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All of us are walking around with some kind of birthday card we would like to give - some personal expression of joy, creativity or aliveness that we are hiding under our shirt.
 -- Unknown

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June 2009 Newsletter

June is a month that often seems full of celebrations.   Graduations, weddings, Father's Day, reunions and vacations come to mind.  June is also birthday month for WhatFriendsDo so it is a good time to encourage celebrating milestones and memories.
One of the goals of WhatFriendsDo is to help people become more comfortable at being good friends as the people they care about go through life-changing events.
Here some easy things to do:
If a friend of yours has recently lost a loved one, mark these dates on your calendar:  loved one's birthday, date the person died, wedding anniversary. (If you're using an electronic calendar, make the reminders annual events so you'll be reminded year after year.)  Now when those dates come along you will be reminded to send a note or make a phone call to let your friend know you are thinking of them and their special someone.
For a friend who is hospitalized:  Make your friend's room the most cheerful room
in the hospital.  
For a family with a new baby (or two... or more!) ....
Shhhhh!! Sleeping like a baby often means only 2-3 hours of sleep a night.  Celebrate the new addition to the family by providing nap time for Mom & Dad.
For your friends serving in the military, celebrate their service by doing something special for their
family members at home.   
For friends with long-term illnesses, celebrate a
special event whenever one seems appropriate.  You know your friend, so you'll know just what to do!
Celebrate friends moving to a new city by sending them on a scavenger hunt, complete with
gift cards to local eateries.   They will welcome a few hours away from unpacking boxes!
Celebrate your friend's friends.  If your friend isn't quite up to acknowledging other people's birthdays, you can help out!   A basket full of fun greeting cards, colorful markers, a book of stamps and your offer to address the envelopes will make it easy for your friend to be a good friend, too.
Celebrate the memory of a dear friend by
planting a tree or perennial flowers in his or her honor.
These ideas are nothing new, and nothing that's been revolutionized by the internet.  These are just suggestions of what friends do.
If WhatFriendsDo has been or is helpful to you, your family and or your friends, please share the site with others.  That's the best second-birthday gift you can give to us!
Special Days 
The WhatFriendsDo.com concept of "celebrating" special days all year long allows friends from all circles of life to participate in the caring and nurturing of a friend as well as the other family members and caregiver(s).  Friends can easily stay in touch from near and far, during happy times and difficult times. 
June 19 - Write a Letter Day
June 29 - Camera Day
July 2 - I Forgot Day
We might not be able to change the outcome of your situation, but we hope to help change the journey!  
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