Appetite for Healthy Living
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Spring Cleanse April 2009

holiday foodsHappy Spring!

Congratulations on making it through another winter. If you are like most people you may have accumulated some extras this winter- extra weight, extra belongings and extra mental baggage. In excess, these extras contribute to poor health. During the winter, many of us tend to get into the same day-to-day routine, losing sight of what we really want out of life.

That is why I love Spring. It represents the time for change and renewal. Time to give your mind, body and lifestyle a transition...

Spring is known as the time to "clean up" what's not working both physically and emotionally. So throw out some of that stuff you have accumulated, say goodbye to your past and welcome the new energy of your happy, healthy future.

Curious if You Could Use a Cleanse? 

√ Have you accumulated some extra weight during the winter?
√ Is your skin looking or feeling dull?
√ Are you feeling congested or filled with mucus?
√ Have you been feeling stuck or stagnant in your life?
√ Is your body not feeling like it's at optimal levels?
√ Did you spend the winter in hibernation?
√ Consumed a lot of alcohol, processed or sugary foods?
√ Does your metabolism feel a bit slow and sluggish?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above, you owe yourself to do a Spring Cleanse. 

So How Should You Do a Spring Cleanse? Try These 4 Proven Strategies...

1. Spring Clean Your Closets. Get rid of any clothes you have not worn the past year. Chances are if you haven't worn it by now you won't wear it again  (unless it's a classic staple that you know will come back in style) Donate your clothes to charity or sell on ebay...

2. Spring Clean Your Pantry. Throw out anything with hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, refined flours, artificial sweeteners and packaged foods with ingredients you can't pronounce...This site will even tell you how long foods stay fresh and tasty.
3. Spring Clean Your Mind. While you're cleaning out your body and home, don't forget to spring-clean your mind. Throw away negative thoughts and habits you've been harboring that no longer serve you and set a goal to try something new and exciting this Spring. What are your deepest desires? Make a "Desire list" that you can be sure to cross off when completed...
4. Spring Clean Your Body. Give it a break from rich and complicated foods by cleansing for a short period of time. Cleansing means paring down your food to just simple fruits and vegetables, lots of water and perhaps whole grains. Did you know that cleansing can clear skin, reduce belly bloat, eliminate sugar cravings, make you sleep better and boost your metabolism?...

Want more support around doing a Spring Cleanse?
When you sign up for my Upcoming Boosting Metabolism Teleclass, you will immediately receive the "Spring Cleanse Guide" in your inbox,
with 6 cleanse solutions for you to instantly implement. SEE SIDEBAR FOR DETAILS. 

Be Well,

P.S. Feel free to pass this email along to your friends and co-workers. It's certain to make a powerful and positive impact on their day.
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New Healthy Living Teleclass:

"Boosting Your Metabolism"

(workshop via phone)

Curious to find out how to boost your metabolism besides doing a cleanse?
Join me May 20th @ 7pm EST...
Debunk the diet myths that are sabotaging your weight loss and health goals... 
Find out 7 proven strategies that actually work to boost your metabolism so that you weigh less and live more!

Register now and receive your "Spring Cleanse Guide"

Cost: $17 Early Bird Special

(Price goes up May 5th to $27)

Click here to learn more

Food Focus: Asparagus
Known as a spring vegetable, Asparagus is high in folate, vitamin C & A and potassium. Asparagus is delicious steamed, sauteed, roasted and grilled. 
Click here for this month's recipe:

Spring Asparagus Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette
Only 4 Spots Left!

In the upcoming Weigh Less, Live More Cooking Class- April 29th.

Reserve your spot now.

Hear what people are saying about our get healthy cooking classes..

Spring Special!
F.ree Nutrition Breakthrough Session...
This 30-minute phone session includes a full discussion of your health history and health goals, a chance to get your questions answered and the opportunity to find out more about a personalized health program, completely catered toward your busy lifestyle and needs.

Please contact me at [email protected] to schedule your consultation.