Monday Morning Marketing Tip
Rob Eagar's Monday Morning Marketing Tip
 is written to help authors, publishers, and organizations
spread their message like wildfire.
This week's focus:
If you know about a subject well-enough to write a book, then you're probably familiar with some of your subject's annual conferences, retreats, or trade shows that attract industry leaders and influencers. If not, then conduct an Internet search, or ask the leaders that you know for a list of the major events they attend.

Consider attending at least 3 - 5 of these events per year as networking opportunities. Contact the event organizer, and ask if you could teach a workshop or sit on one of the discussion panels. Your goal is to get your name and expertise in front of the attendees. If those efforts fail, you can still meet a lot of leaders by attending the event's sessions, dinners, or extracurricular activities. Don't hide in your hotel room. Walk around and engage people with confidence knowing that you have real value to offer.
Action step: Make a list of 3 conferences you should attend in 2011 and contact the organizer about speaking or exhibiting opportunities.

Upcoming Event Reminder - only 5 seats remain!
Authors with marketing savvy sell more books...
it's time you became one of them.

Join Rob Eagar for a small group, value-laden workshop:
How to Sell Books Like WildFire!
November 6, 2010 in Atlanta, GA
Space is filling up fast. Signup today.
Click here for details and registration.
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� Rob Eagar 2010. All rights reserved.
WildFire Marketing
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