In This Issue
What Friends Give
What Friends Do for Holiday Cheer
Special Days
Illness and Grief during holidays
What Friends Did
What Friends GIVE

Looking for that special gift to help your friend, or just to put a smile on someone's face?

Year of Wishes Candles

As these candles burn they reveal a tiny keepsake.  Each a reminder of the power of positive thought and a wish to focus on--joy, love, adventure, luck, wealth, peace, health, longevity, success, balance, comfort and fun.

The gift of life
This holiday season please visit your local blood donation center and give the gift of life.
What Friends Do for Holiday Cheer

First and foremost, there is no right or wrong way to "handle" a holiday. Just keep in mind that your friend going through an illness, grief or other major change is experiencing holidays this year in a new way, not a bad way.

As friends, we need to do what we can to make the holidays just a little easier and more cheerful.

Holiday Gift Catalog- 125x125


Team Spirit 
Anyone going through a long-term illness, the loss of a loved one, a divorce, a move to a new home, or the loss of a job needs the support and nurture from friends more than ever.  Create a Team site for your friend today. It's free, it's easy, and the joy it will bring to you, your friend and all team members will be incredible.

"When we forget the obvious, the little joys, the meals together, the birthday celebrations, the weeping together in time of pain, the wonder of a sunset or of a daffodil peeping through the snow, we become less human."

--Madeleine L'Engle
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December Newsletter

Typically when we think of the month of December we immediately think of holidays.  We focus on shopping, wrapping, baking, and finding time to get it all done.  With all the hustle and bustle of making or purchasing gifts for others, most of us do not stop to think about getting gifts for ourselves.  At we believe that friends are the gifts we give ourselves.
It is part of our American culture to strive to be independent, and that's commendable, but nobody is truly independent.  We all need the grocer, the banker, the electric company; they make up our community and we never hesitate to utilize their services. Each family member or friend is special to us for a different reason and we need those people in our community just as we need the merchants.   Some friends make us laugh, some help us see different perspectives, some are awesome cooks.  We need these people and their special talents.
This holiday season, give yourself the gift of friendship.  Whether you are in need of help or companionship from a friend, or you are able to offer your help to a friend, you owe it to yourself to reach out.   If you're having a hard time accepting help from a friend, ask yourself this question:  "Would I do that for my friend?"   Of course you would -- it's what friends do!
Special Days 
The concept of "celebrating" special days all year long allows friends to stay in touch from near and far, during happy times and difficult times.

December  5 - Blue Jeans Day

December  6 - Give a Secret Gift Day

December  7 - Letter Writing Day

December  8 - Take it in the Ear Day

December  9 - National Pastry Day

December 10 - International Childen's Day

December 11 - Hi Neighbor Day

December 12 - Poinsettia Day

December 13 - Ice Cream Day

December 14 - Deck the Halls Day


Illness and Grief during Holidays 

Many people think of holidays as joyous times, but for some people, this year's holiday season is going to be far from cheerful.

The holidays are often especially challenging for families who are in the midst of a serious illness, have recently gone through a divorce or lost a loved one.  "Recently" is a relative term; some families have just experienced their loss, while for others, facing the holidays several years after losing a child, partner, parent or friend continues to be difficult.  For a family dealing with a serious illness, knowing that they may not be able to celebrate in the same way they have in years past may be very depressing.  Whether people are focused on memories, the loss of a loved one, the unknown outcome of treatment or being far away from family, the holidays are a time of year when many people need someone to talk to in order to get them through the anticipation of feeling alone.

Friends can do so many things to ensure that the holidays are joyful. offers daily suggestions for helping with routine and seasonal tasks.  The Holiday Cheer page is filled with some ideas that are strictly for fun and others that will tug at heartstrings.  Do what you can to eliminate unnecessary stress for your friend.  Try to help maintain long-time traditions and encourage new traditions.

For people who are facing challenges this holiday season, remember that life as they knew it is gone - maybe forever and maybe just for now.   Make sure that their friends are something they can count on to remain constant!

What Friends Did
It's not unusual for someone to think that they have nothing to offer to a friend in need. There are standing traditions of baking a casserole, mailing a card, and sending flowers. What Friends Do inspires us to look within ourselves to find the abilities we can share to help our friends in unique ways. The incredible part is that along the way those who give of themselves in unique ways discover the gift they are giving to themselves - Joy. They realize that their talents and abilities are valuable gifts to give to a friend. Here are a few examples of the joyful sharing that happened within our friends and family:

Delivering a recording of songs made together during happier times - Fixing the laptop that allowed access to the team website - Babysitting kids so family could be together - Helping shop for and wrap gifts for her to give others - Going on a zany field trip together - Painting signs (Welcome Home, We Love You) - Milk shake delivery any time day or night - Playing with the puppy so he would finally rest - Helping address and write "thank you" notes - Taking the car for an oil change and car wash - Running or walking a race as a team - Learning a new card game, and playing often! - Celebrating obscure and creative holidays - Making a gift that is a reflection of your love - Wearing a team T Shirt - Secretly planting flowers, cutting grass and weeding - Leaving a myriad of wonderful goodies on the porch.

Each little thing that someone found to give of themselves not only created delight at the moment but left a lasting memory and sign of their care and concern. Even the most odd, impractical gift or task was understood for it's real intent - a virtual hug, a supporting shoulder, and mostly, a friend.

Be inspired to find what you can offer that will show you care, and know that you will reap the joy of being a friend.

Caroline Mullin

We might not be able to change the outcome of your situation, but we hope we can change the journey!
Wishing you a peaceful holiday, StaffWhatFriendsDo Butterfly
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