CAC Kids

Winter 2010

In this Issue
Stewards of Children Shifts
American Girl Fashion Show
Volunteer Spotlight
Join Hands with the CAC
7 Steps to Protecting Our Children
Thank You's
more Thank You's
Who We Are & What We Do
Quick Links

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Stewards of Children Shifts Responsibility of Sexual Abuse Prevention from Children to Adults
by Beth Copeland, Contributing Editor  

Imagine you are a small child trying to defend yourself from an adult who intends to harm you. How could you fight someone bigger, older, and more powerful?

     "Children are not capable of protecting themselves from perpetrators," says Stacy Pendarvis, MSW, MA. "Perpetrators choose, groom, and manipulate their victims so they can get away with their crimes."

     Pendarvis, a Child Abuse Prevention Specialist and Darkness to Light Regional Coordinator, trains adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse through Darkness to Light's Stewards of Children program. ... read the rest of the story


American Girl Fashion Show
Get your tickets now!

Volunteer Spotlight

By Faith Boehmer, Volunteer Coordinator

Facebook Opens Door for Volunteer Opportunities


Social Media is becoming an icon in our culture today. Some are enthralled by it; others are skeptics.  One of our newer volunteers found us through an invitation to come to a Volunteer Information Meeting that was posted on our Facebook site.  A former school classmate of our Volunteer Coordinator, Kimberly McAteer, saw the Facebook 'event' invitation and signed up to attend. She came to the information meeting, filled out her application and returned for her volunteer interview. Making these steps was not as easy as it may seem. Kimberly had lost her managerial job of four years at the onset of the recession two years ago. The company she worked for was restructuring as a result of the economic downfall that our country was in. Following months-that eventually led into two years-searching for a new job, she found herself discouraged. 

After Kimberly went through the volunteer process, she became a regular here at the CAC. She volunteered once a week and quickly began to find her place as a part of the Center. The collection of purses for "The Gently Used Purse Sale" was just beginning when Kimberly began volunteering at the CAC.  Kimberly quickly became a key person in preparing the purses for the sale. She took a lot of pride and enjoyment in ensuring that the "Gently Used Purse Sale" was going to be a success.

As Kimberly volunteered at the CAC throughout the summer, it was obvious that her disposition was changing. She displayed a sense of pride and accomplishment in her work. She was happy to be here, and although she never worked directly with the children that the CAC serves, she was glad to do whatever was needed.  When asked about her volunteer experience at the CAC she stated "It has changed my life. I feel like I have purpose and meaning again. I may not have directly worked with the children but I know what I have done has made a difference in the life of children."

Shortly after beginning to volunteer with us, Kimberly was hired by Cumberland County Schools to work as a Teacher Assistant in an Autistic Class. She has continued to remain connected to the CAC and volunteers when she can.  She believes that her volunteer experience this summer was able to help re-motivate her and give her life purpose again.

Blue HandsNow is the time to Join Hands with the Child Advocacy Center

 by Roberta Humphries, Executive Director


Once again as the holiday season arrives, we begin to think about the causes that touch our hearts.  This year, as last year, the economy has caused many individuals to adjust their charitable contributions to more closely align with their priorities and their ability to give.  It is our hope that providing services to child abuse victims in Cumberland County remains one of your top giving priorities.  If you wish to make a holiday gift in honor or memory of someone, the Center will send a notification on your behalf.  Donations to the Child Advocacy Center can be made through our website, or mailed directly to the Center. 


With your help we can continue providing this valuable service to the children of our community.  You do not have to wait a single moment longer to begin improving the life of a child.  Please send in your contribution today and join it with others to show your support of the Child Advocacy Center and our community's children.

7 steps to Protecting Our Children

Child sexual abuse. It doesn't have to happen.


A guide for responsible adults:


Step 1. Learn the facts. Understand the risks.

Become aware of the significant threat that children face from child sexual abuse. Make decisions for children based on the facts of child sexual abuse rather than on level of trust in others.


Step 2. Minimize opportunity.

If you eliminate or reduce one-adult/one-child situations, you'll dramatically lower the risk of sexual abuse for your child.


Step 3. Talk about it.

Children often keep abuse a secret, but barriers can be broken down by talking openly about it.


Step 4. Stay alert.

Do not expect there to be obvious signs when a child is being sexually abused. Signs of sexual abuse are often present--but the signs are often emotional or behavioral, not physical or verbal. It takes an alert adult to recognize these signs.


Step 5. Make a plan.

Learn where to go, who to call, and how to react in the best interest of your child even if you have no suspicions that your child is being sexually abused. Formulating plans in advance can be of significant benefit to your child should abuse occur.


Step 6. Act on suspicions.

Being a silent bystander to sexual abuse could contribute to a lifetime of psychological and emotional problems for a child victim.


Step 7. Get involved.

Volunteer and financially support organizations that fight the tragedy of child sexual abuse. Use your voice and your vote to make your community a safer place for our children.


Reprinted from Darkness to Light  2008.


Christmas Cards for sale
The Child Advocacy Center has hand-designed Christmas Cards available for sale.  The cards were designed with actual handprints of children that have been served by the CAC.  Cards are sold in packs of fifteen for $10.  These cards are available at the Child Advocacy Center or can be ordered on the website,
CAC Organization Endowment Fund

The Board of Directors of the Child Advocacy Center has created an Organization Endowment at the Cumberland Community Foundation.  Show your lasting support of the Child Advocacy Center by contributing to the Child Advocacy Center Endowment.

Donations to the Endowment Fund may be sent directly to the Cumberland Community Foundation for the Child Advocacy Center Endowment.


American Girl Fashion Show

Sponsors and Vendors

Interested in supporting a major fundraising event for the Child Advocacy Center, while receiving great benefits?

Check out our sponsor and vendor packages at

Find us on Facebook
Check out the Child Advocacy Center on Facebook and register to be a fan.
Forward our page to your facebook friends.

CAC Wish list - Please help!
*Bottled water
Canned soft drinks
*Juice boxes
*Individually wrapped snack items for children
*Travel-size hygiene items
*Comfort items - new teddy bears, dolls, etc
*Children's books, magazines and DVD's
Powdered creamer and sugar
Hot and cold drink cups
Paper plates
Tri-fold paper towels for dispenser or paper towel rolls
Gift cards to grocery store or office supply store
Copy paper 8 � X 11
Post-it notes
Air purifier
Stand fan
* Items especially needed for our children

Turn your Grocery Shopping into a Fundraiser for the CAC
Register your Food Lion MVP card to support the Child Advocacy Center and get a chance to win free groceries every time you shop!  Food Lion's new program, MVP Community Rewards, is a free, easy way for you to provide the CAC with much-needed donations. 
To learn more and sign up, visit, click on "Shoppers Register Here," and enter your 12-digit MVP card number and Organization Code 252043.  All supporters must register, even if you have previously registered for other programs. 
Thank You!  
The CAC is very grateful to our Corporate Benefactors who have agreed to be year-long sponsors for CAC events.
 Champions for Children
 BJB committee





Short Stop

Systel Business Equipment

Timothy D. Edwards, Attorney-at-Law


Thank you to the following organizations and individuals for their support...

Howard Health and Science Howard Health and Life Science High School collected items for the children that come to the Child Advocacy Center as a back to school project.  Pictured above is Ms. Cynthia Rios' class that collected the most items for this project.  Pictured:  Joshua Mostella, Christian Cruz, Aliyah Ruffin, Meredith Williams, Jordan Robinson, Kahil Cooke, Ms. Cynthia Rios, Kimberly Riz, Amanda Barton and Sharray Paul.


At the Board of Director's meetings during September, October and November some very special people and organizations that support the Child Advocacy Center were recognized.


Scott and Beth Perry, presenting sponsors for the 2010 American Girl Fashion Show (AGFS) were presented with a plaque recognizing their commitment to the CAC and support of the AGFS.  Beth Perry brought the concept of the AGFS as a fundraiser to the CAC and chaired the first event in 2008. This year's committee chairs Julia Adkins, Carol Jones and Cindy Huguely presented a check for $28,318 to the CAC which represented the net proceeds from the 2010 show.  

AGFS Presenting Sponsors

Pictured L to R:  Rosemary Zimmerman, Scott Perry, Beth Perry, Roberta Humphries, Judge Beth Keever


AGFS Chairs
Pictured L to R:  Roberta Humphries, Julia Adkins, Carol Jones, Cindy Huguley



Gary Cooper and Bruce Brown, co-chairs for the Care for Kids Kiwanis Golf Tournament, along with Karen Tisdale, the tournament organizer, presented the Child Advocacy Center with a check for $16,840.  This represented the net proceeds from the event which was held on September 16.  A very special thank you to the Fayetteville Kiwanis Club members and others who supported the tournament by participating as sponsors, golfers and volunteers.  It was a beautiful day in support of the children! 

 Kiwanis Check Presentation

Pictured L to R:  Gary Cooper, Judge Beth Keever, Roberta Humphries, Bruce Brown, Karen Tisdale


Sharon Moyer, representing the Fayetteville Observer, accepted a plaque on behalf of Mr. Charles Broadwell for their ongoing support of the Child Advocacy Center.  Sharon also received a plaque recognizing her service as a co-chair of the 2010 Gently Loved Purse Sale.  Newspaper in Education and the Child Advocacy Center both benefited from this event.

Newspaper in Education Photo

Pictured L to R:  Judge Beth Keever, Sharon Moyer, Roberta Humphries


Chairs, chair-ity and children...

It takes month of planning and long hours to have a truly successful special event fundraiser.  The Blue Jean Ball & Chair-ity Auction Committee began preparations for this year's event early last spring and their hard work paid off.  This year's proceeds of $32,671.83 was an all time high for this event.  The youth committee had a car wash in August, raising funds to buy fleece to make comfort blankets for the children who come to the Child Advocacy Center.  The youth committee members are:  Maclaine Birch, Wallace Cameron, Glenn Cameron, Si Dudley, Celia Dudley, Emma Caroline Edge, Ashton Edge, Mary Margaret Gill, Carter Horman, Tate Horman, Gray Hurley, Billy Jordan, Charles Moorman, Cecilia Peden, Claudia Peden, Grayson Rodriquez, Harrison Ray, Georgia Spires, Sam Zahran, Andrew Zahran.  Pictured are some of the hardworking youth committee members at the August car wash.

BJB carwash BJB carwash

Carolyn Zahran and Martha Spires, Blue Jean Ball Committee Co-Chairs, Avery Cameron, Chairperson for the artistic chairs and Kensley Edge, Auction Item Chair presented a check for proceeds from the event to the Child Advocacy Center.  The remaining members of the Blue Jean Ball Committee were Sandy Ammons, Beth Birch,

Suzanne Dudley, Teresa Elliott, Mary Gill, Charlie Horman, Kerri Hurley, Pam Mathias, Sarah Moorman, Jill Peden, Cheryl Ray, Kimberly Rodriguez.  Thank you to all the adult and youth committee members, artists, auction donors and sponsors who made this event a tremendous success!

 BJB Committee

Pictured L to R:  Judge Beth Keever, Avery Cameron, Kensley Edge, Carolyn Zahran, Martha Spires, Roberta Humphries


... and all our individual donors and supporters who help us provide the very best services to the children of our community.


What We Do

The primary mission of the Child Advocacy Center is to mobilize effective collaborative community responses to child abuse.  The CAC provides a safe and child-friendly place where 19 community agencies come together to interview, investigate and provide support for abused children.  During 2009, our center served 483 children and their families and, by our coordinating efforts, saved the community more than $600,000.


2010 Board of Directors and Staff

Board of Directors

Rosemary Zimmerman, Chairperson

The Honorable Elizabeth Keever, Vice Chairperson

Horace K. Thompson, Treasurer

Taylor Stephenson, Secretary

Kenneth Barefoot

Neil Bergman

Linda Braswell

Ron Buryk

Marcus Cox

Marge Dederick

The Honorable Laura A. Devan

Kensley Edge

Tim Edwards, J.D.

Claire Hill, J.D.

Debbie Jenkins

Lucy Jones

Bradley J. Loase

Howard Loughlin, M.D.

Michael Nagowski

Angela Neal

Wendy Vonnegut, Esq.

Billy West, J.D.

Carolyn Zahran



Roberta Humphries, Executive Director

Jackie Davis, Case Data/Financial Manager

Megan Fitzgerald, Victim/Family Advocate

Faith Boehmer, Volunteer Coordinator

Jan Rogers, Forensic Interviewer

Kelly Blake, Program Assistant

Thank you to St. Patrick Catholic Church for their financial assistance in the publication of our newsletter.