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                                                                                                                Tanzania Telegraph
November 2009
Bill and Leah DeLaughter
Arusha Tanzania

This year we have so much to be thankful for: our parents, our three beautiful children, our ministry, our home, our health.  We look forward to the holiday season in joy, as a time to spend with family.  We're excited that Bill's parents will be visiting from Dec 7th until sometime during of Feb.  Leah will be spending a month with her parents in January when she returns with Jonathan for his orthopedic shoe fitting (more on that later).  We hope that you will remember your blessings this holiday season as well.
Trip to USA for Jonathan and Leah
  As you are probably aware, when Jonathan was born in March 2009, he was born with a smaller right foot.  We were told at that time that there would be no surgeries necessary, but that he would need an orthopedic shoe to aid in walking.  We were admitted into the St. Louis Shriner's hospital, and were able to meet with them before returning to Arusha.  We have an appointment for January 11th, when Jonathan will be 9 months old.  They wish to see how he is standing on the foot and will be creating a special shoe for him at that time to assist him in walking.
   The tickets will cost around $2300 for Leah and Jonathan.  We currently have $850 raised for this, and so we need to raise $1500 as soon as possible to purchase the tickets in December.  Bill and the girls will be staying in Arusha.  Leah and Jonathan will be gone for one month, to assure enough time for the shoe to be made.   Please pray about helping out with this need.
  This will be the longest separation Leah has had from Katrina and Heather.  They will be on school break during that time.  Bill's parents will be here to help out  Bill.  It will also be the longest Leah and Bill have been separated, believe it or not.  So, please be in prayer for the whole family during this time of separation.
Discipleship continues
   Bill has been discipling 5 men, and also a group of 4 people, so 9 total.  This has been a very busy, and draining time, but also a time of great spiritual growth for the disciples.  Bill has been encouraged to see each of the disciples growing in their walk with the Lord.
  Leah is also discipling two women, Nikita and Ivy.  Bill had the pleasure of baptizing Nikita in October, which was a huge blessing.  She has been a believer since August.  We are now praying for her sister (R) to know the Lord as well . 

Asian Fellowship
   Bill has been able to help the Asian Fellowship start a leadership team, and is in process of helping them to begin to set a vision, goals and objectives.  We hosted them at our house and had a community communion service.  It was an incredible experience for all involved.  They enjoyed it so much that they want to start having it more regularly.

Moshono Christian Church
    Amos, one of the elders of Moshono Christian Church, had a baby boy this week.  We praise God that his wife, Evetha, is doing well.  Evetha used to be our house girl 3 years ago!  They also have a 2 year old girl, and are caring for 3 orphans in their home!  Pray for their strength.  Amos runs a school and they also live on the property.  Currently, Moshono Christian Church is meeting in the school until they can buy land for a building.
     We are working on setting up a small chicken farm on Prosper's land, to help him become financially independent.  This is still in the planning stages; we hope visiting church groups will be able to help next summer with this project.
We are also beginning the process of looking for land for the church and a community garden.  So far, all the land is too expensive, so the search continues!

Establishing ACMI in Tanzania
   We have discovered that the rules that we had in hand for this process changed while we in USA having Jonathan.  These changes could mean a longer process than was at first hoped.  However, the office of the district commissioner, the most powerful man in local government, has sent a representative to help us through this process.  This endorsement means a lot.  This secretary is also in the discipleship program with Prosper.  Amazing how the Lord can still surprise us by preparing the way before we even knew we needed the help. 

   We finally moved into our house at first week of Oct.  We love it here!  We just got new neighbors with 9 kids so the girls are having lots of fun with them! 
Homeschooling also started in Oct.  Leah is teaching Katrina 2nd grade and Heather preschool, all with a baby in tow! Its been challenging, but we are doing fine so far.
Praises and Prayers
 *Praise God for His many, many blessings!  He has been so good to us.
*Praise God for our supporters!
*Praise God that discipleship is taking off, and lives are being transformed.
*Pray for Jonathan's right too to continue to grow at a good rate.
*Pray for us to raise the funds to Leah and Jonathan's trip in January, and for the family during that time of separation.
*Pray for the 11 disciples we are meeting with, for God to continue to work in their lives and make them into the people he wants them to be.
*Pray for Sangita, who is leading the Asian Fellowship (now going under the name "United in the Body of Christ"), for her encouragement as she leads the meeting as well as a Ladies fellowship on Wed.
*Pray for the Holy Spirit to move among the Asians in Arusha and for many of them to come to Christ.
*Pray for Moshono Christian Church, for their newly appointed elders, and that they will be able to grow and reach their community for Christ.
*Pray that Moshono Christian Church can find land at a reasonable price to build on.

Don't forget to read Leah's blog at  for more pictures and thoughts.
Thanks for reading, and God bless!  Have a nice Thanksgiving!
In Christ,
William DeLaughter
                                               For Support:
ACM International                      ACM International 
PO Box 2407                            PO Box 37 
Arusha                                     Barnhart, MO 63012 
 *Discipleship is continuing well.
*We are settled into our new house.
*We are raising $1,500 for Leah and Jonathan to make a trip to the States in Jan. for Jonathan's foot.