Bahama Islands Info
Bahama Islands Info Weekly Newsletter news :: events :: opportunities
Vol I No.34: January 19, 2012

This week in Bahama Islands Info:
    Prime Minister's statement on Atlantis Resort and recent developments with Brookfield
  • Reduction of crime continues to be government's top priority
  • 2011 Lady Sassoon Golden Heart Award: Call for nominations deadline extended
  • OAS 2013-2014 cycle opens for scholarship applications
  • Democratic National Alliance introduces five more candidates
  • USCG, RBDF and BASRA team up to inspire and educate Bahamian youth
  • US Embassy marks Human Trafficking Month by recognizing the work of the Bahamas Crisis Centre
  • Progressive Consumer Services sponsors team for Marathon Bahamas 2012
  • PM speaks to the press on the Grand Bahama Port Authority and Grand Bahama's economy
  • Commissioning ceremony at multimillion dollar expansion of the Rand Memorial Hospital
  • Grand Bahama Shipyard bids farewell to their Joe
  • Prime Minister's remarks at launch of Grand Bahama candidates event
  • Eleventh annual Grand Bahama bird count breaks records
  • Chronicle of an animal rescue: Merial and Erial
  • COLUMN: Chiara's Real News
    Chiara's Real News: Ready that home
  • Ceremony held to debut new name for Bimini school
  • North Andros farmers get new slate of officers to lead Big Yard Farmers Company Limited
  • COLUMN: Island Notes by Peter Barratt
    Island Notes: Worlds Collide (1492)
  • Chamber musicians to inspire youth of Grand Bahama
  • Packed house for 'Love That Child' concert to benefit children's homes
  • Two great events in one night at the NAGB this Friday
  • Islands of the World Fashion Showcase announces new award category in honour of Jackson Burnside III
  • Third Marathon Bahamas event draws thousands of participants
  • First annual Alpheus 'Hawk' Finlayson 10k & 5k Race Weekend Classic coming to Grand Bahama
  • Bahamas Star Gymnastics team shines at competition in Tampa
  • YMCA soccer results from Saturday January 14th, 2012
  • FEEDBACK - Letters to the Editor
    LETTER: The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) party ... and the change of more of the same


    Reduction of crime continues to be government's top priority

    The reduction of crime throughout the Commonwealth of The Bahamas continues to be the government's number one priority and will remain at the forefront of its national agenda, Minister of National Security the Hon. O.A. T. Turnquest said Wednesday.

    Mr. Turnquest said the government's record clearly shows that no effort has been spared to provide the Royal Bahamas Police Force, the Royal Bahamas Defence Force and the country's other law enforcement and national security agencies with the necessary tools and conditions of service required for them to effectively do their jobs in addressing crime.

    2011 Lady Sassoon Golden Heart Award: Call for nominations deadline extended

    The deadline for the Lady Sassoon Golden Heart Award has been extended to Friday, January 27, 2012.

    The award is given annually to that person who has given of him or herself to promote human welfare and dignity while making life better for our fellow-man. The award will be presented at the 48th Annual Heart Ball, February 18, 2012 at Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort. Nominations should consist of a letter or statement explaining why the person recommended should receive the award.

    OAS 2013-2014 cycle opens for scholarship applications

    The OAS Bahamas Office announces the opening of the 2013-2014 cycle for scholarship applications for graduate and undergraduate academic studies or graduate research.

    OAS Academic Scholarships are awarded to citizens or permanent residents of OAS Member States to pursue undergraduate or graduate studies (Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctoral degree) and/or graduate research that lead to a degree at a institution of higher learning in an OAS Member State, with the exception of his/her own sponsoring country.


    Democratic National Alliance introduces five more candidates

    Last night, five candidates were introduced at the Party's Street Meeting in the heart of Kemp Road. Those candidates include: Dr. Madeline Sawyer (DNA - Southern Shores), Delano Munroe (DNA - M.I.C.A.L.), Rozanna Prodesta Moore (DNA - Killarney), George Taylor Jr. (DNA - North Eleuthera) and Mark Humes (DNA - Fort Charlotte).

    The final candidates of the 38-candidate slate are Marco City, Central Grand Bahama and East Grand Bahama. These candidates will be announced this weekend in Freeport, Grand Bahama.

    Photo: Dr. Madeline Sawyer, DNA - Southern Shores

    USCG, RBDF and BASRA team up to inspire and educate Bahamian youth

    The vibrant partnership between the United States Coast Guard (USCG), the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) and the Bahamas Air Sear Rescue Association (BASRA) and their shared ensuring the safety of countless residents and visitors to The Bahamas was the focus of two recent youth outreach events on January 6 and 7.

    On Friday January 6, representatives from the USCG, RBDF, and BASRA were joined by visiting officers from the US Coast Guard Cutter Pea Island on a special visit to St. Andrew's School to promote boating safety. The visitors were greeted by an enthusiastic group of sixty 4-6 year olds who eagerly participated in interactive demonstrations led by RBDF Rangers.

    US Embassy marks Human Trafficking Month by recognizing the work of the Bahamas Crisis Centre

    In observance of National Slavery and Human Trafficking Month in the United States the U.S. Embassy's Political Officer, Kyle Hatcher, visited the Bahamas Crisis Center on November 9 to recognize the organization's dedication to combating human trafficking in the region through a donation of a collection of books, DVD's, and brochures. Mr. Hatcher also received an update on the Center's recent community outreach efforts that were funded in part by a U.S. Embassy small grant.

    "The key to bringing focus to human trafficking issues in The Bahamas is to get people talking about the subject," said the Bahamas Crisis Center's Director, Dr. Sandra Dean-Patterson. "And one way to do this is through education."

    Progressive Consumer Services sponsors team for Marathon Bahamas 2012

    Progressive Consumer Services presented their Marathon team "Team Progressive" with their official uniforms for this year's Marathon Bahamas held last Sunday, January 15th. The team is led by Marathoner Danielle Quant who was on hand to receive the packages on behalf of Team Progressive.

    "This is an excellent opportunity, and though its my first marathon I am very excited and have been training for the past several months and I am looking forward to the Chicago Marathon in October," she said.


    PM speaks to the press on the Grand Bahama Port Authority and Grand Bahama's economy

    THE PRIME MINISTER: I had a very good chat with Sir Jack Hayward and I am of the view that Sir Jack is going to be cooperative with the Government. The Government will be cooperative with him and the Port Authority. They have some plans that they will announce in due course themselves that we will be supportive of.

    As Minister Zhivargo Laing had indicated before, we are willing to do specific investment promotions for Grand Bahama, and we made a half million dollars available from the government and asked the business community and the Port in Grand Bahama to match us and we would take Freeport on the road. Freeport has great facilities for attracting investments.

    Commissioning ceremony at multimillion dollar expansion of the Rand Memorial Hospital

    Remarks by Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham, Prime Minister, at the commissioning of the upgraded Accident and Emergency Urgent Centre and Operating Theatre and Day Surgical Unit of the Rand Memorial Hospital

    Ladies and Gentlemen: Today we celebrate a significant milestone in the advancement of quality of life for the people of Grand Bahama and the Northern Bahamas including Abaco and Bimini. This milestone is a part of my Government's plan for social development generally, and for the expansion of quality and accessibility to health care for all Bahamians.

    For some time, one of the most pressing healthcare needs for the people of Grand Bahama and the Northern Bahamas was to significantly enhance our second city's major healthcare facility. Indeed, the developmental needs of the Northern Bahamas long ago outstripped the aging physical plant of the Rand Memorial Hospital.

    Grand Bahama Shipyard bids farewell to their Joe

    The end of 2011 saw the retirement of well-known Freeport resident Joseph Darville from the Grand Bahama Shipyard. Joe, as he is known throughout the island, joined the Shipyard management team 8 years ago to work as a liaison with the unions and to develop an in-house training program.

    Hand selected by Edward St. George, Joe worked along with his fellow executives Mick Holding and Marylyn Johnson to help foster a professional and a mutually respectful rapport between the local staff and management. "I feel we bridged the gap and helped establish a harmonious relationship between everyone," said Joe.

    Prime Minister's remarks at launch of Grand Bahama candidates event

    Remarks by Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham, Party Leader
    Free National Movement Introduction of Grand Bahama Candidates
    15 January 2012

    FNMs: We are making ready; it's time to register to vote. And soon, it will be time to vote. Colour Red is coming again.

    Before I speak to you on our mission here today, I want to say some words of thanks to all of our aspiring candidates but most especially to Senator Frederick McAlpine and to Philcher Grant. And I want to say a few words about Michael Pintard who has nobly taken on a special mission for our Party and our country - sending Brave Davis packing once again from the Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador Constituency seat.

    Eleventh annual Grand Bahama bird count breaks records

    More than 50,000 observers in The Bahamas, Canada, the United States, and the Caribbean and participate each year in an all-day census of migratory and resident bird populations. The primary objective of this "Christmas Bird Count" is to monitor the status and distribution of bird populations across the Western Hemisphere.

    Grand Bahama Island provided five teams for its eleventh count with a total of 34 local and visiting field observers that were assigned to five different count sections in the Freeport/Lucaya area. The event began with an orientation for the participants and a social gathering at Junkanoo Beach Club where delicious hot chili and other refreshments were provided during the chilly evening compliments of the Club and hosted by Club manager, Mark Neely. The official count began on Saturday morning at sunrise

    Chronicle of an animal rescue: Merial and Erial

    Every day all over the world people wake up, and go to work. Unknown to the average person, there are a number of people for whom going to work means rescuing animals (in many cases, this is in addition to their regular job). From hoarding situations, from dog fighting busts, from kill shelters, from abusive or neglectful owners ... animal rescuers will go to whatever length necessary to help animals in need ... whether it's one at a time or many.

    This is only one rescue story. About two ordinary potcakes whose lives have been transformed by the efforts of many animal rescuers who came together to make their rescue a reality. And save their lives in the process. A real-life testament to how rescue at its best can work.

    COLUMN: Chiara's Real News
    Chiara's Real News: Ready that home

    Prepare for take-off!

    In my last article I addressed selling your property on your own versus listing with a licensed real estate company. Whether you opt to list with a realtor or sell on your own you're going to need to ready your home for the sale.

    I'd really like to thank HGTV for bringing everything to do with home and real estate to the everyman. I thank them for the education they provide to buyers, sellers and realtors alike. For home sellers HGTV's variety of shows practically teach you how to wrap your house up into a pretty package topped with a bow ready to be handed to a buyer. In a mere half an hour you can learn how to retile your bathroom, reroute your plumbing and install a fireplace. Prior to putting your home on the market you may wish to watch a few shows or peruse their website which is also filled with decorating ideas and renovation/repair instructions.


    Ceremony held to debut new name for Bimini school

    In keeping with the government's objective of honouring educators, another school has been renamed. During a ceremony held in Alice Town on Friday, January 13, the Bimini All-Age school was renamed the "Louise McDonald High School' as a tribute to Louise Emmaline McDonald, nee Robbins, who dedicated 45 years of her life to education. Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham said he felt 'privileged' to witness this tribute to a 'devoted daughter of Bimini.'

    "How good and wonderful it is that Mrs. McDonald's family and friends, former colleagues and students, and fellow Biminites are here to acknowledge and celebrate her contributions to both national development and the advancement of this community," said Mr. Ingraham.

    North Andros farmers get new slate of officers to lead Big Yard Farmers Company Limited

    Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation (BAIC) has pledged its continued assistance to farmers in North Andros. This follows election of a new slate of officers to lead the now Big Yard Farmers Company Limited, formerly the North Andros Farmers Association.

    Veteran farmer Floyd Newton has been elected president with Neville Clarke as his assistant. "We wanted to show support for the new administration and again pledge a commitment from BAIC to assist them in anyway we can to allow them to achieve what ever objective they plan for," said assistant general manager (agriculture) Arnold Dorsett.

    COLUMN: Island Notes by Peter Barratt
    Island Notes: Worlds Collide (1492)

    This is an extract from the introduction to the fifth chapter of the historical novel 'Bahama Saga' by Peter Barratt published by Authorhouse in 2002.

    "Come and see the men who have come from heaven; bring them food and drink"
    Reputed to have been spoken by the Lucayans - an extract from the log of Columbus

    After about ten weeks at sea, having weathered calms, storms and a near mutiny in three vessels unsuited to crossing a great ocean, Columbus was near to his goal. As he lay out to sea he thought he must be near Japan but, after he landed, he revised that assumption to an offshore island of India. The morale of his crew improved somewhat but soon they were all disappointed at the poverty of the inhabitants they found in the islands.

    The islands they found were the site of the most publicized, though certainly not the first, European landfall in the 'new world' of the Americas.


    Chamber musicians to inspire youth of Grand Bahama

    The Grand Bahama Performing Arts Society presents their first event of 2012 and their 4th annual chamber music concert with a TrioCollage to be held in Grand Bahama on Saturday, January 21st, at 8pm at the Grand Bahama Yacht Club on Midshipman Drive. The concert will not only feature some extremely talented musical artists, but while the group of four are on island for the weekend, they will also give of their time to inspire music students from various schools.

    Returning pianist, Tannis Gibson said, "We are all looking forward to the upcoming school concerts where we bring some of the finest chamber musicians into the school setting. We intend to bring the students close enough to the music-making so as to feel the direct impact of this wonderful classical music. Our informal concert will encourage interaction and active listening, and we plan to have FUN and hope the students and teachers do as well."

    Packed house for 'Love That Child' concert to benefit children's homes

    A packed house crowded into the Rainforest Theatre at the Wyndham Nassau Resort on Sunday afternoon for the 'Love That Child' benefit concert in aid of the Ranfurly Homes for Children and the Children's Emergency Hostel, sponsored by BOB. More than 200 performers wowed the audience with everything from hip-hop inspired contortionist dance moves to awe-inspiring vocal renditions.

    Adults sang along to local hits from seasoned performers including Funky D and T'rez Hepburn, while children joined in with The Meridian School Choir's rendition of Lean on Me and the pop hit Price Tag by Jessie J. The show featured something for everyone, all in aid of the children's homes.

    Two great events in one night at the NAGB this Friday

    Kendal Hanna's "Happy Birthday to Me" exhibit closing reception and the All-Star Amateur Artists Event will both be held this Friday, January 20th at the NAGB.

    At 6.30pm, The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas is pleased to host its inaugural premier one-night art exhibition featuring talented Bahamian amateur artists called "The All-Star Amateur Artists Night (AAA)" where amateur and non-professional artists have the opportunity to exhibit their work in a professional museum setting.

    Islands of the World Fashion Showcase announces new award category in honour of Jackson Burnside III

    Jackson Burnside rocked in the world of architecture. His love of the craft and eagerness to experience the world led him to travel to many countries to enjoy both the unique structures as well as cultures. Mentored by the late Louis I. Khan, Burnside, in his own right became an architectural icon throughout the Caribbean. In his effort to learn more about the world around him, he in turn taught others how to effectively embrace natural products and merge them with the built environment.

    Islands of the World Fashion Showcase (IWFS) has created the Jackson L Burnside III Fashion & Design Award to honour this Caribbean legend. It is now one of four award categories that qualified designers can vie for at the newly re-branded, bi-annual event.


    Third Marathon Bahamas event draws thousands of participants

    By RENALDO DORSETT / The Tribune Sports Reporter

    In its third year, the Sunshine Insurance Race Weekend, which includes Marathon Bahamas and the Susan G. Komen Bahamas Race for the Cure 5K, drew thousands of participants to the Bahamas in the most populated and thrilling edition of the event in its brief history.

    In the main event Sunday, Bryan Huberty finished first overall and set a new course record in the 26 mile Marathon with his time of 2:42.53s. Sidney Collie, 32, finished second in 2:47.40s, and Delroy Boothe, the top Bahamian finisher was third in 3:01.19s. The 33-year-old, originally from Madison Wisconsin, but now based out of Miami, Florida won his third full-marathon of his brief four-year-career.

    First annual Alpheus 'Hawk' Finlayson 10k & 5k Race Weekend Classic coming to Grand Bahama

    Hot on the heels of Marathon Bahamas comes a new event to keep Bahamian runners happy, the first annual Alpheus 'Hawk' Finlayson 10k & 5k Race Weekend Classic is making its debut in Freeport April 6-7th. Expect a weekend filled with interesting competition, social excitement and personal fulfillment with athletes participating from around the world.

    Registration has already begun, with organisers present at the Marathon Bahamas Expo passing out flyers and registration forms to athletes and spectators. Visit the website at

    Bahamas Star Gymnastics team shines at competition in Tampa

    Seven gymnasts from Bahamas Star Gymnastics (BSG), one of two Nassau-based clubs, competed in a high-level gymnastics competition in Tampa over the weekend, the club announced. The Tampa Bay Turners Invitational 2012 (TBT) was the second meet of the season for the Bahamas Star team.

    Head Coach Alex Mayet reports that the all-girls squad held their own among more than 700 top-notch athletes representing more than 30 gymnastics schools throughout the USA, Costa Rica and the Bahamas competing in Levels 2 through 9.

    YMCA soccer results from Saturday January 14th, 2012

    The Scotia Bank Pee-Wee League will continue as scheduled kick off time 10:00 a.m. In the Mini League: Bellevue Business BlueJays won by default over Grand Bahama Port Authority.

    Upcoming schedule for January 21st, 2012 - In the Junior League: Esquire Knights will play vs Quality Service.

    On January 28th, 2012, its the semi-finals!

    FEEDBACK - Letters to the Editor
    LETTER: The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) party ... and the change of more of the same

    Dear Editor:

    I have today listened to Mr. Wallace Rolle, the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) candidate for South Beach on Issues of the day. The gentleman appears to be a Utopian of the first order. He gives the impression that he and his party have all the solutions to our ills; like with a DNA victory - all lights will be turned on, unemployment will be eradicated, no one would lose their house, and the hurting that we the people are experiencing just now will be no more. Mr. Rolle stopped short of promising that the tears from every Bahamian eye will be eliminated under a Democratic National Alliance administration.

    He says that we need to diversify our economy. What does this mean? Agriculture and fisheries are already on the move, the Bahamian craft industry has received a major boost with the new straw market policy, and opportunities galore exist for young and the not so young entrepreneurs.


    Got a Muddasick you just have to get off your chest? Send it to us!
    [email protected]
    Click here to visit the online forum and see what others are saying.

      thru January 22: World Wetlands Photo Contest Photos in four wetland categories - wildlife, plants, landscapes and tourism - can be uploaded to the World Wetlands Day 2012 website. Click here for details.
      thru February 29: Chamber of Commerce Seminars Click here to view the winter calendar
  • January 19: "Nature's Lines" opening Long-awaited and much anticipated exhibition by John Beadle opening event 6pm to 9pm at the Central Bank of The Bahamas Art Gallery on Frederick Street.
  • January 20: Ride for Hope Early Registration 11:00am - 3:00pm - Cycles Unlimited, Mackey Street.
  • January 20: All-Star Amateur Artists Event Coinciding with Kendal Hanna "Happy Birthday to Me" Closing Reception - One Night Only at the NAGB. Click here for the website.
  • January 21: Vision-Mission-Values Retreat A Chamber workshop to illustrate how organizational development and transformation can be creatively and systematically achieved through seven (7) proven principles adopted by companies who are among the leading benchmarks in their sector and industry. Call 322.2145 to register.
  • January 21: Snow Ball - "Fire & Ice" Second annual Sunshine Pilot Club of Nassau event at the Wyndham Crystal Palace. Cocktails: 7pm, dinner & dancing: 8p. Under the patronage of The Hon. Loretta Butler-Turner - Minister of Social Services. Proceeds will be donated to club's continuing brain-related disorders focus. Tickets $150. Click here to view the poster.
  • January 22-24: Caribbean Marketplace 30th anniversary of the trade show for hotel and tourism related entities. Click here to visit the website.
  • January 27: Ride for Hope Early Registration 11:00am - 4:30pm - RBC, Carmichael Road.
  • January 27: BACO Gala Awards at the Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort, 7:30pm. CPYA nominations has been extended to January 13, call 325-4955.
  • January 27 & 29: Nassau Music Society - An Evening of Classical Guitar Marco Tamayo and Anabel Montesinos, well-known, young musicians in the world of classical guitar. Friday 8pm at The Bahamas Historical Society and Sunday 5:30pm at St. Paul's Church Hall in Lyford Cay. Click HERE for tickets and info.
  • January 27-29: Tour of the Bahamas Bicycle race attracts top cyclists to our shores. Click HERE to visit the website.
  • January 28: Rotary Clubs Bed Race in the Bennigan's parking lot at the Mall at Marathon, 12 noon.
  • February 2: World Wetlands Day This year's theme is Wetlands and Tourism. The BNT will be showcasing the Harrold and Wilson Pond to tourists in celebration of these very important ecosystems. Call 393-1317.
  • February 4: BNT Da Market and Plant Sale at the Retreat, Village Rd. Call 393-1317 for more info.
  • February 11: Cuban Pig Roast One of the Bahamas National Trust's most popular events! At the Maillis Farm. Call 393-1317 for info.
  • February 18: The Heart Ball This grand event promises glitz, glamour, fine foods, great entertainment, prizes and surprises. Call 327-0806 thru 10.
  • February 18: Beginners Bird Walk Organised by the BNT, call 393-1317.
  • February 25: Global Battle Of the Bands Bahamas Click here to visit the website or call 676-4430 for local information.
  • February 26: Empty Bowls Bahamas Fundraiser 1pm to 6pm at Queen's College Auditorium on Village Road opposite the National Trust.
  • February 26: BIFF 84th Academy Awards Oscars Party at the British Colonial Hilton, $40 includes hors d'oeuvres and champagne. Call 356-5939 for info.
  • March 10: Da Market at the BNT Retreat, Village Rd. Call 393-1317.
  • March 17-18: Bahamas Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show and Obedience & Agility Trials at the previous Chalk's Airline site on Paradise Island. Call 364-0677 (evenings) to enter your dog. Click HERE to download the form.
  • March 29: BNT AGM Call 393-1317 for info.
  • May 4-5: Islands of the World Fashion Showcase Click here to read about the submission process for designers. Click here to visit the website.
  • December 6-9, 2012: Bahamas International Film Festival These are the dates for the ninth annual event. Click here to visit the website.
  • January 20, 2013: Marathon Bahamas Can't say you didn't have enough advance notice. See you there!

  • Get your Nassau event listed in the Bahama Islands Info Calendar for free! Just write to [email protected] with all the relevant information.
    NOTE: All dates, times, locations and other details are subject to change.

      thru January 22: World Wetlands Photo Contest Photos in four wetland categories - wildlife, plants, landscapes and tourism - can be uploaded to the World Wetlands Day 2012 website. Click here for details.
      thru January 23: Paul's Methodist Church's 200th Conference representing the entire MCCA body of Methodist churches in the Americas and Caribbean, held here in Freeport. Visit the church office to daily schedule and gala ball tickets.
      thru January 23: Bahamas Law Enforcement Sports Challenge 2012 at the Grand Lucayan Beach and Golf Resort. Click HERE for all the details.
  • January 19-22: Freeport in the Sixties reunion Click here to read all about it!
  • January 20: Jay Mitchell Live Entertainment at "UPSTAIRS Restaurant & Bar, 8 - 11 p.m. - Call 373-3622 for info.
  • January 21: 4th Annual Chamber Music Concert at the GB Yacht Club, 8pm. The GBPAS season opening with world-class musicians! Click here to read more. Click here to view the poster.
  • January 22: Group Bike Ride Taino Beach, 12 noon to coincide with the Law Enforcement Games however all are welcome. Call Rowshan Jones with questions 533-8950 or 351-3451.
  • January 24: Bahamian Film NIght at the Grand Gallery in the Grand Lucayan Resort. Featuring short film 'Cyber Bullying' by Katrina Dorsett. 8pm. Click HERE to view the poster.
  • January 25: Chamber Monthly Luncheon Always with an informative guest speaker. Call the Chamber 352-8329 for details.
  • January 27: Jay Mitchell Live Entertainment at "UPSTAIRS Restaurant & Bar, 8 - 11 p.m. - Call 373-3622 for info.
  • January 28: 50th Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Freeport Celebrating 50 years of "Service Above Self" on Grand Bahama at the Grand Bahama Yacht Club, 7pm. Tickets $150 from club members or call Mike 727-1176.
  • February 2-4: 15th Annual Bahamas Wahoo Championship Leg 2 at Old Bahama Bay, West End. Click here to visit the website and register.
  • February 4: World Wetlands Day event at Lucayan National Park. Contact the BNT 352-5438 for details.
  • February 4-25: Art Classes with Angelika Siska at Garden of the Groves every Saturday. Click here to read more and register.
  • February 4: TWIRP Ball - NEW DATE! This year celebrating 50 years of the Freeport Players Guild and 40 years of the Regency Theatre. Gala event at the theatre, 7pm. E-mail [email protected] for more information. Click here to view the poster.
  • February 6: Freeport Players' Guild Monthly Meeting Open to anyone interested in live theatre! Backstage volunteers wanted. 7pm in the lobby of the Regency Theatre.
  • February 7: Joseph & the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat The LIS school play, at the Regency Theatre. Contact the school 373-4004 for info.
  • February 9: Grand Bahama Artists Association annual Valentine Art Exhibition 7 pm Rand Nature Centre, Glory Banks Gallery. More info 242 353 4333.
  • February 11: Chamber Installation Banquet Call the Chamber at 352-8329 for more information.
  • February 23-26: A Fox on the Fairway A hilarious comedy directed by Angela Hackman at the Regency Theatre. Fear not, more details to come!
  • February 23: Bahamas Business Outlook Comes to Grand Bahama. Click here to visit the website.
  • February 25: Grand Bahama American Women's Club Golf Classic Reef Course, annual fundraising event, registration deadline 2/23/2012. More details coming.
  • February 25: BNT Da Market comes to the Rand Nature Centre. Call 352-5438 for vendor and visitor info.
  • February 29: Chamber Monthly Luncheon with an informative guest speaker. Call the Chamber for location 352-8329.
  • March 3: Art exhibition in the chapel at Garden of the Groves showing works from students of Angela Siska's art class. Call 374-7778 for more info.
  • March 3: BNT Bird Walk from the Rand Nature Centre. Call 352-5438 for details.
  • March 5: Freeport Players' Guild Monthly Meeting Open to anyone interested in live theatre! 7pm in the lobby of the Regency Theatre.
  • March 10, 2012: Fishing Tournament Sponsored by the GB Shipyard. Call Barefoot Marketing 352-4578 for info.
  • March 11-16: 15th Annual Bahamas Wahoo Championship Leg 3 at Port Lucaya. Click here to visit the website and register.
  • March 17: Comedy Club returns! Everyone loves the GBPAS comedy event, now in it's 4th year. This year features an Improv troupe from Toronto at the Regency Theatre, 8pm. Click here to e-mail for more info.
  • March 22-25: Pippa, the Musical at the Regency Theatre with a matinee Sunday and plans to perform at a school on Thursday. Song, dance, and fun for all ages.
  • March 29-31: Pippa, the Musical By now you've heard how great it is! Don't miss this final weekend at the Regency Theatre.
  • March 31: BNT Da Market at the Rand Nature Centre. Call 352-5438 for info.
  • April 2: Freeport Players' Guild Monthly Meeting Open to anyone interested in live theatre! Volunteers wanted. 7pm in the lobby of the Regency Theatre.
  • April 6-7: Alpheus 'Hawk' Finlayson 5K & 10K Classic Inaugural event on Grand Bahama! Events also include a fun walk and launch party plus 5 & 10K distance runs. Click HERE to visit the website for all the scoop.
  • April 25: Chamber Monthly Luncheon Meeting Who will be this month's speaker? Call the Chamber 352-8329 for the inside scoop.
  • April 28: Earth Day Celebrations at the Rand Nature Centre. Call 352-5438 for the scoop.
  • May 13: Cooling Waters Mother's Day Concert 7:30p.m.
  • May 30: Chamber Monthly Luncheon with a hot-topic speaker. Call the Chamber to RSVP 352-8329.
  • June 1: 13th Annual Southfest Community Festival on the grounds of St. Vincent de Paul school in Hunters - 1 p.m. until.
  • June 25-29: Sir Jack Hayward Soccer Camp The island's best summer children's activity fills up fast! Click here to read more and register today. Click here for the registration form.
  • November 3: Conchman Triathlon and Iron Kids races. Grand Bahama's most popular event for all ages! Click here to visit the website.

  • Get your Grand Bahama event listed in the Bahama Islands Info Calendar for free! Just write to [email protected] with all the relevant information.

    NOTE: All dates, times, locations and other details are subject to change.

    How's the weather going to be during your event? Visit for Abaco weather.

      thru January 22: World Wetlands Photo Contest Photos in four wetland categories - wildlife, plants, landscapes and tourism - can be uploaded to the World Wetlands Day 2012 website. Click here for details.
  • January 22: Pig Roast at Nippers A Guana Cay tradition every Sunday. Click here for details.
  • January 27-29: Art for the Parksat the Abaco Beach Resort, Marsh Harbour. Over 20 local artists and artisians display their talent. Food and Children's crafts also available. Visit the BNT website HERE for more info.
  • January 28: Wild & Scenic Film Festival at Hope Town Harbour Lodge 6pm. $10. Become a Friends of the Environment member that night and get free admittance. Call 366-0095 for dinner reservations.
  • February 3: Wild & Scenic Film Festival in Treasure Cay at the Community Centre. 6pm. $10. Become a Friends of the Environment member that night and get free admittance.
  • February 21: Every Child Counts Benefit Concert Doors open at 6pm, 7:30pm concert at the Hope Town Harbour Lodge poolside. Tickets and info call 366-0095.
  • February 22: Every Child Counts Benefit Concert Doors open at 6pm, 7:30pm concert at the Abaco Beach Resort. Tickets and info call 367-2505.
  • February 25: Abaco Marine Flea Market at the Treasure Cay Primary School 9am-4pm. Vendors pre-register at 427-0412. Click HERE to visit the website.
  • March 3: Abaco Cancer Society's Art Show and Silent Auction.
  • March 23-25: 2012 Great Abaco Family Fitness Weekend at Treasure Cay. Tentative Events and Schedule:
    Friday - 1 mile Open Water Swim
    Saturday - Sprint and Olympic Distance Triathlon, Kids Triathlon
    Sunday - 5k/10k Fun Run/Walk and Kids 1 mile
  • April 24-28: Guana Cay Championship First leg of the 2012 BBC tournament series at the Orchid Bay Yacht Club & Marina. Click here to visit the website.
  • May 8-11: 25th Annual Green Turtle Club Fishing Tournament Call 365-4271 for info.
  • June 5-9: Marsh Harbour Championship The BBC fishing tournament returns to Abaco for leg 4 at the Abaco Beach Resort & Boat Harbour Marina. Click here to visit the website.
  • June 10-15: 29th annual Treasure Cay Billfish Tournament Click here to read all about it!
  • June 15-16: 4th annual Lionfish Derby Green Turtle Cay.
  • June 19-23: Treasure Cay Championship The Bahamas Billfish Champion will be crowned at the Treasure Cay Resort & Marina! Click here to visit the website.
  • early July 2012: Regatta time in Abaco Click here to visit the website for detail as they become available. Click here to visit the Cheeseburger in Paradise site for the kick-off event.

  • Get your Abaco event listed in the Bahama Islands Info Calendar for free! Just write to [email protected] with all the relevant information.

    NOTE: All dates, times, locations and other details are subject to change.

      thru January 22: World Wetlands Photo Contest Photos in four wetland categories - wildlife, plants, landscapes and tourism - can be uploaded to the World Wetlands Day 2012 website. Click here for details.
  • January 19: Arawak Port Offering Meeting ELEUTHERA 9am at Sunset Inn, Governor's Harbour. Call 323-7066 or click here for more info.
  • January 19: Arawak Port Offering Meeting SPANISH WELLS 1pm at Spanish Wells Methodist Church. Call 323-7066 or click here for more info.
  • January 19: Arawak Port Offering Meeting HARBOUR ISLAND. 7pm at the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. Call 323-7066 or click here for more info.
  • February 14: Hog Cay Valentine's Day Community Party festivities include a Junkanoo rush-out, Bahamian music, food and drink. Usually, there is also a fund-raising auction for the island's school. The venue is Hog Cay, just north of mainland Ragged Island (weather permitting). Time: 12pm-8pm. Call 344-1508 for info.
  • February 24: Rum Cay Day Festival It is celebrated each year on the last Friday in February. It features cultural entertainment, family fun and games, with local food and drinks available for sale. Visitors and former residents come to celebrate in the historical Milo Butler Heritage Park. Call 331-2202 for more info.
  • February 25: Great Harbour Cay Wahoo Tournament in the Berry Islands. Of course we are the only 1 day tournament with 4 days of events, which start Thursday evening the 23rd and go through Sunday the 26th. Click here to view the poster and call (242) 359-9113 or 367-8005 for more info.
  • February 25 - March 10, 2012: George Town Cruising Regatta EXUMA. Twelve days of activities for visiting cruisers and Exumians. Enjoy two days of sailing as well as spectacular activities such as conch blowing contests, boce ball, Texas hold 'em, the Variety Show, Softball Competition and lots more family fun-filled activites. Visit
  • April 14, 2012: Ride For Hope The most popular bike ride in the country! All to raise money to fight cancer. Click here to visit the website.
  • May 8-12, 2012: Cape Eleuthera Championship Leg two of the Bahamas Billfish Championship at the Cape Eleuthera Resort & Marina. Click here to visit the website.
  • May 22-26: Harbour Island Championship Leg three of the Bahamas Billfish Championship at Romora Bay Resort & Marina. Click here to visit the website.

  • Get your Family Island event listed in the Bahama Islands Info Calendar for free! Just write to [email protected] with all the relevant information.

    NOTE: All dates, times, locations and other details are subject to change.

    Prime Minister's statement on Atlantis Resort and recent developments with Brookfield

    THE PRIME MINISTER: You know, when I came to office in 1992 Resorts International on Paradise Island was in bankruptcy. We did not panic in The Bahamas at that time. When Kerzner came in he bought it out of bankruptcy; meaning that they couldn't pay all of their debts and they went into bankruptcy.

    Kerzner International now has a loan for $2.3 billion and the security for the loan is the properties on Paradise Island. Much of the loan money was spent outside The Bahamas. It was inappropriate and wrong for the Government of The Bahamas (Christie administration) to agree for the properties on Paradise Island to be put up as a security for a loan where the proceeds of the loan were going to be spent outside The Bahamas. That was a big, big mistake.

    Kerzner International has been unable to service this loan. There are seven lenders - Brookfield is one of the seven lenders. Brookfield was able to get the support of four of the remaining six lenders for the activities which it wanted to undertake which were to acquire Mr. Kerzner's interest in the hotel and for the lender to become the owner of the property.

    Two of the lenders who are owed $112 million out of $2.3 billion went to court in Delaware and argued that Brookfield was getting an advantage vis-�-vis them. Brookfield was confident that it would win the case and proceeded accordingly.

    When Brookfield got the decision on Friday night or Saturday morning that the judge was going to put a restraining order - meaning that it could not proceed - they determined that they were not going to proceed like that anymore.

    Click here to read more

    Also this week on Bahama Islands

    Undersize crawfish harvesting warning

    BTC 4G optimization progressing 'satisfactorily'

    Attorney General tours new remand court

    Cuban envoy visits Governor General

    American Council of Education members pay call on the Governor General

    British High Commissioner visits the Governor-General

    Rock Sound gets refurbished Police Station

    US Embassy officer visits Grand Bahama

    'Cyber Bullying' the debut film at new Bahamian Film Night event

    ARC Magazine's 2012 internship programme accepting applications

    'Nature's Lines' new work by Bahamian artist John Beadle to open January 19

    'Spirit of the Islandz' design competition selects the winners

    'Poto Mitan' by Chantal Bethel opens at the D'Aguilar Art Foundation

    Junkanoo mural is centrepiece in BTC flagship store

    Prime Minister launches Teachers' Aides programme

    Nassau Music Society to hold two evenings of classical guitar

    FNM statement: Opposition's pattern of abandonment and neglect of Grand Bahama

    PLP response to FNM's Grand Bahama campaign

    PLP ratifies 38 candidates

    DNA party statement: Christie in Ingraham's Cabinet!

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