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Previous Newsletters
Issues of previous WhatFriendsDo.com newsletters are available online. 
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October 2008 Newsletter

Some life-changing events - or new seasons of life - happen gradually, like the addition of a new baby to a family.  Others happen suddenly, like the injuries from a car accident.  Caring and compassion are always needed, and offers for help come from so many directions.   If you're thinking of setting up a WhatFriendsDo.com team but are a bit nervous you won't know what to do, help is only a mouse click away!  In addition to the step-by-step coordinator's guide that is attached to each team the WhatFriendsDo staff recently launched a special coordinator's blog with tips, answers to questions, and fun ideas.

Special Days

The WhatFriendsDo.com concept of "celebrating" special days all year long allows friends to stay in touch from near and far, during happy times and difficult times.

October 9 - Fire Prevention Day
October 13 - Shower for the Cure Day
October 16 - Pay it Forward Day
October 25 - World Pasta Day
WhatFriendsDo.com offers ideas of small things
you can do that will mean a lot.
A New Season 
Not only is this fall the start of a new season, but for my family it is also the start of many new things.  This is our first fall in a new house in a new city and state.   It is also the start of kindergarten for my daughter, a new preschool for my son and a new job for my husband. We're all learning so many new things at once; it has been hard to focus on small things, like fixing meals and paying bills!  While we knew about this change for a long time, it was still hard and has changed all of our lives in countless ways. 
As we prepared for our move, friends dropped boxes on our porch, watched the kids while we showed the house to prospective buyers, invited us to dinner once we packed away our kitchen, helped us load our moving truck and hugged us as we cried and said good-bye.  Not once was there any hesitation on the part of a friend when we asked for help; every one of them reminded me that it is "what friends do!"  It is the inspiration of my friends and what they did for me, and what they continue to do for me, and what I know new friends will do for me, that reminds me that WhatFriendsDo.com is where I should focus my passion right now as my family and I start a new season of our lives. 
So whatever the new season is in your friend's life, remember what friends do for each other and all the little things that make your friendship special, and do what you can to help make the transition to the new season a little easier.
Aimee Kandrac

Seasonal Cheer

Bulbs can be used as a symbol to represent a newmichigan bulbs season - whether the new season is happy or sad, by the time the bulbs bloom in the spring, the flowers will be a wonderful reminder that friends care.  Check the WhatFriendsDoBlog for more ideas about planting bulbs!

Send us a message if you have a story to share in a WhatFriendsDo.com newsletter.  We'd love to hear from you!
We might not be able to change the outcome of your situation, but we hope to help change the journey!  
WhatFriendsDo.com Staff WhatFriendsDo Butterfly

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