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 September/October 2012        

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Practitioners' Council November 8, 2012
The College of
William & Mary
School of Education
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23rd Annual 
William & Mary Symposium on Professional Collaboration and Inclusive Education

Think Inclusively, Work Collaboratively: Strategies &
October 25, 2012 
The College of  
William & Mary  
School of Education

This Symposium provides a quality professional development opportunity for educators accountable for the academic and behavioral success of students with disabilities and other struggling learners. Dr. Lisa Dieker, Professor and Lockheed Martin Eminent Scholar at the University of Central Florida, will present the keynote workshop. Highly practical concurrent sessions also offer numerous research-based strategies and tools to ensure effective instruction, positive behavior, successful collaboration, and productive inclusive learning for all students.


Target Audience:  Teachers new to the profession or new to co-teaching. Co-teachers are encouraged to attend as teams.


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New Webinar:
Co-Teaching & Co-Planning for
Student Success
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Inclusion and Intensive Instruction: Can We Have Both?

By Denyse Doerries, Ph.D.

What is quality instruction? What does it mean to increase the intensity of quality instruction? What would that look like in an inclusive school? Read the articles in this issue of Link Lines to answer these questions and more. Read more 

I3 = Intense Instructional Intervention:

Data, Decision, to Design 

By  Mary M. Stowe, M.Ed.

This article describes various approaches that teachers can use to provide intense instruction. Through explicit and systematic instruction, increased learning time, reduced group size, and instruction that addresses cognitive processes such as working memory, teachers can be sure to meet the needs of their struggling students.  Read more  

Engaging Teachers in their Professional Growth

By Elaine B. Gould, M.Ed.

Engaging in reflective practice around classroom observation data can help teachers to improve their instruction. Read the story of an elementary teacher who engaged in a collaborative observation cycle that provided her with opportunities to reflect on and make data-based decisions about her instructional practices. Read more

 Increasing Student Opportunities to Respond

By Elaine B. Gould, M.Ed.

This is the first in a series of articles that will focus on evidence-based instructional practices and classroom management techniques that increase positive and decrease negative student behaviors. The targeted classroom management strategy described in this opening article, increasing the number of opportunities to respond, increases student engagement and on-task behavior. Read the article and access the additional resources to find strategies that can be easily implemented as part of your instructional plan. Read more 

  Featured Apps: Tools for Teachers  

By  Cathy Buyrn, M.Ed.  

Tech-savvy teachers who want to use their mobile devices to increase student engagement, simplify data collection, and accomplish classroom management tasks will want to check out this issue's Featured Apps. These powerful tools will provide teachers with new twists on time-honored strategies for managing the madness. Read more 

 Understanding the Virginia ESEA Waiver  

 By  Cathy Buyrn, M.Ed.   

The recent approval of Virginia's application for flexibility from certain NCLB requirements gives some breathing room to educators as they adjust to ever-increasing accountability standards, but it is critical that they understand the changes. Virginia educators will be riding the wave of change together as they continue striving to meet the needs of all students.  Read more 

Designing Meaningful IEPs - Crafting the PLoP

By  Dale Pennell, C.A.S.  

Do your PLoPs paint vivid portraits of your students as learners? Are they crafted from rich materials that illustrate students' unique strengths and needs? Do they enable IEP teams to design creative interventions that support students with disabilities? This article describes the data that need to be summarized in the Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLoP) and clarifies the purposes for providing this information. Read more

 Virginia Department of Education

The Virginia Department of Education's publication, Guidelines for Working with Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Virginia Public Schools has been updated! This 2012 update reflects current regulations, terminology, demographic and best practice information " to enhance the provision of services to students who are deaf or hard of hearing in order to support their educational goals." Appendices to the Guidelines  include updated suggested resources for instruction, assessment and service provision . Appendix F:  Virginia Communication Plan   for a Student Who Is Deaf or Hard of Hearing  (revised) is available as a Word file as well.  Both documents may be accessed on VDOE's website: Click here, click on Resources - Bullet 4 for the Guidelines  and the Virginia Communication Plan.




John M. Eisenberg has been promoted to assistant superintendent of special education and student services at VDOE. Mr. H. Douglas Cox retired from the position this summer. Welcome to Mr. Eisenberg and warm wishes to Mr. Cox upon his retirement!