Open to Students as well as Pilates/ Yoga teachers.


Spring Ahead: An Introduction to Pilates with Lynda Lippin- 3/13-4/3
with Kriota Willberg - 3/24
In This Issue
Notes from the Grid
Victoria Cooper, LMT and More.
Shamrock Shop
Spring Ahead
Joe Always Said...
Farewell to Robin Brown who will be off to Grad school shortly!  We also bid adieu to Keri Sinclair who is pursuing her career in social work.
And a BIG Welcome Back to Kelly Kent and Rob Denton who will both be back on the schedule over the next few months.  We know you missed them and will be happy to have them back!
1st March Newsletter 2012


In Pilates training we are taught to focus on alignment.  We learn about the "box" - formed from tracing lines between shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip and shoulders to hips.  We learn to work safely "within the frame of the body" and also within the "frame of the machine".  Our theme at Real Pilates this month is Alignment and the action that coincides with that theme is what I call "working from the grid". 


If I'm being honest, working from the grid when it comes to working out is something I'm pretty darn good at.  Working from the grid in my personal life?  Well, not so easy.  For all its complexity, life really does boil down to some simplistic ideas.  Use the grid or box as a symbol for child behavior.  Everything inside the box you're allowed to do.  Everything outside the box, you can't.  As an adult however the grid concept becomes less about what you can and can't do and more about what you must get done.  Working from the grid has become a literal act for me.  I'm a chronic list maker.  The kind that adds things to the list just so I can tick them off. I obsessively purchase small lined notebooks so I can gauge my productivity from day to day.   Somewhere between checking off the things I must do for work, for school for my family and all the extras, I've forgotten to make a list of what I must do for me.  My box is off kilter, alignment askew as a result.  This month I'm adjusting my lists to include some Mommy time, extra things I like to do as opposed to what I must do.  Spring Break is just around the corner and I know that with a bit of sun and fun and quality family time, I'll have aligned all the corners of my grid.


May you all find a sense of alignment this month - both on and off the grid.





Victoria Cooper, Pilates Goddess and LMT
Sure, you might know Victoria Cooper, one of our talented Pilates Instructors, but did you know Victoria Cooper is now a Licensed Massage Therapist? Yes, Victoria has added massage therapy to her diverse bodywork tool box. After a horseback riding accident left her with severe back pain, Victoria began Pilates and was able to rehabilitate her body through the practice of Pilates, which led her to teaching. Her passion for maintaining and strengthening the body led her to study massage therapy, and we are thrilled to have such a multi-talented teacher on staff. Ever had your Pilates teacher assess your muscles and then deliver a targeted massage to boot? Book a Pilates session or a 50-minute massage with Victoria (or both!) here
St. Patty's Pilates here at Real Pilates

Pilates IS your Lucky Charm for health and wellness!!The heavy metal springs are our lucky charms. That's why we have fashioned a whole line of one-of-a kind "spring" shamrocks. Don't let the luck of St. Patrick's Day go away, now you can wear your springs anywhere! Check out our Lucky Charm Collection that has everything from the Shamrock Chic Necklace, Lucky Coin Purse, Lucky Spring Notebooks, and much more by visiting our Cafe Press store here! 


Spring Ahead Workshop with Lynda Lippin
Looking to re-ignite your Pilates practice?  Lynda Lippin has designed a special 4 week Re-Introduction to Pilates. Whether it's the first time or just a refresher you'll learn the principles of Pilates and how they allow you to effectively use your own body weight coupled with springs to tone your muscles.
Discover the magical spring properties: resistance and/or assistance for various exercises and the unique effect on your body. Practice basic but extremely effective mat and spring-based Pilates exercises which will help you find the "deeper" level and the proper function for each move. You will start your Spring season with a solid home and studio Pilates practice and learn a whole lot about your body in the process.

This workshop is a perfect introduction to SpringTone.
Spring Ahead: Tuesdays, March 13th thru April 3rd. 12pm. $110  
Secret Bargain: The Group Class 30 Pack
SpringTone Group Class
Joe Pilates said "You will feel different in 10 sessions, look different in 20 sessions, and in 30 sessions, you will have a whole new body." Enter the 30 All Access Class Pack. If you're looking to stretch the Pilates budget, our newest and biggest class package gets each workout down to $26. Try 30 classes on this package, and we're guessing we'll prove Joe right (again).
Don't forget to check out our Facebook page for fitness tips, announcements and fun facts.  You can even schedule your Private Sessions, Group Classes and Workshops from there! 
See you at the Studio!
Real Pilates Studio 177 Duane Street NY, NY 10013
212.625.0777 |

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