April 2012
5325 Central  
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There are times when getting a meal on the table feels like a daunting task. You're tired, need to go to the grocery store, or just don't feel like cooking tonight!  When recovering from an illness, caring for a newborn or grieving the loss of a loved one, the thought of cooking can be downright overwhelming. One of the most helpful things you can do for a friend in a time of need is provide food, so that for at least one meal they don't have to worry about anything. 


For some, providing a meal can be an overwhelming task for many reasons: 

"I don't know how to cook."  

"What if they don't like what I make?"  

"I can barely get food on my own table." 


Don't let grand gestures of a home-cooked meal overwhelm you. It is just as thoughtful if you have a little help along the way. Here is a fun way that will make providing a meal to your friend not only quick and easy, but also affordable.

10 Minutes and $20


Go to your nearest grocery store with $20 in your pocket and 10 minutes on your timer. Ready, set, go!

  • Start by picking up a rotisserie chicken in the deli (probably best to stick with the plain seasoning)
  • Next, head to bakery and pick up some fresh-baked bread (ask them to slice the bread for you)
  • Then, find the produce section and pick up a couple of tomatoes and a bag of ready-to-eat lettuce
  • Now that your sandwich is complete, you can move on to the snack-food aisle to get a bag of chips
  • Before getting the dessert, you may want to add some applesauce, baked beans or cottage cheese
  • Finally, grab some cookies (any kind will do) 

Voila, you've done it! Now all that's left to do is deliver the meal, and don't forget to clear the time with your friend in advance.


Want another recipe idea? We have more!


Bonus Tip: On the way to the store, call your friend to see if there is anything you can pick up while you are out. What a relief for your friend not to have to make a special trip out for milk or toilet paper!

Another easy idea:  If you live far away, don't have time to go to the store, or just don't feel comfortable delivering a meal in person, try a gift card.
We may not be able to change that outcome, but we hope to change the journey.
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