President Nancy Arceneaux. The evening concluded with closing remarks by Delgado Foundation Board member and President of Veterans Ford, Robert Weinmann.   

The Delgado TV Production students, under the instruction of Assistant Professor, Lynn Robertson, interviewed and taped each honoree and produced the video clip shown that evening.     

Alumni Highlight

 Bobbiann Lewis, assistant professor of Funeral Service Education, was recently selected as WWL TV's Quiet Hero.

Quiet Hero Bobbiann Lewis

She was interviewed by host Sally-Ann Roberts because of her involvement with arranging service-learning projects for Delgado students and other students from around the country to improve gravesite conditions at Holt Cemetery adjacent to the City Park Campus.  In 2008, Ms. Lewis became the coordinator of restoration for Holt Cemetery. 


Recently, Ms. Lewis worked with students from Cathedral High School of Indianapolis, Ind., to construct cement copings for three gravesites at Holt Cemetery. The students and their advisers supplied labor and materials for the project.


A 1988 Delgado Community College graduate who earned a master's degree at Troy University, Lewis also is a licensed embalmer and funeral director. The Holt Cemetery activities evolved, she said, from a Dynamics of Grief course she teaches at Delgado.


"It's our calling in life not to just take care of the dead when they die, but to also provide them perpetual care," said Bobbiann Lewis.

Learn About Delgado's History on the 90th Anniversary Blogsite
the 90th Anniversary blogsite includes information about projects to rebuild and restore Delgado's archives and to create a Delgado Family Tree.


A unique and always-changing aspect of the new blogsite is an ongoing series of stories about the history of Delgado, beginning before its opening in 1921 and continuing with every decade through the present day. Events, issues and people from Delgado's past are presented along with reflections on New Orleans and national history and culture during the past 90 years. Archival pictures illustrate each story on the blogsite.

The link to the videos on the 90th Anniversary website is  

Prospect.2 Exhibit
at Isaac Delgado Fine Arts Gallery  

A 360� panoramic video installation by Paweł Wojtasik, "Below Sea Level," with sound by Stephen Vitiello, is featured in a Prospect.2 New Orleans exhibit at the Isaac Delgado Fine Arts Gallery on the City Park Campus of Delgado Community College. The exhibit will be open to the public through Jan. 29, 2012.

The Isaac Delgado Fine Arts Gallery is located at Delgado Community College, 615 City Park Ave., Building 1, 3rd floor. Operating hours are Monday - Friday, 9 am  - 4 pm; Saturday-Sunday, 11 am - 4 pm. The gallery will be closed Thanksgiving weekend and during Delgado's winter break, Dec. 20 - Jan. 4.
For information about the gallery, its exhibits or parking passes to the event call Connie DeBlieux, alumni coordinator, 504-671-5631.

Please send your check for membership renewal to the Alumni Office,
615 City Park Ave, New Orleans, LA 70119.


Annual membership:  ___$10


Lifetime membership: ___$100  


I am interested in volunteer opportunities.__  I am interested in participating on the alumni board.__        


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Address: _______________________________________________________________                         

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Email: __________________________________________________________________________


Major: ________________________________________________Year graduated ______________