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Where did the time go? It's hard to believe our company started 30 years ago!  In 1979, Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, was President.  There was an energy crisis, a recession, Iran was a big problem, and the government bailed out the Chrysler Corporation. 
We were called Town Clowns, and spent most of our time delivering balloons. 
Well, at least we have changed!

*We're bigger!  We started in a musty basement in Adams Morgan, with one phone and some 3 x 5 index cards. Thanks to you, we now have a suite of offices in McLean, VA, and a West Coast office in Berkeley, California!  From a staff of two, we've expanded to a brilliant group of seven amazing women!                  click here to learn more!

 *We're producers!  Thanks to you, we found our niche in creating highly customized themed entertainment for corporate and private events.  We produce atmospheric performers, stage shows, look alikes, murder mysteries, dance reviews, political satire, cirque performances and so much more! 
click here to learn more!
*We're award winners!
Thanks to you, our demanding and creative clients, the events we created together have been recognized in the industry by a grand total of 18 local and international awards!                                           
*We're national!
In the last few years, besides, San Francisco and Washington DC, thanks to you, we've been to Boston, Dallas, New York, San Antonio, Chicago, New York, Palm Beach, and Philadelphia, to name just a few.  
Thanks to you, we're still crazy about what we do, after all these years!  
Want to see what we've been up to?  We've got a blog:  and you can follow our Tweets on

Our Anniversary Gift to you!
If you call and say "Happy 30th!"
We'll give you a 10% discount on your next event,
if booked by May 31, 2009!