Las Trampas Creek Council PTA

GET SMART on Education
January 28, 2010

Las Trampas Creek Council of PTAs
Legislation Team
Quick Links

Legislation Team
Kathy Ranstrom
Sarah Butler

Next Leg Team Meeting

February 18th
Acalanes Union High School District Office 
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Join Us and Make A Difference

Strengthening the public schools requires that all Californians work together and provide support for our public school system.  The priority of California must be children and public education


~ California State PTA Position Statement

Upcoming Budget Cuts to Schools

You've heard the news from Sacramento:  school budgets for 2010-2011 are facing a proposed additional $2.4 billion in funding cuts.  Our local school districts are scrambling to determine how to make still further budget cuts while continuing to provide our students with the best education possible.  In the wake of years of funding cuts, it's no mystery why the news is filled with California school districts having to make the extraordinarily difficult decisions to close schools, eliminate sports, art, and music programs, increase class sizes, reduce librarians and counselors, and eliminate electives, among other things. 

Over the past two years the California education budget has been cut by $17 billion.  Although Governor Schwarzenegger claimed his proposed 2010-2011 budget protects education spending, it actually results in additional cuts over the next two years, which will be carried forward into subsequent years.  Because every California public school student will be affected, now is the time for every parent to become involved in this process.

You can make a difference by attending the following events:

Superintendents' Forum

Superintendents' Forum,  "Addressing Our Education Crisis and Its Impact on Our Community" on February 4 at 7:00 p.m., sponsored by the Las Trampas Creek Council of PTAs Legislation Team, in the small theater at Acalanes High School, 1212 Pleasant Hill Rd., Lafayette.


We will hear from the six Superintendents in the Acalanes attendance area about the budget challenges faced by our schools and how they plan to make cuts and maintain excellence in spite of them.  It is vitally important for you to be informed about the challenges faced by our local schools. (Districts include Acalanes, Canyon, Lafayette, Moraga, Orinda, and Walnut Creek.)

Advocacy Day - Feb. 17th , 2010
30th Annual Advocacy Day bus trip to Sacramento on February 17 to hear from our local legislators and let them know that public education must be a top priority.  Are you concerned about looming catastrophic budget cuts to our schools and children's services? Have you been hearing about new education reform and budget reform efforts and want to understand more about them?  Join us on the bus!
Confirmed speakers include:
  • Local Senators - DeSaulnier, Hancock, and Southern California Senator Huff
  • Local Assemblymembers - Buchanan, Skinner, and Swanson
  • Steve Enoch, Superintendent, San Ramon Valley Unified School District 
  • Kevin Gordon, President, School Innovations & Advocacy
  •  Debbie Look, Legislation Director, California State PTA
  • Tom Mulvaney, Trustee, Acalanes Union High School District
  • Rick Simpson, Deputy Chief of Staff for Assembly Speaker Karen Bass (and longtime legislative leader)
  • Lisa Vorderbrueggen, Contra Costa Times Political Reporter and Columnist
  • Patty Wool, Superintendent, Walnut Creek School District
Your presence makes a difference!
The more people who attend, the stronger the message we will deliver.  Buses depart at 7:15 am, returning at 4:30 pm. Register by February 1 for a fee of $65.  Late registration until Feb. 10 is $70. Click here for the information flyer and the day's itinerary.  Click here to register.
For More Information:

GET SMART On Education provides information about issues and legislation that affect public education in the Lamorinda and Walnut Creek communities  The Las Trampas Creek Legislation Team provides links to expert and government reports, and encourages active citizenship to voice your views about government decisions that affect school funding and programs. The Legislation Team is a committee of the Las Trampas Creek Council PTA serving local school communities within the Acalanes Union High School District attendance area. The Legislation Team meets monthly throughout the year and welcomes all to participate.