UFCW council - red and blue
May 14, 2012
Turzai's Privatization Scheme:

Soaring Prices for Consumers


Under the latest version of House Bill 11, Pennsylvania would have the highest gallonage tax on wine in the nation. 


In fact, Pennsylvania's wine tax would be $3 higher than the next state! 


Pennsylvania would have the third highest tax rate on spirits in the nation as well.


Is this what your constituents want?

Fuzzy Math


Mike Turzai wants to auction off a total of 1,600 licenses. This is almost 1,000 MORE licenses than we currently have in Pennsylvania.


Turzai's proposed auction, according to his numbers, would generate - for a ONE TIME influx of cash - the same amount of money that the current PLCB system generates in ONE YEAR.


Does this make sense to anyone?

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As Washington State's privatization transition unfolds, the news grows only worse for House GOP Leader Mike Turzai's reckless plan to dismantle the PLCB.

First came word that Turzai's claims about how much revenue the auction of liquor licenses could generate were hugely inflated.  


Now comes the kicker:


Turzai's claim that privatization will mean lower prices for consumers turns out to be a myth as well. 


Just listen to what they're saying in Washington State:

  • A Washington retailer "said distributors told him to expect wholesale price increases between $2 and $10 per bottle now that the state is out of the liquor business, which will translate to higher prices for consumers."[1] 
  • Another said she "does not expect the new state law to draw Oregon consumers or 'booze tourists' to cross state lines into Washington for alcohol," and "[i]t could even get people to head to Oregon to buy."[2] 
  • "The prospect of higher prices has distillers and distributors worried about making a profit while not driving away customers under the new system."[3]

Lawmakers need to tell Turzai to put an end to his reckless campaign. 


His scheme to dismantle the system that generates $530 million a year in profits and taxes for all Pennsylvanians, provides 5,000  

family-sustaining jobs, and helps to keep our communities safer - only to replace it with one that hikes prices - just won't fly.

Get the FACTS about privatization!

PLCB member 2

Before you vote to privatize the Pennsylvania Wine and Spirits stores, you should know the facts.


Visit our website for more information. You can also find more information at the We Can't Afford It PA website.

[1] The Daily News; April 2, 2012.
[2] The Columbian; April 29, 2012.
[3] Seattle Times; February 2, 2012.