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In This Issue:
Meet Rob at Christian Book Expo
March Rankings for CBA Publishers
Article: Author Websites Influence Book Sales
Join Rob at the SheSpeaks Conference
Client Success Story: Johnny Parker
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Meet Rob in Dallas, TX:
Rob Eagar will be attending the Christian Book Expo in Dallas, TX on March 20 - 22nd.
If you'd like to meet Rob and discuss joining his Mentor Program or creating a specific book marketing project, call 1-800-267-2045 to setup an appointment.
For event details and registration,
 click here.
Quick Links:
About Rob Eagar:
Rob Eagar
Rob Eagar is the founder of WildFire Marketing who helps authors and publishers spread their message through innovative marketing strategies. He has trained over 100 authors from beginners to best-sellers. The results his clients enjoy include: 
● Larger book sales.
● Increased media exposure.
● More speaking events at higher fees.
● Enhanced website activity and online influence.
March Amazon 
Comparison of ECPA Publishers
Click here for spreadsheet of our March rankings.

WildFire Marketing tracks the top 15 ECPA publishers according to the average ranking of their 20 best-selling books on Amazon.
Comparing this monthly data over time helps authors and publishers identify who is best utilizing this important online sales channel.
Note: Amazon rankings do not reflect accurate sales figures. However, they can help determine how specific publishers or titles perform over time versue their peers.
WildFire Marketing E-Newsletter
March, 2009
New Study Proves How Author Websites Influence Book Sales
Last summer, the Codex Group, a publishing research firm with clients including Random House and Barnes & Noble, surveyed nearly 21,000 book shoppers. The objective of their study was to understand the relative effectiveness of author websites among shoppers and determine the elements that keep them coming back to a site. Result from this recent ground-breaking research revealed these important statistics:
● Book shoppers who had visited an author website in the past week bought 38% more books, from a wider range of retailers, than those who had not visited an author site.
● Visiting an author's website is the leading way that book readers support and get to know their favorite authors better. And, this is true regardless of age.
● Most author websites lack the right content that makes readers want to return, such as exclusive material or fan interaction.
The Codex research revealed that author website visits translate directly to the number of books bought. However, the data also indicated that most author sites don't attract the repeat visits needed to help boost book sales. And, according to readers, flashy design is not a key to success. Content is more essential. So, what do these new statistics mean to you as an author?
1. Your website is your most powerful book marketing tool. A website that keeps readers returning can have a direct affect on increased book sales.
2. Most author websites stink. The reason why is that most websites are nothing more than a boring, electronic brochure. Not much is offered to help the visitor experience the author's message, join a community, interact with fans, or get free resources.
3. If you have a lame website, you're hindering your book sales. The good news is that you can fix this problem. But, don't rely on your web designer for answers.  Most web techies don't understand the needs of an author. They tend to get caught up in expensive bells and whistles that waste your money.
4. Don't assume that a fancy website is a good website. For example, the current #1 selling fiction author in America, Stephenie Meyer, has a terrible-looking website, but she's got a huge community around her books. So, you can have the best-looking site on the Internet, but if it's not getting a lot of traffic and repeat visitors, then it's a waste of money.
5. High search engine rankings aren't necessarily important for high-traffic. Don't waste money and time trying to boost your search ranking...that's an Internet myth. Instead, focus on building a website that provides value to readers and gives them reasons to return.
WildFire Marketing knows how to transform your author website into a powerful online presence. So, if you're website isn't getting the results you want, give us a call at 1-800-267-2045. Click on the links below to view some of our before-and-after website samples:
Sample # 1: Leslie Vernick
Sample # 2: Johnny Parker
Sample # 3: Mary DeMuth

Advanced Ministry Marketing
for Christian Women Authors & Speakers

Rob and Ashley Eagar will lead the "Advanced Ministry Marketing Track" for Christian women authors at the SheSpeaks Conference on July 31 - Aug. 2 in Charlotte, NC. Last year, this conference sold-out early  as over 600 women from every corner of America converged for the event. So, don't delay your registration.
As a Christian communicator, you are on the frontlines to bring people a message of hope in these tough times. But, if people don't know that your books or speaking ministry exist, then your message will be harder to spread. Therefore, marketing is an important part of long-term success. Join Rob as he shares advanced methods to help your ministry book more speaking engagements, secure more media exposure, and maximize your message. Sessions include:
  • Make Your Website Work for Your Ministry
  • Write Newsletters that Get Results
  • Get More Media Coverage for Your Message
Limited space is available! This advanced pre-conference track is only $125 and includes all materials and a networking lunch. For event details, pricing, and schedule, visit: www.SheSpeaksConference.com

Client Success Story:
"I'm extremely satisfied with the WildFire Marketing Mentor Program. After speaking and writing for over 10 years, I was struggling to expand my author platform and generate the desired level of income. But, Rob's creativity and insights gave me a new perspective which really improved my career.  He pushed me when I needed to be challenged, but offered encouragement and wisdom throughout the process. Now, I've got the skills and platform to succeed."
Johnny Parker 
Johnny Parker
Author of
BluePrints for Marriage
For more client success stories, click here.
How Can We Help You?
This economic recession is what I call "the great weed-out period." In other words, those authors with truly good books and truly strong platforms will continue to thrive. In contrast, authors who don't create value for their readers and market their books effectively will struggle and burn-out.
Now is the time to make your message as clear as possible. Are you a non-fiction expert who can make real results happen for your audience? Are you a fiction novelist who can fully inspire your readers? Marketing your value is the single most productive path you can take for success.
If you'd like to explore how we can help improve your book marketing, don't hesitate to call 1-800-267-2045. All initial phone consultations are free.
Thanks for subscribing to this newsletter, and please take a moment to forward this newsletter to your author and publishing-industry friends.
Rob Eagar
WildFire Marketing
Spread Your Message
Phone: 1-800-267-2045