The Lion's Roar  

The Las Lomitas PTA Newsletter  
                                                                         Week of February 27, 2012     
In This Issue
From the Governing Board
School News
PTA News
Las Lomitas Spring Auction
LLESD Governing Board
Community Resources
Community News
Newsletter Submissions
Join Our Mailing List!
Quick Links



For Las Lomitas League class schedules, please see their website at



Coming Soon

  • 3/6 DELAC - 6 p.m. - room 19
  • 3/7 PTA Bd. Mtg. - 9 a.m. - room 20B
  • 3/7 School Bd. Mtg. - 7 p.m. - LE MUR
  • 3/10 Pancake Breakfast
  • 3/11 Daylight Savings Time begins
  • NO LLL classes the week of March 12.
  • 3/14 Evening w/ the Principal 6:30-7:30 - Library
  • 3/21 Science Wonders 6 p.m. - Cano Hall



March 14, 15, and 16 are MINIMUM DAYS.  All children attend school 9 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.


There are no extra-curricular LLL classes the week of March 12.

From the Governing Board



With Superintendent Eric Hartwig retiring at the end of this school year, the Governing Board has selected the search firm Leadership Associates to assist the District in finding a new superintendent.  To find the perfect fit for us, Leadership Associates will be on our campuses this week to hear from staff, parents, and community members about the qualities and skills the new superintendent of Las Lomitas Elementary School District ought to possess.  Hearing from the entire community is an important part of the superintendent search process.  Therefore, we hope you will be able meet with Mike Escalante and Peggy Lynch of Leadership Associates on Monday evening, March 5th, at 7 p.m. at Cano Hall (Las Lomitas) when they will hold an open forum for anyone to come and share their thoughts.  We hope that you can attend!  


School News



Dear Las Lomitas Families,


As you know, our enrollment is near 675 students. If we add in faculty, staff, students and parents, Las Lomitas' population is about the same size as Belvedere, California! In order to function smoothly, we all need to do our part. Below is a list of ways you can make life here a little bit less hectic for everyone:

  1. Read the Lion's Roar. It has the answer to almost every question you may have.
  2. Keep track of the school calendar. It has the answer to questions about minimum days, vacations and conference dates.
  3. Call in absences to the attendance line early in the morning. This will reduce the number of follow up calls the secretaries must make to ensure your child is safe.
  4. Provide written notes to the teacher if dismissal plans change. This reduces the number of last minute phone calls and the need to interrupt the classroom to pass this vital information on to the teacher.
  5. Return requested forms on time. This reduces the number of repeated mailings we must make to ensure we have emergency information, medical permissions, etc. on file for your child.
  6. Park in designated places. This will keep us from having to make an announcement over the intercom and interrupt classroom learning.
  7. Drop your child off on time. Students should not arrive before 8:30 a.m. We do not have supervision prior to 8:30 a.m.
  8. Pick your child up on time. The office closes at 4 p.m. We cannot provide supervision after hours.
  9. Be at the bus stop on time. This will reduce the need for you to come to the school to pick up your child.
  10. Keep track of after-school program changes. There are multiple Las Lomitas League classes. Keep that LLL teacher's number handy and call him/her to find out it there is a change in schedule.
  11. Be patient. We care about each child, parent and teacher at this school, but cannot give all of you our attention at the same time.

On our part, we are doing some remodeling in the office to provide an area specifically for parent information. There will be space for calendars, LLEF information, bus schedules, Board minutes, enrichment programs, mail to parents from teachers, PTA files, etc., all in one location. Our hope is to be able to provide a "one stop shopping" area for parents. As always, Beverley and Carol are happy to assist you if you can't find what you need. With everyone's cooperation, and a bit of reorganization, our little "town" will function smoothly. Thanks for your support!


Until next time,


Safety Tip:  Please use the crosswalks!  Model safe behavior.


PTA News



Read-A-Thon  Congratulations to all of our readers. The 2012 Read-A-Thon was a huge success!  Las Lomitas students read a grand total of 459,255 minutes during the Read-A-Thon, a new school record!  Just think, it would take one person reading every second of every hour of every day for 319 days to read as much as we did.  69% of Las Lomitas students participated in the Read-A-Thon which is also a school record.  Thank you for your support!


We would like to thank the Read-A-Thon Committee for all of their hard work, it takes a lot of effort to stuff envelopes and tally minutes and put together character costumes.  Thanks to: Monica Albers, Cindy Anderson, Helene Astrom, Mennu Bhasin, Katie Boland, Sandra Cheek, Cheryl Cho-Phan, Julie Herlihy, Julie Hsu, Elaine MacDonald, Laura MacLean, Priya Mathew, Laurie Sobel, and Gianna Wrenn.  A special thanks to Las Lomitas PTA Webmaster Rebecca Grant for designing our new online reporting system, and to Lisa Shepard Reid for coordinating the printing.


Late pledges and forms can still be turned in to the box in the the Las Lomitas office.


Pancake Breakfast  Don't forget the Pancake Breakfast is coming up on Saturday, March 10th in Cano Hall. Please register online: Tickets are $5 per person and payment must be received by Friday, March 2nd.  Otherwise, it's $7 per person at the door. Come for pancakes from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. and stay to see the Happy Bird Performing Parrot show at 10 a.m. It's a fun event you don't want to miss! Email Linda Mills at with any questions. 


ScienceWonders is coming.  The Las Lomitas version of a 'Science Fair,' ScienceWonders, will be on Wednesday, March 21 from 6 - 8 p.m. in Cano Hall. This is an age-appropriate, voluntary, non-competitive event. The general format for projects is, "I wonder..., I did..., I learned." Kids come up with any question about which they wonder and experiment and research to find answers. Their projects are displayed for friends and families at the Exhibition on March 21. More information can be found at, and the information packet can be downloaded at  Please contact Diana Sunshine with any questions or to volunteer. Diana Sunshine,


Order your Las Lomitas Memory Book ONLINE today!  It's time to order your Memory Books (the books will be distributed the last week of school). Please use our new online ordering form at:  Books are $25 each if ordered by March 24th (books will be $30 each if ordered after March 24th).
(Note: paper order forms will be in the Feb. 27th Monday envelope if you wish to still order by check)

Las Lomitas Spring Auction






Las Lomitas is Going for Gold!   


The road to London and Olympic Glory begins May 19 at the 2012 Spring Auction in Woodside. This year we celebrate the spirit of the Olympic Games, which recognizes that "the most important thing is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle."  In this spirit, we ask you to help us bring home the Gold!

Please help us create an auction catalog of Olympic greatness: Donate an auction item now at!

Consider sharing your special talents, treasures, getaways, events and experiences with us. 

Need some ideas of what to solicit or donate?  Here are a few:

  • Donate tickets from your season subscription: sports, concerts, theater, etc.
  • Offer a getaway at your wonderful cabin, condo or vacation home;
  • Underwrite a one-of-a-kind event or item that we can't get for free;
  • Host a party for kids or for parents - and get your friends to co-host with you!
  • Arrange a unique "behind-the-scenes" experience somewhere special;
  • Dazzle us with your culinary expertise and host a cooking class or dinner party;
  • Share your passion for adventure - take a group sailing, geo-caching, or mountain biking;
  • Request a gift certificate from a business you frequent. (Think restaurant, fitness gym or personal trainer, hair or nail salon, retail store, house cleaner, dog sitter....);
  • Teach a skill in which you are an "expert", such as football, painting, knitting, etc.

The opportunities are endless.  If you can't donate, perhaps you can underwrite!  And don't forget to hit up all your friends, family, business associates, neighbors, and anyone else you can think of that might have something unique and wonderful to offer.  Our medal count depends on you! Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.


If you have any questions or wish to discuss an idea, please contact Auction Solicitations Chair Pamela Stang at, or (650) 996-6991. 


LLESD Governing Board

The Governing Board web page ( now lists all scheduled Board meetings and their location, and includes links to agendas for upcoming meetings and approved minutes for past meetings. The site is updated when new information is available, so please visit it regularly. Materials discussed at Regular Meetings (held monthly) are available in both school offices Monday through Wednesday prior to the meeting. Materials from past meetings are available at the District Office by contacting the Superintendent's Secretary at 854-2880.  


Business Sponsors News


The Las Lomitas PTA and the Las Lomitas School do not endorse, warrant or recommend any of these businesses.

  • Remember to mention Las Lomitas at the register and Kepler's donates 6% back to our school. Please check the website for upcoming events. 


 Community News


The Las Lomitas PTA and the Las Lomitas School do not endorse, warrant or recommend any of these businesses. 
LADERA RECREATION DISTRICT MEMBERSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE Have you ever wished you had your own swimming pool, tennis court, volleyball court and full playground?  Well that's what it feels like when you join the Ladera Recreation District for the summer. Generations of families have found a fun, family friendly and casual atmosphere up at the Ladera Rec during the summer.  With lots of fitness and fun options, it feels like its practically your own facility minus all of the headaches of upkeep. Here, your kids can become water safe, join a summer swim team, learn how to play tennis or just mess around with friends. This year we are offering an early-season discount to non-residents who register before March 15th.  Our non-resident rate prior to March 15th is only $1,490 for the year.  (This increases to $1,540 on March 16th.)  There
isn't a better deal on the Peninsula!  If you have questions, please e-mail us  or call 650-843-3242. 

Is your daughter interested in trying the great sport of Ice Hockey?  Hannah O. in first grade plays for the San Jose Jr. Sharks Girls' U8 team and loves it. Here is a free and easy way for your daughter to check it out!  Saturday, March 3, 9:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. at the Sharks Ice in San Jose girls only!  For girls ages 5 to 12, equipment is provided.  To register, please click Here: and follow these instructions: press "Click Here to Register" Youth League link, From the "Season" drop down menu select "Girls Hockey a Try," from the "Level" drop down menu select time, click "Continue."


Alpine Strikers FC Spring and Summer Soccer Programs  Alpine Strikes FC offers a variety of fun developmental soccer programs for school age (and preschool) kids. The spring after-school soccer program begins the week of February 27th. Summer soccer camp registration is also open now for 6-10 year-olds! Visit for more information and to register online.
California Theatre Center specializes in plays for young audiences. Summer Theatre Conservatory classes begin in June.  The Junior Conservatory is a half-day program for 5 to 8 year olds and the Core Conservatory is for ages 8 and up.  For more information, call 408-245-2979 or visit the CTC website


Parents Place is offering Social Skills Groups for children in PreKindergarten, Kindergarten and First Grade.  These groups are for children who are experiencing difficulties in social settings such as play groups, school or the playground.  Ten weekly sessions begin quarterly at Parents Place in Palo Alto or San Mateo.  For more information or to schedule an intake interview, please contact Kirk Stuepfert, 650-688-3049 or Flyers are in the Las Lomitas office. 


Carillon Preschool, located on the Christ Church campus at 815 Portola Road, PV, is accepting applications for the 2012-2013 school year. Class ratios are 14 children and 2 teachers. We currently have openings in our 3's program and our Young 5's program. Tours are available.

Please contact Lynn Sowers, or 650-529-1335.

Newsletter Submissions


The Lion's Roar is published every Monday. To submit items for inclusion in the newsletter: 


� Email submissions by noon, Wednesdays, to Carol Clark at

� Include a brief description of the item in the subject line of the email.
� Please include the text (in 10pt Arial) in an attachment to your email.
� Flyers will be summarized briefly in the email newsletter, with a link provided to access the complete flyer. Flyers must be provided electronically to enable online access.


Please note: Community announcements are for local children's events only. The title, date and contact number will be listed with a one-two sentence descriptor.


The Lion's Roar is distributed via email every Monday. Printed copies are available in the school office, or the newsletter archives may be viewed online.  If you have trouble receiving the Lion's Roar, please ensure your email reader or service is not blocking the Lion's Roar because it is a group distribution. To change your email address, please click 'Update Profile/Email Address' below. Thank you!