
Last week we saw a
major victory for DREAMers! The June 15th announcement from the Obama administration offers relief to a potential 800,000 DREAM students--some of the hardest-working, civically engaged young people in our community.

While we still have work to do, we are so excited to see more than a decade of advocacy efforts finally make a difference in the lives of our young achievers.
There is no better place to celebrate than at Latinos Progresando's June 27th Tomorrow's Heroes Today event, where we'll be awarding seven students from our community with scholarships to help them pursue their dreams.

Now, more than ever, the families at LP need your support. See you there!

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        Our Heroes  

Juan Jose Almaras | Jose Alonso | Elkin Arredondo | Jorge Garcia | Benny's Grill | Maria de las Nieves Bola�as | Miguel & Esmeralda Chavez | Ariel Cohen | Nancy Corral | Veronica & Alberto Cortez | Daisy De La Cruz | Patricia & Lenny Dominguez | Sarah Diaz | Francisca Grado | Edward Gutierrez | Guillermo Gutierrez |Maria del Rosario Gutierrez, honored by Luis Gutierrez | Maria del Rosario Gutierrez, honored by Virginia Martinez | Lucy Hall | Kevin Hogan | Jesus I�inguez | L Productions | John LaMonica | Adrienne Lange |Steven and Deanna Levin | Daniel & Carey Lange | Laura Litwiller | Jose Lomeli | Gloria Macias | Erica Martinez | Fernando Martinez | Leonard Martinez | Gustavo Medina Suneel & Jennifer Nagda | Alfredo Nambo | Juan F. Orta | Harvey Popovich | Marcos Popovich | Jorge Roque | Veronica Reyes | Diana Rodriguez | Mike Salazar | Joel and Beth Spenadel | Catarina Salgado | Salvador Sandoval | Laura Seago | Ibrahim Serrano, honored by Pablo Serrano | Larah Tannenbaum | Osvaldo Torrez | Thomas Trauger | Alison Triggs | Olivia Villegas |Carol Waldman | Nach and Maron Waxman | Sarah B. Waxman | Analy Zaragoza | Lilibeth Zaragoza